The Monkey’s LAW - Renee “Renegade” Steinhauser vs Newbie Nuo for the Loserbelt Championship

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The Monkey’s LAW - Renee “Renegade” Steinhauser vs Newbie Nuo for the Loserbelt Championship

Unread post by ReneeCockyUndercard »

Aftermath of this

Renee was fucking pissed. She was just been told that she was out of the running for the Lightweight Championship by the Assistant General Manager. She had a huge bone to pick with the entire LAW company and she was not gonna play. She forced the music guy to play her music as she angrily shoved the show curtains out of the way.
Renee Steinhauser
Renee walked down the ramp and towards the commentators’ table. She then yanked the announcer’s microphone from them before shoving them onto the floor and climbing into the ring. She then tested to see the mic was working before she angrily paced around the ring, getting ready to shoot this promo.

“Everyone in this building, shut the fuck up! I have a bone to pick with this B-Tech, perverted, useless, absolutely indie-shit fucking company that is LAW and those fucking idiots at the executive chair. They don’t know how to run this fucking company! I can run LAW way better than any of those idiots in the back. But that’s not why I’m out here today. No. I’m here because I wanna tell you guys the utter BULLSHIT I was told by our supposed ‘Assistant General Manager’ of LAW. She told me that because I decided to call out Annie and have a match with her, I’m no longer in the running for that title anymore. Which is complete and other bullshit because how the fuck are you gonna pull me, Renee ‘Renegade’ Fucking Steinhauser, out of the title picture in favor of a fucking movie star. A fucking movie star! I’m sorry. I thought this was LAW and not the fucking WWE. So you know what? I’m tired of being nice to those losers in those office chairs. I have been in the wrestling business for so many fucking years! I have been in LAW for so long. I FUCKING BROKE MY BACK FOR LAW! And this is how they repay me? Push me out of a title picture, THAT I FUCKING WORKED TO GET TO, in favor of this failing actress who decided to get into the wrestling business? Well. Now I’m mad. Now I’m fucking mad! So hear this LAW. HEAR MY FUCKING DEMANDS! I want a shot at ANY LAW title. Because apparently there is some hierarchy in this business that I’m not apart of. So much so that the titles don’t change hands at all. We got a lot of fucking Roman Reigns in LAW, hmm? But I know you guys. You won’t listen to someone who’s ‘coming up the ranks’. Well, maybe I should make you listen to my demands. Maybe I should cause a fucking riot in this ring right now. Tear off each barricade and open the door to the fans to the locker rooms. I can do it. Fucking watch me! SO COME ON LAW MANAGEMENT! GIVE ME MY FUCKING TITLE SHOT RIGHT NOW! Because I know damn well I can fulfill my promises right here, right now!”

Renee then threw the mic away as she was yelling at the ramp, practically begging LAW management to listen to her demands. She also had her plan set up if LAW wasn’t gonna listen to her. She had all the power to follow through with her plan, regardless on her employment status after this so called “raid”.
Renee’s Undercarders

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Re: The Monkey’s LAW - Renee “Renegade” Steinhauser vs Newbie Nuo for the Loserbelt Championship

Unread post by Random_Username »

Nuo wasn't there to see what happened behind the stage. When she was informed of her Loser Belt match, she nod without question. It was until she waited backstage she saw Renee through the monitor. Watching her screaming loudly into the mic to the point she had to lower the volume. Even if the volume hit 0, you'd still understand the frustration based on the gestures and expression she was making.

Though, that didn't matter since she still went along with it. She may be carrying the Loser belt, but that didn't mean she was going to let her ragdoll her across the ring. If they put Renee into this match then that means she also had something to redeem.

Once Renee was done with her rant, Nuo would make an entrance by walking down the ramp with the Loser belt hanging over her shoulder. Wearing her usal attire with white slingshot and black briefs underneath along with other accessories. As she entered the ring, the referee waiting for her would ask for the belt which Nuo complied. With the belt now in the referee's hands, Nuo approach to the center of the ring where she'll meet Renee Steinhauser.

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