Nela Ribeiro vs. Hinata Huerta

Official Women's Wrestling matches take place here. There are multiple LAW Arenas throughout Japan, each offering different shows/rings
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Nela Ribeiro vs. Hinata Huerta

Unread post by Highfly »

Match Type: Standard

Hinata had not been in the ring in a while having taken a small break to enhance her training. She hadn't been bad since coming to LAW but she hadn't lived up to her own expectations either. She was 6-6-0 not great but hardly any kind of standout. She was going to start changing that tonight in the ring against her opponent Nela. Hinata was determined to start showing LAW that she was a winner in the ring not just some mid-level wrestler to take up a roster spot. She was wearing her orange and white attire showing off her figure for everyone to see. She was also very mobile in this outfit and she was ready to send hard, fast strikes at her opponent all match long.

Hinata's music began to play and she came out into the arena. She had a serious, focused look on her face. She just stared forward at the ring and walked over, sliding in underneath the bottom rope and standing up. She raised a fist and nodded before quietly settling into her corner. She was glaring up at the top of the ramp ready to take it to Nela as soon as that bell rang. Hinata was thinking only of her opponent, the match and how to walk out standing tall in victory tonight. Nothing else was on her mind at this moment. The middling Hinata of yesterday was gone. She was going to go out and show the world that she was a force in between the ropes.

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