Brandi Quinn vs. Katarzyna Zawiślak - Braving Adversity

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Re: Brandi Quinn vs. Katarzyna Zawiślak - Braving Adversity

Unread post by PrinceArjuna332 »

Brandi gasped as she was on all four, trying to recover. But, before she could pick herself back up to her feet, Kate was already upon her, grabbing her by her shoulder before hooking her arm in an underhook as she pulled her back up to her feet. Before she could try to mount up any defense, the older woman received an uppercut right into her midsection.


Brandi's eyes widened as she took the blow. This left her winded, air expelled out of her lungs. She ended up coughing as she struggled to remain on her feet, with Kate keeping her upright for the time being. Hoping to retaliate, she would try to throw a forearm at Kate's way, but due to her current condition, her attack might seem too telegraphed, thus more predictable.

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Re: Brandi Quinn vs. Katarzyna Zawiślak - Braving Adversity

Unread post by ThatPolishDude »

Kate was on the roll, haveing been in control of the match for a long time now and itching to show everyone she could hang in with the best of them by finishing this match as soon as possible. That however made her sloppy and as she was closing in fast, she overlooked Brandi's motion making her react to slowly to an incoming chop which struck Kate right to the side of her neck, near its base, making the girl stumble to the side.


The pain shot through her body, showing off just how powerful her opponent's strikes could be despite her age. She stumbled to the side, wanting to back away as one of her hands went up to nurse her shoulder but her body was still reeling from the strike and as she took that step, her leg slipped and buckled, making her land on one knee, giving Brandi an opening to exploit
Last edited by ThatPolishDude on Sun Dec 15, 2024 5:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Brandi Quinn vs. Katarzyna Zawiślak - Braving Adversity

Unread post by PrinceArjuna332 »

Thankfully, Brandi's forearm struck Kate right at the side of her neck, making her stumble, which gave an opportunity for Brandi to retaliate and turn the table. Grunting, the older woman looked at Kate, and she would take two steps forward before attempting to deliver a roundhouse kick aimed at the side of the younger woman's head, looking to knock her down with the strike.

If the attack connected and she managed to knock Kate down, Brandi would exhale a bit before she ran towards the ropes, looking to rebound from them to add some momentum to her movement. Then, she would return back to where Kate was, so that she could leap up the moment she reached her to bring her knee down right at the side of her abdomen, hitting her with a knee drop!

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Re: Brandi Quinn vs. Katarzyna Zawiślak - Braving Adversity

Unread post by ThatPolishDude »

In a vulnerable position she was in, Kate was a perfect target and Brandi wasted no time in exploiting that by slamming a powerful roundhouse kick to the side of her head! "Tkhha!" Kate let out as she fell to the ground, getting one hand to the side of her head as if trying to protect herself from any further punishment as she turned from her belly to the back, trying to steady her gaze.

Her opponent, however, was not waiting for her to get back in the fight, instead rushing for the ropes to build momentum for another move! "Ghyyyya! She screamed as the knee landed right on target, making her lurch up and turn to her side, curling around the place she was hit!
Last edited by ThatPolishDude on Sun Feb 23, 2025 9:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Brandi Quinn vs. Katarzyna Zawiślak - Braving Adversity

Unread post by PrinceArjuna332 »

Having brought her knee down onto Kate's side with a knee drop, Brandi looked down at her opponent and smirked, knowing that the damage dealt was quite significant. She was looking to take advantage of this, so she would grab Kate by her hair before forcefully pulling her back up to her feet, planning to continue with her momentum.

Rising back up to her feet, pulling Kate alongside her, Brandi would grab onto her by her waist before lifting her up. She would then spin around before swinging the younger woman's body down onto the mat as hard as she could, executing a spinebuster on her. She would also make sure to land on top of her as she would then immediately go for a pinfall attempt.

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Re: Brandi Quinn vs. Katarzyna Zawiślak - Braving Adversity

Unread post by ThatPolishDude »

After receiving the knee drop, Kate could hardly resist when Brandi grabbed her hair and started pulling her up. She was about to push the woman back when she was then grabbed around the waist and before she could react, picked up for a spinning spinebuster that left her flattened on the mats right as the veteran continued with the pin to try and seal the deal right there!



Then all of a sudden, Kate would explode into motion, pushing Brandi off of her to the side while she went to roll in the opposite direction towards the ropes. She'd grab them and slowly start pulling herself up as she looked at her opponent, trying to come up with a new plan.

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