X-Posure vs. Bubbles Burste - Double Exposure

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Re: X-Posure vs. Bubbles Burste - Double Exposure

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While having both of the women getting into the act would’ve been preferable, Melanie was doing more than enough to make up for her missing partner. She had no shortage of sensual energy, and she used it well, easily soking the Virgin Killer into a frenzy with the fingers between her legs.

Bubbles kissed back and began to thrust against her captor’s hand, maximizing every touch, taking every scrap of pleasure she could find. She wasn’t at the point of bursting just eyt, but she was rapidly getting there, and it was clear there was nothing she could do to stop it. Not that she wanted to.

”Oh, fuck! Yeah!” Bubbles reached around and pulled Melanie’s head into hers, intensifying the kiss, her tongue slithering deep into the other woman’s mouth.

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Re: X-Posure vs. Bubbles Burste - Double Exposure

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It was a pity that Samantha had been eliminated, if not Melanie could enjoy this alongside her as she would continue having her way with the other woman. She made use of her skilled fingers to thrust into Bubbles' pussy, relying on her experience to bring the other woman to the height of pleasure. At the same time, she also made out with her, her own tongue slithering into her mouth as they kissed each other passionately, their saliva dripping from their lips as they did so.

While finger-blasting the other woman, Melanie would also use her thumb to stimulate her clit, making sure that Bubbles would receive the maximum amount of pleasure in order to bring her to the height of ecstasy. At such an erotic sight, the crowd cheered loudly, clearly loving the lewd display shown by both beauties.

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Re: X-Posure vs. Bubbles Burste - Double Exposure

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Mariah looked on, nodding, not that worried about the display going on before her eyes. It was inevitable, she figured. As much as Bubbles would try to fight it, there was just no way she could go through a match this long without getting some release. It wasn’t in her nature. It was like asking a lion to go vegan or a deer to eat a steak, such things just were not meant to be. If anything, Melanie was doing her a favor - if Bubbles didn’t pop in that ring, she would wind up doing the job tonight in bed, and she wasn’t sure she was physically up for an all-night sexcapade.

Thankfully, Bubbles was about to get her release, here and now, as Melanie’s mining finally struck liquid gold. Bubbles let out a thunderous, booming cry as an orgasm ripped through her body, making her shake and quiver beneath her fulsome foe. Her body bucked, back arched, muscles strained to their breaking point, only for her to deflate a moment later as the juices ran free between her legs. She deflated underneath her, eyes glazed over in total bliss.

”Whew. That was a good one. Damn good.”

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Re: X-Posure vs. Bubbles Burste - Double Exposure

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Melanie hummed in delight as she finally struck gold, forcing an intense orgasm out of Bubbles. She giggled, clearly loving this feeling of driving another woman to the peak of her ecstasy. Of course, the orgasm alone wasn't enough. In order to achieve victory, Melanie would need to score a normal victory over her as well, either by pinfall or submission.

"Of course it's good..." Melanie said as she would place Bubbles' body down. She would then position herself on top of her, sitting on her face for a facesit pin, keeping her shoulders pressed against the canvas. "I could give you more once I win." She grinned as she would pose while pinning Bubbles, and the referee would come over to start counting the pin.


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Re: X-Posure vs. Bubbles Burste - Double Exposure

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Bubbles wouldn’t lie. The thought of giving up and just letting Melanie have her way was intriguing. It would’ve been a good time if it was just her, but the prospect of getting her partner involved only made the offer much more delicious. A night spent with two black beauties, dominating her, caressing her, controlling her…never let it be said that Bubbles was only into being on top. She was more than happy to be the submissive, when the situation called for it.

But - but but but - she didn’t want to go through all this effort to give up at the zero hour. More than that, she didn’t want to go out so easy. Not when she had a ton of fight left in her. So…


Bubbles was enjoying Melanie on her face, so she waited until the last possible instant to buck her hips and throw her off. ”Sorry ‘bout that.” She sat up and winked towards her opponent. ”Can’t make it too easy for you.”

Saying all that, Bubbles still wasn’t in the best position, drained as she was from the orgasm and what had come before. She was slow to get up and gave her opponent a wide berth, for the time being.

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Re: X-Posure vs. Bubbles Burste - Double Exposure

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Melanie was thrown off her opponent who broke the pinfall attempt. Letting out a huff, Melanie sat up and looked at Bubbles before she picked herself up again. Seeing that Bubbles was still affected by her orgasm earlier, Melanie decided to make use of this opportunity to grab her and pull her up, rising back up to their feet together.

"That's fine. I do enjoy challenges," Melanie cooed, replying to Bubbles' words as she would drag her opponent towards the ropes. First, she would press her against the ropes before she attempted to send her running towards the opposite ropes with an Irish whip. From there, Melanie planned to jump towards her with a crossbody press after having her opponent rebound from the opposite ropes, hoping to take her down.

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Re: X-Posure vs. Bubbles Burste - Double Exposure

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It seemed like scoring an orgasm was making Melanie a bit bold - while this match was getting long, Bubbles could’ve sworn she was a lot more hesitant about things earlier on, less willing to take her head on. Most wrestlers wouldn’t have had the hutzpah to take the fight to her like this, much less pick her up and try to send her off with an Irish Whip.

But points to her for spunkiness, she had that in spades. Bubbles hit the ropes and came back to find the woman flying at her with a crossbody, a move that would’ve flattened her if she’d been half her size. But, even in her cum-drunk state, she was more than capable of handling the threat.

”Gotcha!” Her arms shot out and caught Melanie, pulling her tight against her bosom in the process. She took a moment to step forward, then arched her spine and fell backwards as she released her opponent’s body, sending her soaring with a fallaway slam.

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Re: X-Posure vs. Bubbles Burste - Double Exposure

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After sending Bubbles running towards the ropes with an Irish whip, Melanie then jumped towards her, planning to hit her with a crossbody press as soon as she returned back to her. But much to her surprise, Bubbles managed to catch her in the act, grabbing her in her arms, and Melanie found herself suspended for a moment. Things didn't look too good for Melanie at the moment.

Then, after holding Melanie tight against her bosom, Bubbles proceeded to throw her back, hoisting her over her head, sending her crashing down onto the mat with a fallaway slam! "AAAGHH!!" Melanie cried out as her body hit the canvas, and she ended up with her face on the mat, gasping for air as pain spread all over her body after crashing down.

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Re: X-Posure vs. Bubbles Burste - Double Exposure

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Welp, this had been fun. Really fun. Taking on two wrestlers at one time was one of Bubbles’ favorite things - always pushed her to the limits, let her go crazy, and she never left a match like this without having her fill. But every good thing had to come to an end, and judging by the screen Melanie made, she was reaching that point.

”All right, baby girl.” Bubbles made her way over to Melanie, reached down and flipped her on her back. ”Been fun, but I’m about to bring this to an end. So get ready…”

Bubbles dropped down on Melanie’s lap, stretched out, and threaded her legs with her opponent’s trapping in a tight grapevine. She pressed her hands against the woman’s breasts, digging in for a hard grope as she stretched the woman out, further and further. At the same time, she pressed their hips together and started a hard, heavy grind, stimulating the woman’s pussy as she pounded it.

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Re: X-Posure vs. Bubbles Burste - Double Exposure

Unread post by PrinceArjuna332 »

Melanie was on the mat thanks to Bubbles' fallaway slam, groaning in pain. Seeing that Melanie was on the canvas, Bubbles had decided to bring this match to its end as she went towards her and flipped her over onto her back. "Uuuhhhh..." Melanie groaned as she was put on her back, and from there, she could see her opponent, and it was clear what the other woman was planning to do here.

Melanie let out a grunt when Bubbles dropped herself onto her lap before she stretched out her legs, putting her into a grapevine. "O-ohhhhhn..." Melanie gasped as Bubbles' hands were pressed against her breasts. Then, the other woman started grinding their hips together, causing Melanie to gasp out as her pussy was stimulated by the move. "Ohhhhhh... ooOOHHH!!"

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