Sakuri Kunikai [D] vs. Julia Hiroshi - Oil Match

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Re: Sakuri Kunikai [D] vs. Julia Hiroshi - Oil Match

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Sakuri had figured that even if her opponent was an accomplished grappler, the oil would help even the odds and allow her to slip through her clutches with the right amount of force in the right direction. But Julia definitely wasn't making that easy - it seemed the blue-haired girl had a good enough command of holds as to keep Sakuri held in place, no matter how slippery she was! As her thighs closed in tighter around her waist, Sakuri began to sputter and gasp; she coughed a few times as the air was wrung out of her lungs. To make matters worse, Julia had managed to lock her legs into place, meaning it would be that much harder for Sakuri to disrupt her grip. The only option, then, was to make holding on too painful of an experience for Julia to bear!

Squeezing as hard as she could against Julia's thighs, Sakuri managed to sink her nails into the girl's skin - and that proved to be all she needed. Julia was forced to let go, scooting backward through the oil to try and get away from her. But she did shove Sakuri backward for her trouble - before she could get any offense in to take advantage of the opening, Julia shoved her off her center of balance and caused her to fall down face-first into the oil, landing with a wet smack!

"Gah-!" Sputtering and spitting oil out of her mouth, Sakuri began to push herself back up on her hands and knees. She shook herself a few times, wringing oil from her hair. "If you think that's not fair, it could've been a lot worse, so quit complaining!"

But then, Sakuri suddenly felt a great weight come down on her from above. Julia had clamored onto her back, and now her weight was pushing the brunette back down! With a yelp, Sakuri's arms and legs slipped out to the sides and she fell onto her face again, now held under Julia's weight. "Nngh..! Hey, get off-!"

Sakuri knew there was nothing good that could come from having Julia on her back. She would try to raise her hips and draw her legs inward, enough to slip her knees in under her belly so they were tucked under her. If that worked, she would push them off the mat, trying to buck Julia off of her!
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Re: Sakuri Kunikai [D] vs. Julia Hiroshi - Oil Match

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Julia was not at all impressed with her opponent's tactics, effective as they might be. While she was forced to release her hold, the bluenette was determined to get right back on top of Sakuri. Julie practically threw herself onto Sakuri, trying to flatten her against the ground. Her plan seemed to work quite nicely and would result in her opponent falling back against the oily ring with a satisfying splash! Now laying down on top of her foe, Julie took just a brief moment to catch her breath and hope that Sakuri couldn't just push up again quite yet.

"Hmmmff...worse would have been totally cheating. Gonna get the ring police in here and...and..." For a moment Julia seemed to have rambled herself into a corner. "And...they're probably gonna tell me to kick your butt soooooo..." She continued in an attempt to talk her way out of that corner. Looking to make good on that promise, Julie reached down to grab Sakuri's chin. She began to tug them backwards so she could try and lock in a nice painful boston crab!

Julie's hands locked under her foe's chin. She started pulling back! She was about to give the stretch of a lifetime when..."Ahhh!" A sudden movement had her off balance! "Hey! Stay..." She began, still trying to pull Sakuri back and into her hold. "Stay...there!!!!" Another swift movement had Julie slipping back and letting out a surprised yelp. A hard buck was all it took for Julie to be splashing back in the oil with an annoyed huff. "Ugh...heck!!"
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Re: Sakuri Kunikai [D] vs. Julia Hiroshi - Oil Match

Unread post by CaptainL »

With Julia climbing up on top of Sakuri's back, she was exerting her weight against the smaller girl's spine, causing it to sag and shudder - and causing Sakuri in turn to sputter and groan, her face contorting into a grimace from the pain. One of her eyes squeezed shut as the veins in her forehead bulged. And things would only get worse when she grabbed for her chin, dragging it backward! A pained groan left Sakuri's throat now, muffled as it was by how tightly her teeth were clenched. But the upside to the situation was that the oil that covered both girls' glistening bodies would also make sure Julia couldn't get a secure grip - and Sakuri wouldn't be held down for long! As she bucked her hips up and down, Julia's center of balance on top of her began to slide - and soon, she was forced to release her!

As Julia's fingers slipped from around her jaw, Sakuri fell into the oil, landing with a splash. She began to pant for breath, shaking a few droplets out of her hair. But as the pain began to die down, she realized too that this meant Julia was off of her - and it was her time to strike! A confident grin crossed her face - she could still do this! Feeling an oncoming surge of adrenaline, she shoved herself up to her feet...

...And, considering the ground beneath her was slick with oil, almost as soon as she did, her footing slipped out from under her, causing her to fall backward as one of her feet kicked into the air! "Hiiii-!!" she yelped - but when she came down, it would happen to be right on top of Julia, as she fell down on her with an impromptu senton! Looking back and forth to try and get her bearings, she would notice that a few of the fans were cheering her for her comeback...even if it had mostly been a matter of circumstance. Blushing, she rubbed at the back of her head and chuckled nervously. "Yeah, uh...I meant to do that!"
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