Alena Stepanova vs. Spectre

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Re: Alena Stepanova vs. Spectre

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Alena wasn't playing around any more. She had stopped thinking of this as a competition - now, she was in a desperate struggle for survival. And she was going to treat it as one - with all the fury of a wild animal backed into a corner, she was fighting for her life, and she wouldn't hold back! No matter how hard her back had been torqued and folded, no matter how much she stung from her opponent's fists and nails, Alena was stronger than ever - a surge of adrenaline had shot through her, and her body had become like iron! Roaring in defiance, she pulled down at Spectre's arm - and with the power of desperation alone, she managed to wrench it right off her neck! Spectre had escaped her clutches too many times before. She wouldn't let it happen again!

Retribution was close behind, of course. Spectre wouldn't allow Alena to get away with defying her this easily. Her hand latched onto the Russian woman's face, and Alena hissed and snarled as she felt her nails run over her already stinging cheeks. But if her prior attempt hadn't worked...Alena was just going to go harder on the next. Sooner or later, Spectre would break. She had to. And Alena would do whatever she needed to until that happened.

Her fingers only grabbed tighter at Spectre's arm, holding on with an ironclad grip. Then, she bucked her hips and back upward and threw her weight forward, trying to throw Spectre over her shoulder, and slam her right against the mat!
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Re: Alena Stepanova vs. Spectre

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The strain in her arms hit a breaking point. No amount of scratching nails and scraping teeth could stop her arm from fully extending. Her shoulder pulled against Alena's own, pressing her front to Alena's back. And with her claw-grip already fully applied, she only had the option of—


The mat punched her lower spine like a wide mallet, making her stomach jump. The air clapped from her lungs, wheezing out her mouth and turning her eyes into cat-eyed pool balls. “Bwwugh.” Croaked her synthetic voice through warble and spit. One second she’s numb. The next she can feel her body moving. Kicking off the ground, one knee pulled close to her chest, hips rolled off the ground like in LAW’s many pinfalls — then she thrust!

A boot locked on Alena’s chin.
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— Spectre = #5E0A7F 
— Daishouri = #FFEB80
— Katja Archangelais = #DC143C
— Angelina Tarrant = #BF0000
— Nyarlathotep = #0000FF
— Winter Songbird #8040FF
— Mazikeen = #808080
— Vorona = #BFFFFF
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Re: Alena Stepanova vs. Spectre

Unread post by CaptainL »

By all means, Alena was fully at Spectre's mercy. She shuddered against the strain of bearing another woman's weight on her back, and all the while the masked woman attacked her with her claws, raking at her cheeks and leaving welts along her face. Alena's eyes bubbled with tears of pain, and her body went stiff as she tensed up to try and bear through it. But there was one thing Alena still knew, and it was that she was never going to submit to Spectre. She had set this challenge, and she was fully committed to delivering on what she had pledged! Alena didn't want to let even the odds or the strain deter her from fighting for her life. And she would demonstrate as much, when she cranked on Spectre's arm with such force that she was able to swing her off her back, and slam her against the canvas!

At the moment Spectre made contact with the mat, the arena burst into cheers! Alena was still in this - even in the face of certain doom, she still managed to clench her teeth and fight through it all, refusing to be deterred! Spectre had been stunned from the impact, and that just gave Alena hope. Spectre was hurt. As long as she could keep this up, she could still take her down. As a wise man once said - if it bleeds, we can kill it.

But like a rabid animal, Spectre was still fighting back, even in the face of impossible odds! She shot her leg back toward her foe, bringing her heel up against the grappler's throat! It landed with a crack, causing Alena's head to turn to the side - she staggered a step back, but stayed there, swaying uneasily with the sole of her boot digging into her throat. Groaning a muffled, half-breathless groan, Alena's windpipe sank inward against the weight of Spectre's heel. Her teeth clenched as her head turned to the side, and her eyelids twitched from the tension. But even with this, she wasn't going to let it stop her. Spectre's leg was in reach - and so, she would grab onto it, attempting to twist at her foe's ankle to hyper-extend it with an ankle lock! At the same time, she would throw her weight backward, going to hurl herself onto her back on the mat to gain more leverage over her foe. She'd try to throw her legs around Spectre's knee to lock in the position!
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Re: Alena Stepanova vs. Spectre

Unread post by Monsy »

One moment, her boot feels good planting itself across Alena’s throat, pushing her head and seeing the squishy surface cave on itself. Whatever showed they were hurting was all she wanted. But the next moment: searing bone. Alena’s legs wrapping around Spectre’s thigh kept the targeted leg straight, having the joint and ankle socket slowly grind together like trying to break wet wood by twisting it.

At first she shut her eyes, letting the pain build up before belching.

“NNNNGHHHH.” And Spectre arched on the floor. She grabbed her own hair in quick breaths, looked all the way back towards the opposite way, snarled, then twisted her head back and forth. Inside her mask, she seethed out spit as she clenched her teeth into a solid pearl-white block. Her face burning with the blood forced towards her face.

“NNGHA-a-A!” Her voice modulator glitched in pitch. It hardly sounded robotic at all, part from blips of autotune slipping in as she roared, convulsed on the mat and held bunches of her own red hair. Surviving. And only that.
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— Spectre = #5E0A7F 
— Daishouri = #FFEB80
— Katja Archangelais = #DC143C
— Angelina Tarrant = #BF0000
— Nyarlathotep = #0000FF
— Winter Songbird #8040FF
— Mazikeen = #808080
— Vorona = #BFFFFF
— Maisilyn Madison = #00A36C
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— Karla Reinhardt = #A30000

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Re: Alena Stepanova vs. Spectre

Unread post by CaptainL »

Spectre was using absolutely everything at her disposal against Alena. Even when her body had been through so many punishing holds that it should well have been on the verge of breaking down, she still found the will to fight deep inside of her. But that was fine. Alena was proving she was just as driven! Even when Spectre had her boot planted solidly on her throat, threatening to squeeze the air out of her lungs, she was still finding it in her to fight back. She had to - she had made a promise that she would be the one to take Spectre down, and she was intent on living up to it!

She had Spectre's ankle in her grasp now, twisting at it as hard as she could. She was stretching it so far, it seemed as though the tendons in her leg would snap at any moment! But not even that was enough for Alena. She threw her legs around Spectre's knee as well - and now that she had her firmly in place, she could exert pressure with her legs to crank at her knee as well, hyperextending all the joints in the masked woman's leg in one fell swoop! She arched her back off the ground to draw on even more force! The crowd cheered on such a show of determination - and such a perfectly-executed counter! But Alena had no time to be smug. She was still laser-focused on Spectre with a piercing glare, her teeth clenched in a tight grimace. It wouldn't be over until Spectre voiced her submission. And Alena was out to make her do that!

"Nngh...say it-!" she hissed. She couldn't let Spectre get away from this without being humbled!
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Re: Alena Stepanova vs. Spectre

Unread post by Monsy »

The pain got sharper. Her boot wasn't much protection, suited more for landing than protecting the shin. That would impeded mobility, much like the tendons and bone being squeeeeeeezed against the pocket. Grinding. Like trying to make two gears turn in opposite directions, catching each other with their teeth and both tried to force their way through. Searing. Eye-wetting. She arched off the mat, trying to elevate the limb, but there was no budge.

"TAP! TAP! TAP! TAP!" Went the crowd, with a stomp of their boots and clap of their hands. The referee watched closely, looking at Spectre. She can smell their disgusting breath. Turkey sandwich. Rice with too much soya. "Spectre, do you submit?" And she kept shaking her head, mouthing inside her mask 'G-gooooooodddddd....' "NNNNGGHHHH..." THINK-THINK-THINK. FUCK... "EAT SHIIIIIT." Her autotune started to struggle even more. She sounded more humanized. All the held-back groaning tearing up her windpipe.

"TAP! TAP! TAP! TAP!" But at the height of their cheers, Spectre reached out slowly with a shaking sleeved arm, looking to tap as she turned towards the referee like an admittance of the shame.

WRONG. She grabbed ahold of the referee's shirt, causing them to look at her confused, then moved to grab at Spectre's small hand. In the interim, Spectre did her best to slide her free boot underneath the hold. between the legs, then she STOMPED her sole into Alena's clothed womanhood. If ONE thrust didn't hurt. Then she'd do it again before the referee successfully pried the virus off. All the while, there was only one word in her head.

B R E A K.
B R E A K.
Monsy's Jobbers

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— Spectre = #5E0A7F 
— Daishouri = #FFEB80
— Katja Archangelais = #DC143C
— Angelina Tarrant = #BF0000
— Nyarlathotep = #0000FF
— Winter Songbird #8040FF
— Mazikeen = #808080
— Vorona = #BFFFFF
— Maisilyn Madison = #00A36C
— Jianying Tai = #464645
— Karolina Reinhardt = #FF0000
— Karla Reinhardt = #A30000

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Re: Alena Stepanova vs. Spectre

Unread post by CaptainL »

With the air reverberating with claps and stomps, it was as though a thunderstorm and an earthquake were raging simultaneously in the arena. Alena's body was tense, her teeth clenched, and her heart pounding. She held onto Spectre's ankle and her knee, pulling them as far as she could - she hissed through her teeth, trying to summon even more strength from the depths of her reserves just so that she could pull that leg even further! She threw back her head, letting out a pained cry against the stifling pressure of Spectre's foot against her throat. Just maintaining this hold alone was putting a terrible amount of strain on her. And yet...Alena persisted.

No matter how much it hurt, or how hard it was, she wouldn't dare abandon the position now. She was close - she knew that. With the way things were going, she was only seconds away from forcing Spectre to tap out. The whole arena was chanting for her to do so, and the referee had reached out for her as well. Alena sucked in a breath - she just had to keep this up a few seconds longer, she told herself. She could do this! No matter how frustratingly persistent Spectre was being, Alena still had the entire arena on her side. She would have to break, sooner or later!

But, lost in the fervor of battle, Alena hadn't even envisioned how Spectre could still break free. Yet, the Virus was finding new ways to outwit her. Alena didn't notice her slipping her leg between hers, or planting the sole of her boot against her groin. But when she stomped down between the Russian grappler's legs, Alena certainly felt that! Suddenly, Alena rocked backward as though thrown by a shotgun blast. She let out a gasp as pain shot through her body; her hips bucked up and her legs went numb before she dropped back against the mat.

There she lay right where she had fallen, her teeth clenched in a scowl. She moaned softly under her breath, twisting and turning on her back. The same crowd that had been cheering on Alena's every move a moment ago had now begun to boo Spectre for taking her moment of glory away from her, right when she was on the verge of victory. Alena could hear it all - and yet, she couldn't do anything about it. She tried to lift her legs, only for them to fall back down slack again as another pain shot through them. No matter how much the fans were cheering on her to fight back, and to get back up, she couldn't do it - she had been paralyzed right where she fell.
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Re: Alena Stepanova vs. Spectre

Unread post by Monsy »

The referee wrestled Spectre’s hands from their shirt, landing on their bottom. She grimaced, still oblivious to the unfair tactic that saved the Virus from a knee realignment. Spectre would feel the leg burn almost immediately. The tendons and bone felt stretched and hot to hold, which Spectre did, turning over to her side, trying to bury the feeling behind biting her lip until it bled. She didn't let herself shout. The more it sucked, the tighter her mouth closed, and the more blood pushed into her face to swallow the feeling.But when she looked at Alena, struggling to cope herself. A wounded titan. So frail in finding yet another limit that Spectre imagined exploiting, seven days a week and twice on Christmas.

One move and all that training comes crashing down. All those technical advantages, strength and experience, meaningless to Spectre's boot sole. She was in-love with the results of cheating. And she even blushed, then went onto her stomach then rose to hands and knees. “What’s wrong?" She said in normal volume, placing a hand on Alena’s ankle, primed to climb over her. -Too- rough?” Then she lunged, reaching with both hands to grab fistfuls of Alena’s hair. It would allow her to pull and yank her head into the mat as Spectre leaned with her weight, struggled, pulled towards the side and ultimately tried to get her hips over Alena’s smooth stomach, then take a full mount.
Monsy's Jobbers

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— Spectre = #5E0A7F 
— Daishouri = #FFEB80
— Katja Archangelais = #DC143C
— Angelina Tarrant = #BF0000
— Nyarlathotep = #0000FF
— Winter Songbird #8040FF
— Mazikeen = #808080
— Vorona = #BFFFFF
— Maisilyn Madison = #00A36C
— Jianying Tai = #464645
— Karolina Reinhardt = #FF0000
— Karla Reinhardt = #A30000

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Re: Alena Stepanova vs. Spectre

Unread post by CaptainL »

One moment, Alena had been riding the waves of a hard-fought comeback, and the whole world was cheering her on for it. She had rallied the entire arena to her side - in that moment, she had become something bigger than herself. She had appointed herself the representative of everything that was just and honorable about wrestling, and she was standing up to the woman who seemed determined to bend it all to her whim - showing her that her cheating ways couldn't prosper. All of that passion and determination had flowed through her veins, and she had used it to fuel herself through a beatdown that everyone knew Spectre had deserved for far too long. But then, everything had come to a screeching halt. Spectre had caught Alena off-guard - and now, the malevolent virus was looking to enjoy every moment of the dominance she had achieved.

As Spectre came crawling over her, Alena looked up at her with a hiss. One eye was squeezed shut, and her teeth were clenched in a grimace. She couldn't do much about her current situation, but that would only make her that much angrier. If she wasn't feeling so sore, she knew, she would be throwing herself into Spectre at full force and pounding her into a pulp. For daring to do this to her. For spitting on everything that was sacred about competition and sportsmanship. The people needed her to be a hero now, and if that was what they wanted, then Alena was going to take up that mantle. But she couldn't do much about it here.

And Spectre was going to take full advantage of that, as she grabbed Alena by the hair and slammed it against the mat! The Russian girl cried out in pain, her hips bucking and her body spasming, but then she fell flat as Spectre climbed up on top of her, moving closer until her weight was pressing down against her chest.

A breath was forced out of Alena's lungs as her ribs sank under Spectre. She could hear the fans all around her, cheering and drumming their feet against the floor as they encouraged her to get up, to keep fighting. Her eyelid began to twitch as she shored up the will to resist. And then, Alena realized it - yes, Spectre was pushing her too far. She couldn't let this happen, she told herself. She couldn't let Spectre win - she couldn't let her get away with everything she had done! She wouldn't let herself be dominated like this!

Roaring with a battle cry, Alena would shove her shoulders higher, muscling her way in closer to Spectre! She'd go to throw one arm around her throat, pulling her head downward as she exerted some pressure with a guillotine choke! At the same time, she'd bring up her legs to throw them around Spectre's waist, completing the hold! As she did, the crowd erupted once again in even louder cheers - Alena was fighting back after all!
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