Muscles against Curves: Nachi and Nagato vs Maria and Calista

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Re: Muscles against Curves: Nachi and Nagato vs Maria and Calista

Unread post by LunarOcean »

Less like a human and more like a living pillory, Nachi's body was rocked left and right if only due to Maria's raw desperation. Yet the position of her limbs remained and unchanging, just like her expression; was it relaxed or merely just strict? With strength and discipline, the stretched her comparatively inexperienced opponent with the same ease one would stretch out some dough to roll. It seemed the hold would last forever; at least the pain gave that fear a vague semblance of truth.

After one last stretch, the poor Brazilian's leg and upper body would be let loose. However if she thought she was going to be free, she was to be rendered both sore and mistaken. The older heavyweight's body transitioned from a diagonally pinning position to a parallel body to body press. Snatching at her arms to cross them over her head, then grasping her right wrist with her left hand and her left wrist with her right hand, Nachi settled face to face, chest to chest, and belly to belly over her opponent.

Powerful thighs settled against the sides of her opponents, tensed muscles brushing against plump while an iron grip would tightly compress her wrists. However, the most important element of this full body press wouldn't be that or her breasts but rather her belly. Maria had gotten a taste of it earlier but that was just an appetizer. The force that summoned desperate tension from Maria's belly descended again but this time with nearly Nachi's entire body weight to bear down. Powerful rows of mountain range abs tensed hard and pressed down, crushing whatever resistance they could with imperious force.

Once and if that was successful would come the second and even more important part of her attack. The actual press wasn't meant to completely crush Maria. Her abs were to be flattened just enough that Nachi's could settle in to them comfortably while ensuing she'd have to struggle to flex. And flex and tighten she would as Nachi body rocked back and forth, up and down. It was a vigorous, aggressive, but not uncontrolled motion. Her feet twisted and pressed against the ground, thighs hardening with strength as she stabilized herself partially by pressing down on those captured wrists.

Like a living steamroller, she moved up and down in rigorous and strong grinds, each wave of motion capable of forcing most other heavyweight's bellies to bend in submission or quiver and tighten in fiery arousal. She'd rake and bombard her with belly to belly brushing at first but after five mighty grinds, press down hard and increasing the weight bearing down on her. Her own breasts were growing dense with arousal, making them harder, thicker, and harder to squish... meaning she was pressing hard enough their shoulders nearly touched. All the while she'd subtly shift her abs back and forth, trying to see which parts of Maria's belly were the most sensitive after all that rubbing and giving them subtle yet intensely passionate "nicks".

While it seemed minor, trying to arouse those sweet spots in such a way was akin to a cold wind blowing across wet, exposed skin. It'd chill her in its own lewd, steamy way.
The Lunar Fleet

From shortest to tallest:

Tatsuta Murasaki

Nachi Kuroda

Ionel Thompson

Unryuu Kisugi

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Re: Muscles against Curves: Nachi and Nagato vs Maria and Calista

Unread post by PoisonChalice »

Maria let out a ragged sigh of relief as her body was finally released from Nachi's punishing grasp. The stretching and squeezing left her body aching terribly, leaving the plump Brazilian with doubts about her ability to defeat her muscular foe.

She didn't have long at all to ruminate on her doubts because the Japanese powerhouse seemed not have been done with her!

Lying on top of her, body against body, the bodybuilder's strong hands restraining her wrists like unbreakable shackles, Nachi forced a weak groan from her prey as she ground her into the mat with her dense body, diamond-hard abs easily compressing flesh and muscle alike!

And yet it seemed Nachi stopped just shy of completely crushing the Brazilian beauty. Instead she elected to engage in some belly-to-belly brushing, moving her body in waves of exhausting and arousing pressure, testing the limits of Maria's less-than-stellar abdominal muscles before pressing her entire weight on Maria's pillowy body!

"Oooh...! Oh god!" Maria couldn't contain the indecent whine escaping from her lips as Nachi pancaked Maria's soft breasts with her own smaller but far firmer pair! But what was more intriguing was what Nachi was doing with her belly. The way she moved and rubbed her abs against her seemed to tease sensitive spots the plus-size beauty didn't even know she had, awakening her to entirely new vistas of mind melting pleasure!

The more experienced Nachi was playing her curvy opponent like a finely tuned instrument, eliciting a symphony of contented sighs, surprised gasps and desperate moans from her sensitive body. The teasing left Maria's cheeks flushed and her body trembling with lust! The question was no longer if Maria could escape her captor's clutches but rather if she even wanted to!

"Maria! Tag!" Shouted the increasingly worried Calista, trying rouse her partner from her haze of pleasure. She was beginning to think she'd thrown Maria to wolves by sending her in first as it became rather obvious that the she wouldn't be able to match the duo of hard-bodied veterans! After all, Nachi was bad enough; her massive partner looked even tougher! Calista needed to get in the ring. If she left Maria in there she'd be little more than a plaything for the older, more experienced women!

Thankfully, Calista's shout brought Maria out of her daze and she began to try and struggle out Nachi's clutches! Whether or not she could escape from for immensely strong and skillful opponent was another story! She would however try and take a leaf from Nachi's book, taking notice of the fact that Nachi's legs were not restraining hers by trying to rub her thigh between the amazon's legs in an attempt to arouse and distract her so she could try and get away for a tag!
Roster page coming soon! For now here's my characters so far:

Heat Hashimoto
The Paradise Pair: Maria Amar and Calista Mora
Shinobu Miyama
Lady Davina

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Re: Muscles against Curves: Nachi and Nagato vs Maria and Calista

Unread post by LunarOcean »

Under the passionate barrage of incessant grinding, Nachi inevitably was getting more aroused. Her hard demeanour may have hid that but even she knew that every body to body action would produce a coinciding arousal in the one pinning or pressing. No experienced body-worker would deny that while arousal could make the punisher a harder, heavier, and more powerful pinning force, it also meant that they too would become more sensitive. And Nachi while stronger wasn't impossibly so. With a bit of struggling, Maria was able to move her dense thighs up to Nachi's sacred spot.

It didn't seem like much happened unless Maria would feel the way those strong thighs shivered and tried to squeeze together albeit without the ponytailed amazon's usual confidence. The way her abs seemed to momentarily disconnect, skimming the belly they once pulverized. Even her breasts slowed for a second as Nachi's eyes narrowed. More and more, her body struggled and she seemed to hesitate. If there was a window of opportunity, it was slim and it was short but it wasn't long before she found herself forcefully shoved off of Calisa.

Rolling away, Nachi was a little disoriented but her usual stony expression returned as she rose to her feet, hearing the sound of one hand slapping another. Calista, bigger by her than an inch and considerably heavier, had stepped into the ring.

Nachi threw her arms back, briefly stretching and not so subtly showing off her powerful and aroused muscles. Whereas previously they looked statuesque, now they took on an almost mythic character with how they glistened under the light and seemed both stonier and smoother; she'd clearly been enjoying Maria's youthful body. She looked at Calista more cautiously than she did her previous opponent, approaching her slowly, waiting to see how she would react.
The Lunar Fleet

From shortest to tallest:

Tatsuta Murasaki

Nachi Kuroda

Ionel Thompson

Unryuu Kisugi

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Re: Muscles against Curves: Nachi and Nagato vs Maria and Calista

Unread post by PoisonChalice »

Despite being thoroughly dominated by Nachi, it seemed it was with some reluctance that Maria left the ring. Standing on the the apron, face reddened and chest heaving, she fixed her statuesque opponent with a longing stare. While she knew that she in jeopardy on giving away the match, the less experienced of the the curvy pair had quite enjoyed her time in the ring. Yet she was no longer Nachi's primary concern.

The larger and more experienced of the duo entered the ring, her eyes never leaving the divine figure of her muscular foe. The thick-bodied giantess approached slowly, sauntering almost carelessly toward her opponent.
"Had your fun with Maria? You'll find me a bit more of challenge, I think." Calista soft, low voice was was almost musical yet her tone hid a harsher edge to it. Her smile too seemed to be warm and welcoming, yet possessing an eagerness and rapaciousness to it that betrayed her competitive and lustful spirit.

Calista would attempt to approach Nachi and attempt to adopt a body to body press against her, the plus-sized beauty's arms trying to wrap around Nachi's body in an attempt to envelop the bodybuilder and pin her arms against her sides in a gentle yet immobilizing embrace. If the hard-bodied wrestler allowed their bodies to pressed together, she would find Calista to be something altogether different compared to her smaller partner. While she certainly possessed soft curves that equalled or even surpassed Maria's there was also a denser, stronger, steely core of muscle hiding just beneath the surface. Calista herself would refrain from overt offense for the moment, her body press attempt merely an excuse to sample the feeling of Nachi's incredible body against hers!
Roster page coming soon! For now here's my characters so far:

Heat Hashimoto
The Paradise Pair: Maria Amar and Calista Mora
Shinobu Miyama
Lady Davina

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Re: Muscles against Curves: Nachi and Nagato vs Maria and Calista

Unread post by LunarOcean »

"A harder one I hope." Nachi spoke calmly. Calista's appearance didn't faze her but her eyes focused on her stomach, watching for a hint of strength. There was little time for a thorough inspection though she could tell by her smooth form that she was far from flabby or fat. There was a tension in her now; she could tell this woman's confidence was not without reason rather than one carried by arrogance. As she reached out for her, Nachi shot forward, her belly shooting forward as she grabbed at the white hair's sides with both of her hands.

However, Calista's hands were skilled and fast. Nachi's arms were forced to her side, lessening the force of her belly as she rapidly shunted her spine forwards. There was an audible smack as her disciplined tummy smacked against Calista's. A lesser woman would recoil but Calista's quick thinking had managed to throw Nachi's attack off balance. What would've normally felt like a massive gut punch was now more of a moderately meaty thump; somewhat painful but nothing compared to an uninterrupted version of the same attack.

Yet it didn't dissuade Nachi; there was a smirk on her face.

"You're sharper than your friend." She said, casually flexing and shifting her tummy left and right. This tightly pressed to Calista, she had a disadvantage in leverage. Even if Calista's body wasn't as hard, she could generate more force far more easily or even transition to another submission or slam. Propping her breasts against Calista, Nachi would actively push against her arms; she doubted she could power out very easily, but she'd try to take whatever wiggle room she could as she began pushing her tummy harder into her opponent's, hoping to go from merely massaging her curves to grinding out her abs; she too wanted to see what her opponent was made of.
The Lunar Fleet

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Tatsuta Murasaki

Nachi Kuroda

Ionel Thompson

Unryuu Kisugi

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Re: Muscles against Curves: Nachi and Nagato vs Maria and Calista

Unread post by PoisonChalice »

Calista grunted as Nachi's hard abs thumped into her own. It seemed statuesque amazon's body was just as dangerous as her arms and legs! She was perfectly suited for a body-to-body match but Calista had her own advantages and she was in a good position to make use of them as well. Despite her struggles, the beautiful Brazilian had a firm grasp of the shorter Nachi and she didn't intend to relinquish her grip easily.

Despite being held in a tight embrace, Nachi persisted in grinding against Calista, testing her body. Unlike her partner the larger member of the Paradise Pair had enough muscle to keep up with her, although the sensation made her breath catch in her throat and cause a slight blush in her cheeks. While the Japanese bodybuilder's steely figure easily flattened Calista's curves, the firm core of strength lying just below the surface was unyielding.

"I think you'll find me a very different sort of challenge, honey." The dark-skinned seductress' honeyed voice was quiet and confident as she began her offense. She began tightening her hold, even trying to lift Nachi off the ground slightly, in an attempt to force their bodies even closer together. Meeting the gorgeous strongwoman's challenge, Calista's soft flesh and steely muscle would work in unison to try and grind down and arouse Nachi while she used her powerful arms to try and see just how much she could compress that diamond-hard body of hers!
Roster page coming soon! For now here's my characters so far:

Heat Hashimoto
The Paradise Pair: Maria Amar and Calista Mora
Shinobu Miyama
Lady Davina

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Re: Muscles against Curves: Nachi and Nagato vs Maria and Calista

Unread post by LunarOcean »

"Duly noted." Nachi said. Begrudgingly she had to admit this woman was far from soft and sinkable like her sister. The curves that had fallen easily to Nachi's tightly wound body were nothing compared to her hidden weapons beneath. Nachi grunted and huffed, sucking in air just as the tight grip became painful and crushing. Her abs shivered and buckled, caught off guard by the sudden surge of power and pressure. A powerful, broad core had met her own and with those arms around her back, feet off the ground, Nachi was a captive of Calista's brute strength.

And she did not seem inexperienced with grinding either. Smooth layers of skin would scrub and massage around Nachi's sculpted abs, smoothing them lovingly coinciding with the rough and frictious muscle punishing her with pressure and friction. She felt her abs fall back; once from the loving rubs gently coaxing them to soften, then from the iron belly making good on her aroused body's indecision.

"I take it you practice on your friend huh?" Nachi said, her voice sharp and quick. She'd been hugged by bigger women before; she wasn't considered a dreadnought among the heavies of her prior fleet. Yet experience did little to alleviate the tension and immediacy of the situation. Spreading her legs and pressing her ankles against the back of Calista's thighs, she would try to unbalance her, to try and cause her knees to bend. At the same time, she would try to force her hands into the inside of her elbows, trying to pull them apart.

She'd use the stability brought by her heels digging into the back of Calista's knees to try and steer her body, attempting to grind and grate the Brazilian belly like cheese against her stomach. Her abs weren't winning, she knew that, but she wasn't the sort who used pure force. Nachi would attempt to first press in where Calista's curves were soft, loosening up her belly's tension. It meant Calista would be gaining ground but Nachi wasn't so prideful as to see a few millimetres of lost flexing-room as a sign of indignity.

Nachi's body was not really meant for delicate, teasing, smooth rubs but she knew full powering it through wasn't in her favour. She let her own tummy mold against those curves, feeling Calista's muscles encroaching onto hers, brushing against them in short, swiping actions as she panted in exertion. It was a difficult manoeuvre even for her as she smoothed and sensually scrubbed not abs but soft flesh - aiming to make Calista harder. It would squish her more but with Calista's tensed muscles exposed in how they were working hers, it meant the rest of her body was likely tense... and a gentle, teasing hand running over barbaric, battle-ready muscles tended to give a sharp, lingering arousal.

Essentially, Nachi hoped her now "softer" rubbing would cause Callista's body to get hard enough that it would feel brittle; where just a few light rubs, even a couple of flexed and frictious grinds, would render her quivering and shaking. Nachi was starting to grimace now; her abs were getting sore and she knew she couldn't power out of this one. But she was hoping she'd be able to make her begin realizing she wasn't dealing with a pushover!
The Lunar Fleet

From shortest to tallest:

Tatsuta Murasaki

Nachi Kuroda

Ionel Thompson

Unryuu Kisugi

Arranged in terms of character size from smallest to largest.


Yuudachi Kunikida < Suzuya Jukudo < Takao Okimoto < Nagato Segawa < Laurukka Koskinen < Musashi Ishimoto

Discord: lunarocean.

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