Dana Ashford vs. Persephone Kamenis - MILF Erotic Showdown

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Re: Dana Ashford vs. Persephone Kamenis - MILF Erotic Showdown

Unread post by PrinceArjuna332 »

Hitting Persephone with a body splash, Dana would keep her position on top of her, smiling coquettishly while pressing her own body against hers. Adjusting her own body on top of Persephone's, Dana would have her own breasts pressing down against her opponent's as she would be looking straight at her face, her own hair cascading down as she did so. She would also pin her hands down against the canvas, holding her by her wrists.

"Don't worry..." Dana purred, rubbing her own body against Persephone while she was at it. "I'll try to be gentle with you..." Licking her own lips while looking into Persephone's eyes, she would then lean in and press her own lips against hers, kissing her deeply, slipping her own tongue between her lips. "Mmmmmmhm~" She purred into Persephone's mouth as she kissed her.

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Re: Dana Ashford vs. Persephone Kamenis - MILF Erotic Showdown

Unread post by ADarlingDucky »

It was quite the impact, Dana's hefty curves coming down hard atop Persephone's own, and the body splash would succeed in greatly taking the wind out of Persephone's sails, leaving her groaning beneath the woman on top of her, a poor position to be in! The splash would be followed up by Dana quickly covering every inch of Persephone's body against her own, bringing their breasts together in a tantalizing display as she took hold of the Greek woman's wrists and pushed them down against the canvas! Dana's hair tickled against Persephone's face, and as she rubbed against the Greek woman, Persephone would see her foe slowly lean in, with Dana planting her lips against Persephone's own, taking her in a passionate liplock!

"Mmmmph! Mmmhhh..." Persephone moaned as Dana's tongue pushed past and into her mouth, wrestling with Persephone's own, while the blonde leaned into the kiss, taken by just how sensual and soft Dana was! Persephone's hips pushed upwards as well, against Dana's in a sensual grind between the two, the pair pressed so tight together that not even a piece of paper could be slid between them! But Persephone wasn't going to let herself be ground down without a fight!

"Mmmmmhhh..." With another sensual moan into Dana's mouth, Persephone would attempt to take her body and shift it to the side, attempting to roll the pair of them over while maintaining her kiss with Dana! While not ready to break the sensual tongue wrestling match, Persephone hoped to at least put up enough of a struggle to flip her over and take control back, while keeping her lips tight to her opponent's!

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Re: Dana Ashford vs. Persephone Kamenis - MILF Erotic Showdown

Unread post by PrinceArjuna332 »

With her being on top of Persephone, Dana would try to retain her position, but the other mature woman decided that she'd rather be anywhere but beneath her as she tried to roll to the side, attempting to flip her over. Knowing that she couldn't afford to let her opponent gain an upper hand over her, Dana would break the kiss and get herself off her opponent, rolling away slightly from her.

"A pity..." Dana pursed her lips, pouting as she would rise back up to her feet. "I thought you'd enjoy yourself down there. Well, I suppose I'd have to be more forceful." She would approach Persephone before she could rise up, grabbing her so that she could pull her back up. She planned to wrap her arms around her, looking to subject her to a bearhug.

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