Dana Ashford vs. Claire McAllister - Women of Iron

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Re: Dana Ashford vs. Claire McAllister - Women of Iron

Unread post by PrinceArjuna332 »

Dana pushed herself up, preparing herself to fight back against her much smaller opponent, but Claire seemed to have another plan as she grabbed her by her head. Dana thought about pushing Claire off of her to stop her from whatever she was doing, but before she could do that, her plump backside was suddenly slapped by her opponent, causing her to let out an uncharacteristically girlish squeal.


Dana's eyes widened as she was caught off-guard by the clap on her ass. Claire took this advantage by executing her move, falling backwards and bringing Dana down with her, spiking her head first onto the canvas with a DDT! "UGHH!!" The move had left Dana rattled, and for the time being, it seemed that Claire might have gained an upper hand over the veteran.

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Re: Dana Ashford vs. Claire McAllister - Women of Iron

Unread post by ADarlingDucky »

The longer that the match went on, the worse it had began to look for Claire, but perhaps in a moment of hubris, Dana had continued to encourage the lightweight cowgirl to keep trying her best, and it seemed that this time, Claire had managed to catch Dana off guard! A resounding slap on Dana's ass would echo around the arena, a sharp clap that would cause her to suddenly jerk upright, only for Claire to hold tight to her head and keep it tucked underneath her arm, before wrenching herself back, bringing the heavyweight with her! And in a sudden and sharp turn of events in the match, Claire would bring the massive MILF crashing down directly on the top of her head, drilling her to the canvas with a sudden DDT!

The crowd was shocked by the sudden turn of events, and as the southern blonde slowly rolled away from her floored opponent, she'd pick herself up to resounding cheers, a cheeky smile breaking out on her face for the first time! The crowd was getting behind her, and with Dana down on the floor, now was her best chance to take it to the veteran! And Claire didn't plan on wasting this chance!

"Alright Miss Dana, hope you don't mind me takin' a ride!" Claire said with a smile, before throwing a leg over the veteran's back and mounting her, reaching down to grab hold of Dana's arms and wrenching them up and over her legs, before reaching back and delivering another sharp slap to the heavyweight's ass! Hoping this would wake her up, Claire would reach down and grab hold of her chin, lacing her fingers together underneath it before wrenching back hard, looking to ride her in a painful camel clutch!

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Re: Dana Ashford vs. Claire McAllister - Women of Iron

Unread post by PrinceArjuna332 »

Having her head driven to the mat thanks to Claire's DDT, Dana was left disoriented on the mat, groaning. With her now on the mat, Dana was in a precarious position, and Claire was free to do whatever she wanted to her. Sure enough, she went to get on her back, sitting there and draping her arms over her legs. Dana grunted as she realized what her opponent was trying to do here, but her head still throbbed painfully, preventing her from stopping Claire from setting her up for a submission hold.

The submission hold in question was a camel clutch, where her head was yanked back by her opponent. "AAHH!!" Dana cried out in pain as her head was pulled back by Claire, her brow scrunching up in pain. For the time being, she would remain in that position as she struggled to regain her bearing, hoping to get herself out of this predicament.

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