Lucy Andersen vs. Blau [D]: A Rookie's First Foray

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Lucy Andersen vs. Blau [D]: A Rookie's First Foray

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Match Type: Standard Hentai
Match Rules: First fighter to get their opponent to climax will be declared the winner.

"Blau huh? Lucy was looking at a picture of the newly introduced LAW fighter she was set to face as she stood in the locker room. "Name fits her that's for sure." Lucy finished getting herself ready for yet another lewd style match for the LAW fandom. She'd become accustomed to these types of matches, but she still wished to push herself forward and prove she is more than just a pretty face. A new fighter was a perfect chance to get another mark in the win column!

Despite her best efforts she had continued to come up short in her matches, but that didn't damper her resolve to keep herself looking good for the fans regardless of what the result of her matches may be! Lucy strutted to the entrance of the arena and took a deep breath before her music played across the space filling her with excitement! No matter how many times she made this walk it always gave her a shot of adrenaline!
Popping out in front of the crowd Lucy was met with her usual friendly reception as she began to jog down the ramp. With a beaming smile, she gave high fives to anyone that was reaching out as she passed by. The blonde was always happy to give back to the fans before she made it to the side of the ring and made her way up the corner stairs and into the ring.

Once inside the squared circle, Lucy would give a few more waves to the adoring fans before making her way to the corner. Beginning to stretch herself out, Lucy was anxious to get eyes on this new girl she was facing. Going full hentai for your first match was certainly not something a lot of girls would take on right away. Least of all in front of a packed crowd like this!
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Re: Lucy Andersen vs. Blau [D]: A Rookie's First Foray

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Blau takes a deep breath as she looks in the mirror. I look good ~, she thinks to herself. Blau looks at the clock and her heart begins to race a little as she realizes it's about time. Blau can already hear the crowd roaring from backstage, it seems Lucy is quite the popular one. Blau finishes reading the info that they gave her so she could read up on her opponent. Seems she has had quite the rough streak, well that's good for Blau. Blau stares at the picture a little more, "I can see why they love you so much, a beautiful blonde"

Blau hears her name called and puts on her jacket. Making her way to the ramp, Blau hears her music start playing. Blau has decided to use a song from her musician days, in case there were any fans of her in the audience from those days.
Blau comes sprinting out the ramp, not known enough to soak in the crowd and more eager to give them a reason to like her. The reception is mostly positive, who wouldn't be excited to see a new spark in such a lewd debut ~ Blau can tell there are a few doubters in the crowd, purists aren't a huge fan of an underground street fighter thinking she can hang with the pros, but Blau can prove them wrong!

Blau jumps up the apron and vaults over the top rope, eyeing her opponent up and down as she makes her way to the corner. Blau climbs up the post and strikes a pose in her outfit, Blau can be a crowd pleaser so she should give them a little direct attention. As she poses, Blau wiggles her butt towards the blonde to taunt.
Blau jumps down and turns around, tossing her jacket to the side as she blows her opponent a kiss. Admiring her beauty, this is exactly what Blau came here for ~ to turn pretty women like Lucy into her playthings. Lucy's glowing demeanor warms Blau's heart for just a moment, then she gets ready to snuff that light out. Waiting for the bell to ring. Shaking herself loose and getting into a stance.

"Get ready to sing your sensual song for me love ~"
Last edited by Blau<3 on Tue Dec 31, 2024 2:04 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Lucy Andersen vs. Blau [D]: A Rookie's First Foray

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Blau finally made her first appearance before the crowd at the top of the ramp to a relatively warm reception for a new talent. As the woman began to make her way to the ring, Lucy still wasn't sure what to expect from this newbie. She was certainly built well and at the very least had some fight experience in her past, but Lucy wasn't sure how that would translate to a hentai style match. Lucy had begun to build some experience in this style of match, so hopefully that would bode well for her in this fight.

Continuing her stretches as Blau hopped over the top rope at least made it clear the woman was athletic. Lucy would finish with her stretches as her opponent climbed onto the the turnbuckle to play a little to the crowd. The blonde would begin to step forward to approach Blau and give her customary greeting, but it seemed she had little intention to commence with the pleasantries.

Tossing her jacket aside Blau began her own warmups while sending a snide remark at the blonde. Lucy would raise an eyebrow at the comment before sending just a little taunt back at her opponent. "Don't be so anxious hun you just might get squashed in the process!" Lucy would then retreat back to her corner glancing at the ref waiting for the bell to ring.


With the signal to begin officially sounding off, Lucy would begin to advance toward the center of the ring curious to see what Blau was all about!
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Re: Lucy Andersen vs. Blau [D]: A Rookie's First Foray

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Blau hears Lucy's little taunt, which Blau only scoffs at. "Says the one about to get fucked by the new girl!" That being said, Blau did take some more deep breaths, this was her first match ever in a professional setting and honestly the roaring crowds and bright lights did make her a bit nervous. Sure in her band days, she performed in sold out stages, but that's very different than brawling and fucking in an arena.


Blau's heart raced as her debut match had officially begun. She thought for a moment on how she wanted to open. Did she want to play it safe and let the fight come to her.....HAHAHAHAHA YEA FUCKING RIGHT!! Blau wants the fans and other wrestlers to know what the fuck she's about! Blau smirked as she planted her feet and like sprinter coming out of the blocks, she came at incredible towards her opponent.

"Here I come love!"

Wanting to test Lucy's speed, Blau would start by trying close the distance before Lucy could react. Blau would attempt to throw a hard right hook aimed for Lucy's face that if landed she would send an alternating left hook immediately after!
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Re: Lucy Andersen vs. Blau [D]: A Rookie's First Foray

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Lucy may not have the greatest record in LAW, but she had been at least trying to better herself even if her record said otherwise. She'd seen other rookies rush forward to start fast, and Blau was no different here. She practically announced her intentions immediately upon the bell ringing! However, Lucy wasn't going to complain about a rookie making something easy!

As the bluenette rushed forward, she telegraphed a strike straight at Lucy. Lucy may not be at the top of the game in speed, but she'd seen enough from other fighters to see this one coming! As Blau came forward and her momentum carried her forward, Lucy would slide to one side and pull a knee up. She hoped to catch Blau in the stomach with her knee allowing the rookie's forward momentum to work against her.

If she could manage to catch the bluenette, Lucy would look to stand alongside the woman and execute a Russian sweep slamming Blau's back to the canvas!
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Re: Lucy Andersen vs. Blau [D]: A Rookie's First Foray

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Blau was certain her strike was going to land, she was confident she was the quicker woman in the ring. However, in this moment experience won as Lucy slid out of the way and used Blau's momentum to land a forceful knee right into the gut of Blau, this weak spot of the bluenette already attacked as she let out a moan and groan with a slight blush.

Blau would bend over holding her stomach, a little flustered from the stimulation in her stomach pulsing. These few moments were all Lucy needed as she grabbed Blau from the side and sent her slamming into the mat with a powerful russian sweep! The ring shaking on impact as Blau let out a groan as she now felt pain from both sides of her body.

Blau would roll over groaning, one hand on her lower back as she would look to crawl towards the ropes to try and pull herself up. Blau was learning right away, the competition here was nothing like she had seen before. This pretty faced blonde, seemingly an easy opponent, quickly punishing Blau's recklessness.

Blau would grip the middle rope and get to one knee, taking a breath before trying to get back up to her feet.
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Re: Lucy Andersen vs. Blau [D]: A Rookie's First Foray

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"That was textbook!" Lucy's mind rang out with a bout of self praise as everything she had pictured in her mind had come to fruition! Blau was a rookie and bubbling with energy, but the excitement had caused her to get caught. Laying on the ground for a moment to relish in her success in executing a successful plan before rolling away and scrambling back to her feet.

Looking back, she saw Blau crawling toward the ropes seeing the move had taken good effect. Lucy would begin approaching Blau as the bluenette made it to one knee holding onto the middle rope. "That'll work just fine!" Lucy rushed forward seeing Blau in prime position. Lucy would get behind the kneeling woman and look for force her neck onto the middle rope. Lucy would then try to place her weight on Blau's back to begin choking the rookie using the middle rope to assist the blonde in her actions!

Lucy knew this was a little dirty, but given the talk Blau spouted at the outset of the match, Lucy felt a little justified. A small bout of punishment for a rookie getting just a little too cocky!
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Re: Lucy Andersen vs. Blau [D]: A Rookie's First Foray

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As Blau tried to pull herself up, the blonde came rushing from behind as she placed her weight onto the kneeling bluenette. Blau fell forward as the middle rope came pressing against her neck. Looking out into the crowd as she was choked in a humiliating position as Lucy bounced up and down, making Blau cough and groan.

"Y-you....little....little bitch....I'm gonna...f-fuck you...up!!" Blau would say in between coughs and chokes as the rope did its job. After a few more embarrassing moments, Blau regained herself and gripped the middle rope to push herself off and making the blonde stumble back. Angrily, Blau sent a donkey kick backwards aimed right for the gut of the pretty blonde.

If it landed, "Now it's my turn!" she would say as she would send a powerful uppercut into the chin of her bent over opponent just before following it up with a pouncing spear into the tender tummy to send crashing down into the mat with Blau on top. Looking down on her with a sinister smile~
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Re: Lucy Andersen vs. Blau [D]: A Rookie's First Foray

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"You're a fiesty one aren't ya!" Lucy kind of liked hearing Blau throw some unpleasantries her way! Lucy wasn't mean spirited by nature, but there was something at least a little satisfying about putting a rookie in her place to some degree! Perhaps some of the more experienced wrestlers Lucy had faced early on had felt the same way.

Lucy, however, had maybe gotten a little too into giving it to the cocky rookie. Treating her like human trampoline must have gotten to her a little more than the blonde was expecting. Even as Lucy stumbled back from Blau getting more restless against the rope, the blonde kept a smile worn on her face. The smile though was wiped clean from her face as Blau sent a kick backward that connected with Lucy's stomach! "ARRRGH!"

Blau was quick to show her potential as a wrestler as she followed up with an uppercut to Lucy's jaw opening her up for the bluenette to line herself up. As Lucy's hands went to her jaw as she stumbled, Blau would run at the blonde planting her shoulder into Lucy's stomach for a spear! Meeting the canvas, Lucy would hug her midsection as she rolled to one side. A pained looked painted across her face as the tables had turned in the rookie's favor!
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Re: Lucy Andersen vs. Blau [D]: A Rookie's First Foray

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"Where do you think you're rolling off too?" Blau said to her opponent before rolling Lucy back onto her back. Blau grabbed the blonde's hair with both hands before slamming her back down on the mat headfirst a few times to keep nice and dazed. Blau then stood up and pumped the crowd to mixed reaction. Some fans liking the rebuttal from the new blue haired wrestler, others a little disheartened to see their radiant blonde pummeled in such a violent fashion. Hearing this Blau decided for the moment she would show off more showmanship.

Turning back to the groggy Lucy who laid on her back, it was time for the punk rocker to show off on of her signature moves "Double Time". Blau leaped in the air and dropped her knees into the midsection of her opponent before rolling forward onto her feet, then to display her athleticism Blau did a back handspring into a second knee drop into the tender tummy of the blonde before standing back up over her opponent. Blau raised her arms, receiving a couple more cheers from those appreciating the teaser into the flashy arsenal of the new punk rocker.
Double Time
After landing the move, Blau would look to show off a little more as she approached the corner and jumped on the ropes. She kept her eyes and waited for Lucy to start and get up. Once the hurt blonde got to her feet and look towards Blau's corner, the blue haired lightweight would attempt to connect a flying drop kicked aimed right for her opponent's bust for another one of her favorite moves she called, "The Heartbreaker"!
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