Touka Akan vs Hazel Nielsen

Official Women's Wrestling matches take place here. There are multiple LAW Arenas throughout Japan, each offering different shows/rings
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Fairy Dragon
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Re: Touka Akan vs Hazel Nielsen

Unread post by Fairy Dragon »

Touka knew that to beat a younger and more energized opponent she had to surprise them a little. Touka's attempts started with her test of strength to show Hazel she wasn't a pushover and then showing off her athleticism in ways Hazel likely didn't expect. Now with Hazel a little surprised Touka had a chance to really get going with her attack, running over to Hazel and deciding to use her strength to give the younger woman another nasty surprise.

She'd quickly grab the big woman's arms and pull her up into a Full Nelson before she got the chance to rise back up on her own. Touka wanted to force her up to her feet and then would quickly lean back and arch herself to lift Hazel off the mat and over her to drop her on her head, without her arms in any place to protect her from the fall!

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Sigma Morgan
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Re: Touka Akan vs Hazel Nielsen

Unread post by Sigma Morgan »

"What are you... a fucking amateur ?!" Hazel thought and cursed to herself as she tried to get back up after her older opponent had taken her down with a drop kick. But before she could seriously consider getting up on her own Touka pressed the issue and her attack, seizing control of Hazel's arms from behind with a full nelson causing the Scotswoman to let out a hiss of pain as she was pulled to her feet. Hazel wouldn't stay up long though as Touka quickly slammed her back down to the canvas, with a move nearly identical to her own signature highland's suplex. "GAHHH!" Hazel cried out as she crashed onto the canvas, her head completely unprotected during the slam!


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