The Glamorous Coalition vs. Snow and Svetlana Zynski

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Re: The Glamorous Coalition vs. Snow and Svetlana Zynski

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Freya yelped as the smaller actress grabbed her by the hair and started dogwalking her causing the crowd to give a rowdy cheer. Kennedy placed her hands firmly on her hips and barked orders for Freya to not let this shrimp do her like that. Elm luckily saw Snow unknowingly place Freya near her and the sisters knew they needed to keep ahead of Snow. Freya tagged Elm in as the bigger Ederne came in looking to charge into Snow with a large Big Boot!
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Re: The Glamorous Coalition vs. Snow and Svetlana Zynski

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Snow strutted around a bit without realizing that she had made a rookie mistake, as she threw Freya near her group. This carelessness would be punished by Elm who dealt her a hard blow in the middle of her face. Elm's foot practically covered her entire face and pushed her back directly to impact the back of her head against the canvas with a dull thud.

Snow could only feel her head move to the underworld after the impact, leaving her extremely dazed and seeing stars. This was really terrible, since she had practically the entire group on top of him.

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Re: The Glamorous Coalition vs. Snow and Svetlana Zynski

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Elm connected her boot with Snow’s face as the actress went down and Kennedy clapped her on throwing out praise. The crowd booed Elm as she adverted her gaze from them to pick Snow up by the hair. Freya went around the ring to also bring Svetlana down and shove her back first into the barricade to keep her down and away from Snow. The referee scolded Freya, but Kennedy got on the apron and called the referee over saying she needed to know her place and she wouldn’t want to lose this job over being a little fickle. The referee was scared walking over to Kennedy knowing the former Jungle Queen held immense authority that couldn’t be questioned. If Kennedy really wanted to fire her, who was going to stop her (besides Dan or Angie if word got out)? Kennedy wouldn’t mind thinning the roster with her newfound attitude if need be. Elm just went on the offense some more with hard elbows into the back of Snow.
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Re: The Glamorous Coalition vs. Snow and Svetlana Zynski

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Svetlana was hurting and still hadn't recovered as she stood on the apron watching Snow do much better than she was able to. At least right up until now. Svetlena also managed to lose track of one of the giants they were against and realized it too late as she was pulled off the apron and shoved hard against the barricade letting out a howl of pain as she crumpled to the ground in a heap right next to where she crashed against the barricade.

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Re: The Glamorous Coalition vs. Snow and Svetlana Zynski

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No matter how hard Snow's head was, a well-placed blow always managed to knock it down and shake her ideas. Which was basically what just happened, although the actress was stunned, she tried to look to the sides so as not to lose sight of the details. Every second was crucial in the current conditions, among all the chaos, she would see Kennedy reaffirming her authority, Svetlana being taken out of the ring and a hard blow that Elm was about to deliver to her.

"Ouch!, Ouch!, Ouch!" With each falling elbow strike, Snow falls face-first to the mat again and again, sounding like a hammer hitting a neatly folded towel on the floor. "Aaaaghhh!" The actress was beginning to think that perhaps she deserved this for causing a rematch so soon. She grimaced and groaned on the floor, trying to catch her breath without success, because every time she opened her mouth it was to let out a muffled scream.

It was clear that she couldn't get up even if she tried, but the referee wouldn't help her as he was intimidated by Kennedy, and Svetlana had just fallen off the apron. She had to find some way to get out on her own, instead of being overwhelmed, she just thought of some way to get out. Although the only thing she could think was ("Kennedy! DAMN YOU!!")

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Re: The Glamorous Coalition vs. Snow and Svetlana Zynski

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If the match continued at the rate it did, Elm and Freya would just win a squash match. It would severely be a big blow to Snow and Svetlana’s careers especially when they were trying to come up in the ranks in their respective divisions. Maybe they wouldn’t be thought of as title contenders so soon, but they may see this as a way to go after potential singles gold getting a win over an established veteran’s tag team or maybe even go after the SWAT Cats for their titles. Kennedy wasn’t going to make it easy on them especially since she could control the rules and the referee’s directions. Elm picked up Snow horizontally as she tried going for a Fallaway Slam throwing the Swedish actress halfway across the ring!
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Re: The Glamorous Coalition vs. Snow and Svetlana Zynski

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Once Elm finished her series of blows on Snow's back, the actress found herself writhing from the pain that radiated around her back and ribs. And it was not at all something less considering that Elm was almost twice her size, weight and musculature, not to mention. Snow would try to roll onto her back, and Elm would grab her to lift her up. Under other circumstances, she would look for some way to escape, but her body still didn't respond.

Snow groans as she hits the mat hard, her bad back taking the brunt of the force. "AAAAH!!" The Swedish actress suffers a painful fall that sent an immeasurable burning sensation through her spine, causing her to make a bridge while turning face-first onto the canvas.

Snow groaned, slowly getting up and putting a hand on her back. She knew she had to move fast if she didn't want to receive more punishment like this, her back was burning and most likely red. Snow squints and looks at Elm with determination. “I'll be sure to get all of this back on you!” she declares as she tries to move away from her opponent, crawling at a great pace towards her corner. Snow's gaze turns momentarily to Svetlana, who was standing outside the ring. The actress doesn't hesitate for a second to get out of the ring to go lend her support to Svetlana, Snow approaches the Polish wrestler and tries to help her stand up straight. “Breathe Svetlana, I'm not going to let those pampered girls of the company play with us or defeat us easily. We will do our best to turn this around.” Snow encourages her and warmly hugs her teammate as she tries to help her in any way she can to get her back on her feet. Before Elm finishes reaching out to try to subdue her between the two of them.
Last edited by APlaying on Wed Feb 26, 2025 3:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: The Glamorous Coalition vs. Snow and Svetlana Zynski

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Elm was driving the wedge between Snow and Svetlana as it felt like this match was about to enter into an early finish. The referee was powerless to try and stop anything Kennedy might implement plus Kennedy had her two muscles doing her dirty work for her. Not to mention, if Snow wanted to escalate things in this match and try to go for Kennedy, she and her little nerdy friend would be packing their bags and cleaning their lockers out. They can always be replaced. Just broken toys to put on the shelf. Elm tried grabbing at the actress, but Snow made it a point to roll away and use her quickness to her advantage. Elm couldn’t quite get ahold of Snow as Freya would get in the ring to help, but Snow and Svetlana were ready to meet them on equal footing!
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Re: The Glamorous Coalition vs. Snow and Svetlana Zynski

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Svetlana accepted the help up and couldn't help but feel like the punching bag of the match. "Focus, they are up and in the ring! I appreciate help but the match comes first, get back in there so you aren't counted out!" Svetlana said as she made her way back to the apron, now far more vigilant about anything the other team may try.

If they charged over she would happily jump down while holding the top rope to watch them tumble outside. If not she would be wary and get the legal women back into the match.

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Re: The Glamorous Coalition vs. Snow and Svetlana Zynski

Unread post by APlaying »

Boiling with anger and determination for the humiliation she suffered in the ring.

"Five!.... Six!..."

Snow quickly nods at Svetlana's words as she climbs back into the ring, her eyes shining with a new intensity in her gaze. “Exactly, we cannot be caught off guard.” says Snow, her voice ringing with fierce pride as she stands in a battle ready stance, determined to make up for any possible inadequacies in her fighting that allowed her opponents to gain even an advantage. momentary advantage against her.

With a primal roar and renewed concentration, Snow charges with all her might, aiming with a powerful shoulder tackle to momentarily destabilize her opponent and regain lost ground. She turned out to be a bigger girl, so instead of tackling her shoulders, she went straight for her knees.

The Swedish fighter's eyes flashed with a fierce and fiery determination as she launched a thunderous strike with a shoulder impact, hoping that her newfound ferocity would quickly turn the tide of the fight as she took on a more relentless style. It was very clear that if she wanted to win tonight, she would have to walk all over these giants.

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