Just Another Squash? Alizeh Midori vs. Lauren Fredericks

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Re: Just Another Squash? Alizeh Midori vs. Lauren Fredericks

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The big blonde was pulled up revealing the tiniest bit of blood underneath her nose but far from a gush, just barely a trickle. Lauren was shocked as the dazed heavyweight as grabbed hold of. She was lift up as the look of surprise was etched on her face with the loud crashing of her big body against the mat echoing throughout the arena! Lauren howled in pain and cried out clearly hurting as Alizeh had taken control leaving her kicking the mat.

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Re: Just Another Squash? Alizeh Midori vs. Lauren Fredericks

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Dropping Lauren down with a fisherwoman’s suplex Alizeh would sit up and sigh softly and nod. Despite a rough start she was slowly getting back into this, turning and getting up to her feet to pick Lauren back up again, looping her arms under Lauren’s own beofre pulling back to go for another dragon suplex this time!

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Re: Just Another Squash? Alizeh Midori vs. Lauren Fredericks

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Lauren knew she couldn't just let herself get tossed around. As Alizeh pulled her up she felt herself in a full nelson! Lauren screamed and wrapped a leg around Alizeh's to prevent the lift before trying to use her arm strength to power out of the hold to escape the suplex! She didn't need another big jarring impact especially one that would target her head or neck area! "No! Not gonna happen if I can help it!" Lauren screamed in protest as the crowd kept cheering on Alizeh!

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Re: Just Another Squash? Alizeh Midori vs. Lauren Fredericks

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Alizeh had started to make a comeback against Lauren, driving into her with a dropkick and suplex. Now she was going for another one only Lairen had something to say about it as she blocked the move. ‘Shit’ Alizeh thought to herself as Lauren powered out of her grip. Pushing the blonde away from her Alizeh would rear her arm back and as the woman turned around she woukd throw her arm forward for a forearm strike right to Lauren’s chest!

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Re: Just Another Squash? Alizeh Midori vs. Lauren Fredericks

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Lauren managed to stop Alizeh and spun around only to take a hard shot to the chest one far stronger than she anticipated from the middleweight! "OOMPH!" Lauren groaned as she hobbled back on limp legs but stayed up, trying to get payback by stepping back up and planting Alizeh with a forearm to the chest in return!

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Re: Just Another Squash? Alizeh Midori vs. Lauren Fredericks

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Despite having her attempt at offense get cut off Alizeh was not about to let the woman iff so easily. Turning her around she wanted to keep things rolling with a forearm strike! Despite it having Lauren rolling she wasn’t totally blown back and retaliated back with a strike back! ”Ugh!” Alizeh cried out, stunbling back herself, her knees shaking before she pulled herself back around and slammed a forearm back at Lauren! Though it wasnt as strong as her first blow.

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Re: Just Another Squash? Alizeh Midori vs. Lauren Fredericks

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Lauren grunted and hobbled back a step but she righted herself shaking her head while rubbing her chest. Lauren took a deep breath and let out a war cry of a shout lunging back at Alizeh and trying to smash her with a forearm again! Lauren didn't want to get out-struck... although the big blonde certainly struggled with endurance which she hoped wouldn't bit her too hard! She had to hit back as hard as she could though knowing that Alizeh demonstrated a knack for being able to quickly build impactful momentum!

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Re: Just Another Squash? Alizeh Midori vs. Lauren Fredericks

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Alizeh panted softly as she delivered the forearm strike back to Lauren. Unfortunately however the big blonde was just as fired up, and with a war cry swung her arm around to deliver a massive retaliation strike right back at Alizeh! "Ngh!" Alizeh cried out, blown backwards by the blow, collapsing onto her shoulders, her legs hanging over her head from the impact, left breathless from the blow!

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Re: Just Another Squash? Alizeh Midori vs. Lauren Fredericks

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Lauren smiled as the crowd booed the fall of Alizeh and she felt like she had a chance to slam her silly again! "What goes up must come down huh?" Lauren shouted as she pulled Alizeh up by the hair. The crowd booed her loudly and she waved at them dismissively. "Oh shut up!" Lauren screamed before grabbing Alizeh between the legs and around the shoulder clearly setting herself up to scoop slam Alizeh once again!

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Re: Just Another Squash? Alizeh Midori vs. Lauren Fredericks

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Absolutely bowled over by Lauren's fore arm strike there wasn't much Alizeh could do. Legs hanging over her and vulnerable as the blonde woman grabbed her hair and hauled her up, making Alizeh blush and moan softly as she was yanked up to be grabbed once again. "Whoa!" Alizhe yelled as she was lifted up, legs kicking about, in major danger of getting slammed again!

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