Rache Werwolfs: Alex Wolf Vs. Ina Rosenbaum

Official Women's Wrestling matches take place here. There are multiple LAW Arenas throughout Japan, each offering different shows/rings
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Rache Werwolfs: Alex Wolf Vs. Ina Rosenbaum

Unread post by Epicsnivy »

Standard Match

Alex Wolf Vs. Ina Rosenbaum

Win via Pinfall, Submission, Disqualification or Countout
”Alex Wolf”
Alex was used to being overshadowed, she did realize that in all the glitz and glamour in LAW, especially with how flashy her girlfriend is, that she can come off as a little basic. However that just motivated her to be even cooler, and be everyone’s dream opponent in terms of how much cool she could spread.

Speaking of being overshadowed, many thought that Alex stood zero chance in her upcoming match against Ina Rosenbaum, as Ina has been tearing through her opponents left and right. However Alex saw this as her opportunity to improve how cool she was, by stopping the unstoppable monster and defeating Ina.

Alex was doing several stretches to both her arms and legs, as she needed to keep her nice toned body that she worked incredibly hard to achieve very nice and limber. She knew she needed to be in top tier shape for this match if she wanted to win. Soon enough, the LAW official came knocking on the door, letting Alex know that her match was about to begin and that she was coming out first to which Alex smiled confidently and waved before heading out.

The women from Green Bay, Wisconsin came out to purple lighting and a nice response from the crowd, before marching her way down to the ring, slapping hands with some fans as she walked down the ramp. She walked up the steel steps and between the middle and top rope to enter the ring, before heading to the center of the ring and doing a wolf howl.

She then headed to her corner of the ring, as she waited for her opponent to come out.

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