Endless Blaze: E'isa VS. Bengal

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Endless Blaze: E'isa VS. Bengal

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Thanks to XXVV for having this match with me!

Match Type: 1v1, Standard

E'isa, the Endless X
Bengal, the Blaze Tiger

Bengal's agent had advised her against fighting above her weight class, but the Tiger had refused to listen. "Who cares if she's a heavyweight? It just gives me a bigger target," she'd quipped, as the agent rolled her eyes. Now, standing backstage at her next L.A.W. event, she was trying to summon that same feeling of self-assurance. She heard her entrance theme kick in, followed by the roar of the crowd, but even that didn't seem to do the trick. It wasn't the fact that she was fighting a larger woman; Bengal had done that before, and had won more often than not. It was the footage she'd seen of her opponent's previous matches. The "Endless X" wasn't just big - she was strong, and surprisingly fast too. Her unrelenting brawler style had already earned her several victories. Now, it was Bengal's turn to challenge her.

She's got a lot going for her, Bengal thought, as her entrance music rose to a crescendo. But so do I. Besides, she had a strategy in mind to nullify her opponent's size advantage. Feeling more confident now, she adjusted her cat ear headband one last time, then dashed out into the arena, swiping at the air dramatically with her sharpened nails. As soon as her striped boots touched down on the entrance ramp, a shower of sparks went up around her, dancing across her umber skin and reflecting in her orange eyes. She stalked down to the ring, pausing occasionally to glare at the fans packed into the aisle. Several of them were holding signs in support of E'isa, which the Tiger found absolutely infuriating. Fortunately for them, this wouldn't be a Falls Count Anywhere match, so Bengal would have to keep her attacks confined to the ring.

Bengal leaped nimbly onto the apron, before turning to take one last disdainful look at the crowd. Then she ducked under the ropes and got into position in the corner, as the ring announcer's voice boomed out: "Ladies and gentlemen, the following contest is scheduled for one fall! Introducing first...standing at a height of five feet, seven inches, and weighing in at one hundred and forty pounds...from Kolkata, India...THE BLAZE TIGER! BENGAL!" Cheers and jeers rained down in equal measure. The Tiger arched one of her trimmed eyebrows, but otherwise made no response. Her attention was fixed on the top of the ramp, waiting for her opponent.
Last edited by BengalTheBlazeTiger on Wed Jan 29, 2025 8:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Endless Blaze: E'isa VS. Bengal

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E'isa would look on at her phone. Confused as it was 7 am on a Friday. Her agent had been calling her non-stop since 6 in the morning yet she refused to reach over. Rolling over in bed, covering her head with the pillow, counting to three. Nothing worked! So in an attempt to stop the "Disturbance" she'd reach for her phone in anger.


"E'isa baby.. It's your one and only.. The setup queen herself.. I'm calling to let you know I booked you another match!"

E'isa hearing match would sit up in bed. Wondering who it could be. Wondering who would reach out for a match against a star like herself. She'd shake her curls curious what her agent would say.

"I can feel your excitement through the screen and we're not even on video.. Listen listen! You've got Bengal The Blaze Tiger tonight."

E'isa would look confused unsure if she was joking or not.

"Bengal.. The middleweight? You're joking right.."

"No no E'isa baby.. She'll be waiting for you in the ring tonight and from what I hear.. She's not scared of you.."


E'isa would pop out of bed and go through her day before making her way to the arena once more. The hype was always present whenever she arrived. Coming in to get changed she'd take her normal spot in the back before doing her custom warm-ups this time adding some squats to trying to get her legs going. E'isa would then stop to review her opponent for the night.

"Bengal huhh? Okay.. Very agile, quick on those feet.. The name rings true.."

Then she'd pause in moments where Bengal would not shy away from being dirty.

"Hmm so we've got a naughty tiger.. gotta be mindful of that.."

Finishing her warm-ups she'd close her locker and pop out the locker room. Stopping at the ramp, getting a peak at Bengal coming down and making her entrance. E'isa would look her up and down. She looked formidable, but the size difference was clear as day. Seeing her get into the ring E'isa would hear her theme sound off.

Jumping out to hit her signature "X". The pop was loud but the reception again mixed. Though E'isa at this point had adjusted. What she heard now was the usual. A clear wave of boos and then a contrasting wave of cheers as her fans, some even carrying signs would show their respect. The Latina would make her way down the ramp, swinging her hips side to side. Angering some fans as she'd feint like she was going to give a high-five and then back off.

After hitting the bottom of the ramp she'd hop onto the apron. Making sure to execute her split on the apron. Always trying to pay homage to her favorites before she'd slide under the bottom rope. Pausing for a moment to look up at Bengal, still confused why she wanted this match. Popping up as her hips would bounce, she'd waste no time stepping up to Bengal. Face to face as she'd bump her chest into Bengal's looking to make her back up a step.

"I got up for you? Jeez.."

Gazing deep into the Tiger's eyes as she'd try to get into her head early.

"Listen here.. How about you do what a nice.. good.. tame feline would do.. Sit and pay respect to someone superior.."

Signaling for Bengal to sit down on all fours as E'isa would seem to have no respect for her.

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Re: Endless Blaze: E'isa VS. Bengal

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Bengal watched E'isa's entrance with her head cocked to one side, her face impassive. When her opponent began to stare her down, no doubt trying to psych her out, she met E'isa's gaze fearlessly. Even though the other woman was larger and stronger, Bengal refused to back down. And despite what E'isa had said, the fire burning in the Tiger's dark eyes was anything but tame.

When E'isa chest-bumped her, Bengal couldn't help being impressed by the Endless' perfect curves. But as for sitting at her opponent's feet...well, she'd rather die before she did that. The Tiger didn't recognize anyone as her superior, not even the fighters who had already defeated her. She certainly wouldn't be groveling for a woman she'd never even met before.

"Don't worry about getting up," she sneered, bumping E'isa back with her own, decidedly smaller chest. "You'll be back down soon enough, when I knock you out cold." She narrowed her eyes angrily. "You want respect? That's something you have to earn," she continued. "You don't look like you could earn anything from me, except a beating. Prove me wrong."

Before things could escalate any further, the referee inserted herself between the two competitors, directing each of them back to their corners. A hush fell over the crowd, as they anticipated the sound of the opening bell: DING-DING-DING!

Normally, Bengal liked to start matches off with big, explosive moves - sudden kicks and knee strikes to overwhelm her opponent. Tonight, however, the strategy she was planning called for a more precise approach. She stalked toward her opponent, head weaving back and forth, hands raised. Her clawlike nails caught the glow of the overhead lights, glinting like daggers. The fans were on the edge of their seats, waiting to see how E'isa would react.
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Re: Endless Blaze: E'isa VS. Bengal

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E'isa would expect some resistance. Thinking maybe Blaze was potentially anxious about her size disadvantage, the Latina leaned into that when trying to embarrass and mock her. Even if she thought wouldn't pay dividends early, she believed mind games would pay off later. She came in wanting to send a message and get Blaze to understand. Though she was in the ring with E'isa that did not mean they were equal. A message she was committed to showcasing in this matchup.

No surprise Blaze would respond and step right back up to E'isa. Who wasn't bothered or surprised, the chance of Bengal actually sitting on all fours was a long shot. Not a coin flip by any means but the visual still floated in her mind. Up until Bengal chest bumped her back. A reminder she was still in the match, her mini daydream of Bengal submitting before the match even started had ended. Only faintly hearing her remarks beforehand, now getting to hear the rest post chest bump. The realization hitting that her agent was not lying.. Bengal actually came in confident.. Believing she could win..

"Yo.. Do you really think you have a shot.. Against a star like myself?"

E'isa growing annoyed at Bengal's confidence despite her current situation. Wondering if she was really this confident? Or was she just this oblivious to what she signed up for? Official stepping in to ensure nothing started before the match. E'isa backed off, giving a warning of what was to come.

"You will understand your ignorance soon enough.. Ignorance is indeed bliss it seems.. Except your bliss will end the moment the bell rings.."

E'isa locked onto Bengal as the bell rang. Making her way back to the center before her eyes would catch sight of the sharp nails shining with every light and reflective object they came into contact with.

"Hmm I see, there's some of those tactics I've seen in the clips.."

Taking a cautious approach as she circles the woman. Eyeing angles and looking at potential spots to target. After a brief assessment, she'd step in closer. Going for her usual standard lockup, something she always looked for.

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Re: Endless Blaze: E'isa VS. Bengal

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Bengal could tell that E'isa was going to be a difficult adversary. That much was obvious from the Latina's corded muscles, and the arrogant gleam in her eyes. But the only star in L.A.W. that the Tiger cared about was herself. She was going to take her shot, no matter what the odds.

She stepped toward the center of the ring, moving as if she was going to lock up with E'isa - but it was just a feint. Bengal knew that getting in a grappling contest with the larger woman would be a recipe for failure. She'd already seen how skilled the Endless X was in that department. But she won't be able to grab me if she can't see me, the Tiger thought to herself. As she drew close to E'isa, she swiped high with her right arm, looking to slash her opponent across the face!

It was a nasty trick, but Bengal was willing to do anything that it took to win. Ideals of "respect" meant less than nothing to her now. No one ever won a match by respecting the other wrestler super hard, she reflected grimly. When this crowd saw what she was going to do to E'isa, they might not respect her, but they would fear her. She preferred it that way. Her clawed hand flickered through the air like a scythe, giving her opponent only a fraction of a second to react.
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Re: Endless Blaze: E'isa VS. Bengal

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E'isa after her slow and cautious approach would look to close the distance. She felt like gap closing against an agile and quick opponent like Bengal set her up for a lot. Grapples, opportunities to target and weaken her physically with repeated blows. There is so much potential if she could get a lockup. However, Bengal has other plans.

She would not wait to strike with the tools she possessed in hand. Bengal on her first attempt at offense would pull out the nails first? E'isa confused by the play so early would almost not see it coming until the last second. Looking like it might connect dead on but E'isa surprisingly good at reacting would put her arm in the way and lower her head. Annoyed and still wondering why she went for it so early as E'isa would look to counter.

"This early she goes for that.. We ain't even locked up yet.. What a disgusting feline.."

Lowering her stance, she planted her feet and charged into Bengal looking to get them both into the corner turnbuckle. Attempting to send her crashing into the corner. Wanting to get Bengal off her feet and get the nails out of the way for a moment.

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Re: Endless Blaze: E'isa VS. Bengal

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Bengal's arm whooshed past through empty air, as E'isa ducked out of the way at the last second. The Tiger snarled with frustration - but she should have used that time to prepare herself. The next second, she felt like she'd been struck by a charging bull. E'isa plowed into her ribs with a powerful tackle, nearly knocking her off her feet. The Latina's furious momentum drove Bengal into the corner, smashing her back against the turnbuckle. She gritted her teeth upon impact, so she wouldn't cry out in pain. She didn't want to give her opponent that satisfaction - not now, not so early in the match.

The Tiger's back was throbbing, but she couldn't waste time licking her wounds. She had to get out of the corner now, before E'isa did further damage. And she had just the idea for how she could do that, now that she was obscured from the referee's sight. Clasping her opponent's arms and bracing herself against the turnbuckle, Bengal thrust up her leg, trying to knee the other woman between her sculpted legs. Let's see her hit that stupid X pose after THIS! She thought bitterly, remembering how the crowd had cheered so hard for it during E'isa's entrance. The fans here don't know what real talent is. So I'll have to show them!
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Re: Endless Blaze: E'isa VS. Bengal

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E'isa would escape the claws. For now at least as she'd react in the right moment. Avoiding a big big problem, those claws connecting would have undoubtedly led to some deep scratches across her face. Carrying that type of disadvantage all match long would have probably weighed on anyone even E'isa. Especially if caught in the eyes. The Latina successfully getting Bengal into the corner turnbuckle. She'd look and see the Tiger trying to mask the pain and grin.

Bengal gritted her teeth as the Latina looked on getting set to get some shoulder tackles going. Wanting to keep her stuck in this corner at least until the ref got involved. Hoping to get some hard, stiff shots on her mid to upper body. It was looking good, prepping to set up for her first of many attacks in the corner. But again Bengal would have other plans. Already thinking of ways to take advantage of her position in the ring.

Bengal would take advantage of the official's limited visibility. E'isa had her full body almost covering Bengal in the corner. Using that blind spot she would go for another cheap tactic. E'isa unprepared to take back-to-back attempts at trying to potentially swing the momentum via TACTICS would not expect it. The Tiger grasping at both arms as E'isa in confusion would only faintly see the motion of a knee coming up. Looking to brace E'isa would try to get a leg up but barely miss in blocking it. Her leg faintly met the knee on the way up. Saving her from a potentially full-on knee strike but not the whole attempt.

A gasp would escape the Latina as she'd eat a slightly parried knee in between the legs. Forced to back off her original plan as Bengal had gone low again literally. E'isa would grab the rope to the side of her to try and stabilize, confused how someone who seemed so cocky wasn't interested in even starting the match regularly.

"This bitch was.. *COUGH!* so fucking cocky.. and she starts the match with back-to-back dirty moves.."

E'isa started to think maybe she wasn't confident in herself but in her ability to pull the curtain over on the refs. A dirty yet cunning way to flip the advantage early and try to capitalize. E'isa now trying to gather herself from a low blow would be in a weird position leaning on the rope. Wanting badly to insert herself back into the match but required time to get stable again after that knee. Potentially leaving herself open.

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Re: Endless Blaze: E'isa VS. Bengal

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E'isa was understandably confused by the Tiger's tendency toward dirty moves. The way Bengal had rationalized it, she was using them as an equalizer to overcome the size discrepancy. But that wasn't the whole truth. There was also a part of her that simply enjoyed flouting the rules; it made her feel clever and powerful. She loved the rage it generated from the crowd, the boos that rained down when she distracted the ref or landed a low blow. Who cared about cheers from the fans, anyway? They only cared about a pretty face, and they'd move on to the next one just as quickly. But making a crowd hate you...that was an art form. That was Bengal's cynical reasoning, at least.

Speaking of low blows, E'isa had managed to block most of the impact from hers. Not ideal, Bengal reflected. Still, she'd clearly taken some damage, seeing how she had to lean against the ropes for support. Bengal decided to take advantage of that vulnerable position.

She danced behind the larger woman, then seized onto the wrist of her hand that was holding the ropes, yanking E'isa's arm back and under the topmost rope to trap her in place. At the same time, she pushed E'isa's body against the ropes with her leg, until her busty chest was hanging conspicuously over them. She could feel the Latina's muscular arm flexing with resistance, but she hoped that the awkward angle would nullify her strength and prevent her from escaping. If her maneuver was successful, she was planning to follow up with a barrage of elbow strikes and punches to E'isa's back and ribs!
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Re: Endless Blaze: E'isa VS. Bengal

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Leaning into the ropes E'isa would take a second. Getting some breaths in, trying to gather herself after the low blow. She looked away to the crowd who seemed to be a mixed bag. However, after the low blow everyone but the official saw they'd be calling for her to get payback. She'd grin and realize how fickle these fans were unless they were her diehards. Sticking out a middle finger to those who wanted to change sides. Though to her surprise they would still cheer? Maybe they had seen the tactics and begun to like her strong resolve. Either way, E'isa tried to brush it off. Her middle finger still waving. Unaware of what was going on behind her.

The devious and dirty Bengal was lurking. Dancing on her way to E'isa as she was giving the fans her thoughts on them. Shock came across her as her free hand would be gripped up and pulled between the top rope. Looking to trap her arm. E'isa still feeling she had strength left would try to just yank it out. But to her surprise, it would prove difficult not aware of how weak she felt currently due to the low blow. Still trying to yank, she'd feel her body pushed over the ropes. Leading her to be in a very awkward position over them. Frustrated she'd tried to move and wiggle out but found it difficult.


The trapped arm and weird angle had left her struggling to react as Bengal seemed intent on continuing her attack. E'isa unable to get herself out would find herself in another bad position, looking to brace as she knew offense was coming but would bracing be enough?

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