condition to win: The opponent has to submit via verbal submission to win and claim his opponent for 4 days
hentai is allowed
Emma was sitting in a chair while her foot was going up and down thinking about her last match, really that brown-haired French girl had made the speed demon lose control and let anger take over her, making her potentially dangerous every time she lost control, it was the second time that that had happened to her and the second time that her body ended up in a state of pure exhaustion that she could barely move and more so because of the damage she had suffered during her match, was it really necessary to provoke her to the point of practically being a beast full of uncontrollable anger? Emma really never wanted that to happen again but it happened again and she couldn't help but think about something "Damn wretched really deserve that" She said in a low voice as she clenched her fists in anger and slightly one of her eyes turned orange but the white-haired girl began to gasp and sigh to stay calm, after a few moments she began to calm down as her anger dissipated, her eye that was orange returned to normal and finally Emma calmed down as she sighed in relief, the white-haired girl while her foot stopped going up and down as she remembered something.
Now she was going to have a POW match that included hentai and this made the white-haired girl blush, as this made Emma remember what happened with a sexy blonde-haired girl named Serena, Emma ended up being Serena's slave and well... interesting things happened, the white-haired girl knew that her weakness in hentai was something quite notorious despite the fact that she did spectacular and quite notorious fights when it came to fighting, which could certainly catch the attention of any fighter or spectator but well anyway, she hoped that things would not get as intense as in the fight against Louise, since that had generated a lot of anger but as the days went by that anger had calmed down although the bitter memory of that brown-haired bitch was still in the speed demon's mind but well that no longer mattered, she was already dressed in her classic red leotard with a black top, her tail of a demon, her red antennas and red horns, her black boots for her next match, now the only thing missing was for them to call her for her next match while she closed her eyes a little, she really needed to spend more time with her team or with someone so as not to feel so much anger or stress although there was also the option of being with her brother...
"Emma it's time to go out!" Emma could hear behind the door of her locker room, she used to know that it was time to leave so she got up from her chair and started walking towards the direction of her locker room door, then she opened the door to her locker room and went outside and then using her tail, the white-haired girl closed the door to her locker room with her demon tail, Emma's animatronic demon tail always helped Emma on certain occasions to help her hold multiple things although she didn't use it many times in her matches unless they had no rules, Emma then started to walk while she had her gaze fixed forward her two red eyes showed great determination and desire to fight even though she knew that things weren't going to be easy but still she was going to accept any challenge that was put in front of her while Emma's demon tail moved from side to side as if showing that Emma was excited to have more matches, finally the Japanese girl came from behind the stage and waited for the entrance music to play as she prepared for her match and Emma's demon tail now moved up and down with gentle movements.
Emma heard her entrance theme and she quickly ran out from behind the stage while showing a big cheerful smile as her demon tail moved back and forth, the crowd was very happy to see the speed demon again as Emma's animatronic demon tail moved back and forth as the lights flashed red and white, certainly the speed demon had to improve her entrances but either way the white haired girl was ready to have her match and then she ran at full speed while high-fiving the fans, she really loved doing that as well as interacting with the fans a bit, she reached the edge of the ring where she then climbed up now standing on the edge of the ring, the Japanese girl grabbed the top ropes to then take a big leap to enter the ring, then she walked to the center of the ring to wait for her opponent