Sour Meets Sweet: Haruhi Okamoto (D) vs Niko Tomiji

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Sour Meets Sweet: Haruhi Okamoto (D) vs Niko Tomiji

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The 'Sour Sensation', Haruhi Okamoto vs Niko Tomiji, the 'Sweet Dream'
Match Type: "Standard."
Win by scoring a pinfall of three seconds on the opponent, forcing a wrestler to submit, or knocking the wrestler out. Additionally, if a wrestler remains outside the ring for too long, they will be disqualified after a ten count. Furthermore, if a wrestler performs an illegal move and is caught in the act by the in-ring official, they will be disqualified.
Standard rules - DQs, Count-outs, and the submission or pinfall MUST happen within the confines of the ring.


"...Entering first, hailing from Tokyo, Japan...standing at 5'0 and weighing in at 108 lbs, the SOUR SENSATION...HARUHI...OKAMOTO!!!"


Making her debut, the electrifying, free-spirited joshi-wrestler made quite a spectacle as she burst from the backstage area to a vibrant display of dazzling lights and brilliant pyrotechnics. An array of fireworks would shoot out on her command, firing off in perfect sync as she struck a pose, showcasing nothing but confidence and passion. The Sour Sensation was certainly living up to her namesake, dancing to the rhythm of her entrance music and turning this arena into an impromptu rave party. Sporting a stylish, green fur coat over her detailed gear, the fiery, redheaded Japanese woman would stroll down the aisle, always keeping on the move as she bounced with every step, high-fiving fans and hyping up the audience with her passionate personality. She appeared like a bright sun, shining down upon the whole building with her radiant, warm attitude, already making quite a scene in her first few moments within LAW. She'd grab a mic from ringside, walk up the steps, and cut a quick promo, addressing all of LAW-...from the locker room to management to the fans themselves...

"HELLO EVERYBODY!!! YOU MAY NOT KNOW ME, BUT YOU WILL SOON ENOUGH!!! MY NAME...IS HARUHI...OKAMOTO!!!! I AM THE SOUR SENSATION HERE TO LEAVE YOU WITH A BITTERSWEET TASTE THAT YOU CAN'T GET ENOUGH OF. LOVE ME, HATE ME-...CHEER ME, BOO ME-...DO WHATEVER YOU'D LIKE. BUT DON'T THINK FOR A SINGLE SECOND THAT I'M EVER GONNA STOP. I WILL KEEP ON FIGHTING UNTIL I CAN'T ANY LONGER, MOVING TO THE BEAT OF MY OWN, NEVERENDING DRUM! BECAUSE I'M NOT JUST A SENSATION...I'M A REVOLUTION IN THE MAKING~!!!" She said, gaining a huge pop from the crowd before tossing the mic away to the outside, taking off her fluffy coat, and passing it over to the outside as she began to stretch and loosen up for her opponent...the so-called 'Sweet Dream', Niko Tomiji!!!

Main Roster Character Text Colors (For Ease of Access)

Akari Ito:

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Ami Anderson:

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Haruhi Okamoto:

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Chie Akiyama:

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Natsuki Yoshimura:

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Mikuma Sato:

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Jiyuu June:

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Miyuki Iwata:

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Yamato Ayase:

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Kaeo Amarin:

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Tori Taylor:

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Lilith Lenoir:

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Satomi Saito:

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Anya Young:

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ChaCha Luana:

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Isabelle Romero:

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Carmelita De Leon:

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Giselle Beauregard:

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Octavia Venus:

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Renee Winters:

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Grace Moore:

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Maeve Harlow:

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Umi Yamamoto:

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Kairi Yamamoto:

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Nia Orion:

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Beatrix Briar:

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Lynda Jäger:

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Jade Cho:

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Aoi Hoshino:

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Kyoko Matsumoto:

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Re: Sour Meets Sweet: Haruhi Okamoto (D) vs Niko Tomiji

Unread post by Bare »

Niko smiled softly as she stretched backstage, preparing herself for her next bout. This time it was against a debuting opponent. Someone by the name of Haruhi Okamoto. Niko didn't know too much about her obviously since the girl was new but based on what she heard from the crowd she certainly knew how to put on a show! Still her opponent wasn't necessarily what was on Niko's mind. No instead she was focused on herself. Her performance and her ability to not only compete but win. Finally she was showing everyone that she was no longer a jobber but she couldn't let up, and this was the perfect opportunity to do it!

"Next her opponent... From Kobe, Japan... Standing at 4'9 and weighing in at 110 pounds... The Sweet Dream Nikoooo Tomijiiiii!

As her theme music started Niko took a breath, the intro from the announcer definitely helping Niko's confidence out as she burst forward from the curtain, posing proudly atop the ramp before striking a cute pose. Something that definitely pulled the crowd to her side as well, cheering and wolf whistling for her as she began to make her way down the ramp. Skipping even with giddiness as she high fived the fans towards the ring. Hopping up onto the apron and stepping over the ropes, putting herself halfway in and shaking her but for the crowd and camera before stepping all the way through, posing once more, showing off her outfit!
Done with the entrance proper Niko would then turn to face her opponent and... "Oh damn." Niko said to herself surprised at just how attractive Haruhi was. Yeah she definitely understood why the crowd reacted as they did, Niko probably would have too if it wasn't embarrassing. But Haruhi was as cute as she was fierce looking.

A cute face, beautiful hair, and nice figure with surprisingly sculpted muscles that made it clear she was physically capabale. A near perfect blend of cute and strong. Taking a breath though Niko would approach her and stick her hand out for a hand shake. "Hi I'm Niko nice to meet you. Hope we have a good match!" Niko said nicely, wanting to start the match out on good terms.

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Re: Sour Meets Sweet: Haruhi Okamoto (D) vs Niko Tomiji

Unread post by Misfit_Alien »

Oh! Ohhh-...this woman was different...

Many, MANY thoughts were streaming through the redhead's mind as she watched her opponent walk through the aisle on her approach toward the ring. Haruhi's gaze was instantly locked onto Niko's body. That soft skin, the lovely color of her hair, her revealing attire, her gorgeous form, and that gentle smile. Haruhi was usually the scatterbrained type, always moving and talking...but the sight of Niko left her in stunned silence, standing still with a slight blush on her face as the woman entered the ring, coming face-to-face. Niko's warmth was well-received by the audience...and Haruhi could see the appeal.

"It's nice to meet you Niko!!!" She cheered, shaking Niko's hand with vigor and passion, smiling brightly as she energetically greeted her pink-haired foe. However, after hearing Niko's words about having a good match, Haruhi's eyes flashed with a fiery glow. She paused for a moment before cocking a sly grin, jutting her hip out to the side as she gave Niko a teasing, almost flirtatious look. "A good match? Why should a pair of lovely gals like us settle for something like that~...? She said. Listen up, cutie~...The first thing you should know about me...aside from the fact that I never give that I don't settle for mediocrity. And you shouldn't either! Why should someone as amazing as you get anything but the very best? Be it a debut, a dark match, or a pay-per-view event, I always plan to turn my matches into sensations! prepared to experience a fight like no other, because we're gonna tear the roof off this place tonight~!!!" She said jubilantly.

"Be ready to fight your heart out, Niko!!! Otherwise, it'll be 'Sweet Dreams' for you in the blink of an eye~" She said, blowing her opponent a kiss. This chick was an enigma, provoking and taunting Niko while simultaneously motivating her to give one hundred and ten percent in this match...maybe even more. Something about this woman's fiery nature would prove to be infectious, or more aptly was like this fire was spreading rapidly, igniting anything it touched with its flames of invigoration.
Main Roster Character Text Colors (For Ease of Access)

Akari Ito:

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Ami Anderson:

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Haruhi Okamoto:

Code: Select all

Chie Akiyama:

Code: Select all

Natsuki Yoshimura:

Code: Select all

Mikuma Sato:

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Jiyuu June:

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Miyuki Iwata:

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Yamato Ayase:

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Kaeo Amarin:

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Tori Taylor:

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Lilith Lenoir:

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Satomi Saito:

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Anya Young:

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ChaCha Luana:

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Isabelle Romero:

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Carmelita De Leon:

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Giselle Beauregard:

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Secondary Character Text Colors (For Ease of Access)

Octavia Venus:

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Renee Winters:

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Grace Moore:

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Maeve Harlow:

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Umi Yamamoto:

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Kairi Yamamoto:

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Nia Orion:

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Beatrix Briar:

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Lynda Jäger:

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Jade Cho:

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Aoi Hoshino:

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Kyoko Matsumoto:

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Emelie de Toussaint:

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Noah Nichols:

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Roxy Hartbrooke:

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Dominique Heiani:

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Re: Sour Meets Sweet: Haruhi Okamoto (D) vs Niko Tomiji

Unread post by Bare »

Niko really liked the look of Haruhi so far. Both in the aesthetic sense since she was super hot, but also the deeper sense in that by all accounts she seemed like a really nice and bubbly person. A lot like Niko but she could tell that she was a bit deeper than that which Niko certainly appreciated. Still when the girl questioned what Niko said about having a good match the pinkette would blink quick in response, tilting her head in curiosity as Haruhi began to speak.

But it became clear what the girl meant. More than a good match, a great match, a spectacle regardless of where it took place or the importance placed on it. Niko never really thought about it that way but... she could really get behind that! Smiling brightly at Haruhi afterwards Niko would nod while pumping her fists. "You're right! Lets give these people a top tier match worthy of a title!" Niko said ecstatically before backing up just a bit and the moment the bell rang.. she'd spring forward, aiming to lock up with Haruhi out of the gate with a collar elbow lock up!

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