Eshe was a bit nervous tonight. She stared in the mirror as she had her hair tie clasped tightly between her lips, drawing her long, violet hair up. The locker room was quite different compared to the one she had been using for the last couple months. In her few months at AFW, she had managed to be scouted for LAW, another federation in Japan that she was honestly unaware of. It was interesting to see the two living in the same space but she didn’t have the kind to understand television and it’s businesses. In hindsight this was still the same game just a change in scenery. The athletic enthusiast wore her signature red and white leotard, her wrist accessories locked into place as she opens the tie fully to feed her hair through. Her feet donned white boots, the red laces tied tightly. She checks herself over, smiling as the Egyptian got a good look. Again the same, but the charm was there.

She takes a deep breath, maybe she’s overthinking this just a little. Eshe reminded herself that this was just like any other night: she’d go out there, give it her best, and either win or lose tonight. Stopping on that thought, she shakes it away, it was never about the wins or the losses, it was about enjoying the thrill. With a firm smack to her cheeks to center her mind, she reaffirms her convictions to be the best she can be. Anything after that should be an after thought, this life was meant for her to seek out the danger and face it head on. The idea seemed to help her settle down, she was pumped more then anything now.
Slipping through the ropes, she’d run to the opposite end, leaping onto he second turn-buckle to bask in the cheers of her fans. She’d blow a kiss just this once with her adrenaline high in full effect. Hopping down, she’d turn to the entrance, leaning against the ropes. Eshe couldn’t lie, she was very interested in meeting her new foe. With a roster just as extensive, she could sense that she’d be getting someone tough. Of course she wouldn’t want it any other way.
Pushing off the ropes, she’d take three steps forward before leaning against her legs. The fire keeping her going was blazing with heat as she locked eyes, she was itching for some action.