To paint The woes of Bast: Eshe Abdallah vs. Vorona

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To paint The woes of Bast: Eshe Abdallah vs. Vorona

Unread post by ScoutLils »

Match Rules
The match is A Standard Rules match. The competitors may claim victory either by way of pinfall, submission, or KO.

Eshe was a bit nervous tonight. She stared in the mirror as she had her hair tie clasped tightly between her lips, drawing her long, violet hair up. The locker room was quite different compared to the one she had been using for the last couple months. In her few months at AFW, she had managed to be scouted for LAW, another federation in Japan that she was honestly unaware of. It was interesting to see the two living in the same space but she didn’t have the kind to understand television and it’s businesses. In hindsight this was still the same game just a change in scenery. The athletic enthusiast wore her signature red and white leotard, her wrist accessories locked into place as she opens the tie fully to feed her hair through. Her feet donned white boots, the red laces tied tightly. She checks herself over, smiling as the Egyptian got a good look. Again the same, but the charm was there.
Her nervousness made its self known again as she closed her locker door. New faces, a new arena, and quite possibly a new crowd. Why did she feel like this? Her mind couldn’t wrap around the idea, which left her even more puzzled and the butterflies get their field day in her stomach.

She takes a deep breath, maybe she’s overthinking this just a little. Eshe reminded herself that this was just like any other night: she’d go out there, give it her best, and either win or lose tonight. Stopping on that thought, she shakes it away, it was never about the wins or the losses, it was about enjoying the thrill. With a firm smack to her cheeks to center her mind, she reaffirms her convictions to be the best she can be. Anything after that should be an after thought, this life was meant for her to seek out the danger and face it head on. The idea seemed to help her settle down, she was pumped more then anything now.
With her theme coming over the speakers, stepping out just as the bass begins to kick in, her hips would swing, practically striking the beat as she begins to make her way down the ramp. The Egyptian felt like she had been letting go, and it brought a smile on. It was relaxing being herself, even if it looked weird to anyone outside her perspective. She’d offer the audience a high five’s as she made her way towards the ring, giving the audience a chance to be somewhat involved. She knows that, that’s all some of them want anyway, besides witnessing a fun and intense match, which she could whole heartedly agree with.

Slipping through the ropes, she’d run to the opposite end, leaping onto he second turn-buckle to bask in the cheers of her fans. She’d blow a kiss just this once with her adrenaline high in full effect. Hopping down, she’d turn to the entrance, leaning against the ropes. Eshe couldn’t lie, she was very interested in meeting her new foe. With a roster just as extensive, she could sense that she’d be getting someone tough. Of course she wouldn’t want it any other way.

Pushing off the ropes, she’d take three steps forward before leaning against her legs. The fire keeping her going was blazing with heat as she locked eyes, she was itching for some action.

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Re: To paint The woes of Bast: Eshe Abdallah vs. Vorona

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Tonight was rudimentary. Vorona had another match. Her time was spent in a locker room, with a steel chair propped on the back handle by Winter so no one could interrupt them. She changed right there, from her white suit into the black leotard that everyone was coming to know. Then, once she finished donning the main piece, Vorona sat on the middle bench, donning her thigh-high black lace-ups. Once finished, she sat there, staring at the wall, hands placed on the chestnut wooden finish. Winter came over, not saying a word, carrying a make-up kit. She sat on Vorona’s lap, then opened the leather bag with a clicking latch. First came the small bit of eye shadow, then delicately tracing Vorona’s eyes with black eyeliner. Staring into them did her heart wonderful stutters. She felt warm in her chest. There was something about being the one to put in Vorona’s contacts. Here she is, dressing up her sun, adding to her presentation, and being trusted to make her the best she can be. Her face, callous and defined on the cheekbones and jaw, smooth on her dainty hands as she grabbed Vorona’s cheeks, then focused, applying the red X to Vorona’s iris.

They didn’t talk about anything, but they were reading each other’s thoughts as Winter applied black lipstick. What’s your strategy tonight? Don’t worry about it, just watch and find out. Do we go out later? Why, of course. There's no way you'll lose, then. I know.

Winter finished after placing Vorona’s eye mask on. Vorona placed her hands flat on Winter’s legs, squeezed, and then leaned in slowly until their foreheads and noses eased together. Their eyes closed and they stilled. A hammering, angry beat took the metal door and they didn’t flinch at first, but sighed in unison. “Lets finish up.” Vorona said, calmly, and Winter scooted off. Vorona was up the next moment and Winter fetched Vorona’s bejewelled white cape-cloak from the coat hangers. It had a red inner lining, silk, with gold patterns dancing on the inside, and black fur around the collar. Vorona took the chair from the door, opened it, then immediately plunged the top ridge into the unknown person’s belly, then drove a knee square into their skull.

They croaked on the ground. “Y-You’re… O-On… M-Miss…--”

Vorona dropped the chair on them. Then Winter came by, happy as springtime, and stomped their chest once, twice and thrice until they were perfectly silent. Vorona was already walking to gorilla. A hand extended behind her, open, flexing and curling, calling for Winter. So she hurried and they joined hands.

Next came their music.
The lights dimmed with arena-wide clicks that sounded like thunder. Vorona’s theme, crow, started with vocals. Winter’s vocals. She stepped onto the stage, carrying a bright candle. Snow was falling on the titantron, with a red, luminescent butterfly, wading blizzard winds. It howled, accenting Winter’s melody to Vorona’s natural theme song. Eventually, she raised it over her head and waited. And waited. And waited.
Then it blew out. Everything was dark for a second. Then, a spotlight clicked and there stood Vorona, shrouded in her white cloak. For a time, they were the centre of the universe in Vorona’s design. They walked together down that ramp, then up the steps. Vorona sat on the middle rope, pushing up the top for Winter, who slunk inside, hand placed into Vorona’s grip. She kissed the back, then joined Songbird inside the ring, keeping her grip and pulling Winter into her chest. They stood chest to chest and danced briefly around the ring like a ballroom dancefloor. Winter was squeezed on her lower back, pulling her in, looking up, watching Vorona’s masked hue stare back. Their feet were synchronized and fluent, making lunges and fluid motions and never once stepping on each other’s toes. It climaxed in a dip, with Winter’s head lulling back, staring at the camera. Vorona’s head slowly turned and they donned a pair of devilish grins, with malice on the corners and schemes written in their white teeth.

Winter was brought back to her feet, then took off Vorona’s coat, now left with her high-cut leotard, fishnets, boots, arm sleeves and mask. A hand went throw her snowy hair, pushing it back, chin tipped up and her expression going cold. The lights were coming back and her music had ended. The referee watched them. Vorona had one thing to say. “Submission, Pinfall, or broken ego. How would you like to lose, little one?”
Last edited by Monsy on Fri Oct 18, 2024 3:16 am, edited 1 time in total.
Monsy's Jobbers

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— Spectre = #5E0A7F 
— Daishouri = #FFEB80
— Katja Archangelais = #DC143C
— Angelina Tarrant = #BF0000
— Nyarlathotep = #0000FF
— Winter Songbird #8040FF
— Mazikeen = #808080
— Vorona = #BFFFFF
— Maisilyn Madison = #00A36C
— Jianying Tai = #464645
— Karolina Reinhardt = #FF0000
— Karla Reinhardt = #A30000

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Re: To paint The woes of Bast: Eshe Abdallah vs. Vorona

Unread post by ScoutLils »

Seeing the pair stand on stage, one fully robes while the other dresses rather high-niche, in a Princess kind of way. With her hands now stationed at her hips, even she was focused on the pair. It wasn’t until Winter blew out the candle and the sudden screech of immature crowdgoers did Eshe realize they were about to put on a show. She stands straight, keeping her cool, an Abdallah doesn’t back down and she made it her motto to keep to that. She couldn’t rely on her sense, the sound of mutters filled the arena before an audible click could be heard. A single bright light shines down onto the stage, the blinding white cloak making it hard to see the pair as they made their down, but the violet makes due with a squint. She had to admit, this was next level, and to be honest, Eshe was kind of into it. Darn her enthusiastic perspective. With the pair getting closer, Vorona sat on the kid rope to allow her partner in first and then kissing the back of their hand to lead them in. She exudes an audible “Aww” unaware of the malicious intent behind their affectionate display.

The Egyptian was captivated quite honestly with the elegant display, the theatrics of it all really spiced things up from her traditional entrance. She couldn’t help but think what kind of reaction she’d get out of her fans if she went about her style with more bravado? No, that wasn’t quite right, perhaps elegance? Maybe but she was thinking more on what she could do to add extra flare, that pizazz that you looked for outside one’s normal comfort zone. She’d have to think it over later, as the pair of them danced around the ring. It was rather cute to say the least and made her wonder what her life would be like if she had someone like that with her. The violet shakes away those thoughts, as they stop and head to their corner. She was ready to make her move, to be polite and introduce herself before she got that look. That alarming look of their smiling faces. Her danger senses were going off, blaring actually, as she observed them intently.

With their robe now disrobed she got a perfect look at her opponent, Vorona. She instantly felt their haunting aura before their cold stare met her. Eshe was sure her instincts were in the money, this one wasn’t someone she could let her guard down around. The violet stops herself, perhaps she’s overthinking this, maybe they’re the type of person to just have a bad vibe but they’re actually a good person? Her hopes were quickly dashed the moment the snow-haired woman began to speak. It was like the only thing they had planned was to destroy. She couldn’t find the same thrill she’d come to live in her eyes, no, what she saw a cold will that threatened her very exsistance.

Their question did make the ebony woman think for a moment. She’s never been asked how she’d like to lose before and she found it to be quite presumptuous. ”Thats a weird question to ask. This match could go either way but I don’t think you want to debate about that, do ya?” Eshe could already see the answer coming but hearing “little one” was a new one. Testing out a theory she had cooking up in her head, her left hand rose up to flatten at the top of her forehead. She eyes her flat palm and slowly brings it forward, confused by the nickname but maybe it wasn’t a height thing. ”Are you calling me that because your my senior? That an odd nickname, if we’re going that far how about I call you…Ah! I’ll call you Black Ice. Yeah that sounds super cool. And you-“ She directs her attention to Winter, added with a point to give direction to her attention. ”I think Snow White works but that feels overdone so how about… Ohh, I got it, Snow Dove? Wow, I’m actually good at this.” She states with a confident swipe of her lip.

In truth, she’s a bit nervous. She’s questioning Vorona’s intentions with every move she makes, with everything she says. Her guard is up, her gaze locked and her body loose but ready to react. Eshe wants to enjoy herself but at the same time, she can’t ignore the threat in front of her either.

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Re: To paint The woes of Bast: Eshe Abdallah vs. Vorona

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What to expect from them…
Vorona didn’t have much of a clue. She was half expecting a stern, proud answer, touting a loss. Maybe a rebuke or a simple taste of confusion. The question was honest, however. State your preferences and they’re yours. On one hand, courtesy, to extend a kindness that most don’t acknowledge, and on another, total control. Vorona exhaled from her nose at their remark, loosened her shoulders and waited.

Winter gasped at the returned question. Now because it was hard to understand or some grave insult, but the etiquette was atrocious. She knew full well that you don't answer her question with a question. If you're asked, you answer clearly and honestly, not go on tangents. But this didn’t get a visible reaction from Vorona, who tilted her head, raised a brow and judged them from afar, like they were six brands of stupid on the premium shelf, overpriced and overstocked. They just had to do nicknames…

Winter judged them even more and wanted to assert her Sun's place in this exchange. On top and dominant. Akin to God. Black Ice. Snow Dove. She looked to Vorona for permission, who continued to stand as she had, then, glanced at Winter. “You’re free to fly away now, Winter.” Songbird deflated with a sigh, acknowledging her Sun happy, then taking her coat, weaving between the ropes and jumping off the apron, keeping the cloak pretty, clean and away from icky hands or germs. The most noble job a Songbird could have.

“The question is just my professional courtesy. Choosing how we stumble is something that lacks nowadays, so I thought a non-threat like yourself would appreciate it. But, have it your way.” Her stance bladed, with one arm tied behind her back and the other outstretched, slightly bent, palm-up with the fingers partially curled. The index pointed at them. “For every time you enunciate those chosen names from your incessant mouth, I will strip a piece of your clothing post bell. Now, do you wish to talk further or shall we wrestle, little one?”

This was the perfect cue for the referee to silently acknowledge, then look to Eshe, waiting for her confirmation to start the bout.
Monsy's Jobbers

Code: Select all

— Spectre = #5E0A7F 
— Daishouri = #FFEB80
— Katja Archangelais = #DC143C
— Angelina Tarrant = #BF0000
— Nyarlathotep = #0000FF
— Winter Songbird #8040FF
— Mazikeen = #808080
— Vorona = #BFFFFF
— Maisilyn Madison = #00A36C
— Jianying Tai = #464645
— Karolina Reinhardt = #FF0000
— Karla Reinhardt = #A30000

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Re: To paint The woes of Bast: Eshe Abdallah vs. Vorona

Unread post by ScoutLils »

She was expecting a nod in agreement or some kind of confirmation that they at least they it was a good effort but nothing. Silence. It was honestly deafening and her confidence in her chosen nicknames was starting to teeter. When her rival finally spoke it was addressing her friend(?) she still wasn’t sure but maybe there was hints of love there too. It made the Egyptian a bit giddy to think about. The joys of romance~. Vorona turned back to Eshe who was ready to hear how much they liked them only to be met with a harsh wall of animosity and disdain.

”Professional courtesy? I guess that is kind of nice of you, but asking how you want me to lose? I still can’t wrap my head around it, but that’s okay you still like my nicknames though ri-.” She didn’t even get to answer before the noble woman released all her misgivings about her choose in names. The worst she expected was being told they were corny if not edgy in someway but this was totally different. ”You could’ve just said you didn’t like them..” She mumbles, a bit hurt by the negativity but she supposed not everyone was here to enjoy themselves.

The second time she called the little one, she huffs, thinking about the precussions of their threat. She doesn’t really like it but hating someone or using energy to respond with negativity was something Eshe couldn’t bring herself to commit too. Sure, she could return what she got but that wasn’t her usual go to. She stands her ground on this one crossing her arms with some dignity. ”Well, everytime you call me “Little One”, I’ll come up with another nickname til it clicks. I can be creative!” She exclaims, settling into her stance as the referee turns to her for confirmation. With a nod, the bell imitates their duel.

Creeping closer she immediately began to think of a new nickname, a loophole to their earlier threat. She obviously didn’t like those so maybe she’ll like the new ones she has to offer during the match. ” Okay, how about this one: Obsidian. Eh? Eh?” She asks on baited breath.
Last edited by ScoutLils on Mon Feb 05, 2024 2:16 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: To paint The woes of Bast: Eshe Abdallah vs. Vorona

Unread post by Monsy »

Clap, clap clap.

Went the Winter at ringside, wrists together, pleasantly smiling with a tall and narrow posture. She thought Eshe was fun. Her energy was fresh and loose, a strange distance from the shows she was used to. Hers needed dead seriousness to succeed. But Eshe? She seemed right at home anywhere. Vorona, for her part, looked at Eshe with tightening lips. Her mouth ached from wanting to yell at them to shut up. Same with her arm, although not in the vocal way. She stepped forward, making two loops with her thumbs and indexes, putting them together, then pulling apart.

“No!” She shouted, then tapped on the forehead with her palm.
“Names have meanings. Connotations. Every single one you say is as meaningless as the last. Obsidian is volcanic glass that can be black, red OR brown. But you won’t learn that because everything is fun and lighthearted to you, hm? Coming here with your incessant nonsensical quips and lack of focus. That’s why you’re the Little One.”

With her left hand, she attempted to slap Eshe across the face. A move surely to ring audience members into a collective gasp and cringe as the SMACK sounded like a whip. WHA-PSSH.

And right after her arm entered motion, she added… “You think small.”

And they can only imagine the pending handprint.
Monsy's Jobbers

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— Spectre = #5E0A7F 
— Daishouri = #FFEB80
— Katja Archangelais = #DC143C
— Angelina Tarrant = #BF0000
— Nyarlathotep = #0000FF
— Winter Songbird #8040FF
— Mazikeen = #808080
— Vorona = #BFFFFF
— Maisilyn Madison = #00A36C
— Jianying Tai = #464645
— Karolina Reinhardt = #FF0000
— Karla Reinhardt = #A30000

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Re: To paint The woes of Bast: Eshe Abdallah vs. Vorona

Unread post by ScoutLils »

Eshe didn’t hear any complaining or threats, maybe she had struck gold with that one. She felt it was a pretty good one herself, thinking maybe this one would be the one to stick, the Egyptian noticed their partner clapping, perhaps she agreed? Maybe it was the one! Her smile grew wider with some satisfaction but when her gaze fixed back to Vorona, they didn’t seem as ecstatic or as enthused. Perhaps Winter liked it but not Voro? This was actually a lot harder than she thought, the violet wouldn’t give up, she knew their was a name out there that they’d like! Her thoughts returned to the match as the foreboding shadow began to move.

Their thumbs caught her attention looping twice before her appendages touched only to be pulled apart. The sudden explosive ”No!” caught her by surprise. She knew it, she got it wrong again but it was when they began to divulge why her nicknames weren’t sticking, she couldn’t help but feel pity. ”Well, I knew that but they aren’t meaningless! You were taking this so seriously, I thought why not make it fun? I think it’s you who’s thinking small, c’mon. Let’s lighten up!” Eshe offered the Crow her naive wisdom but it wasn’t enough to deter her as she felt a rather startling sting against her cheek.

The Violet’s head turns sharply, locks of her hair whipping with the momentum. The crowd instantly sucking air through their teeth to cringe. Eshe was rather shocked from the “sucker slap” as having called her: Little One, once again. L only added a hint of salt to t he wound. Okay, so Vorona had her barriers up but that was alright, she could work with this..probably. All she had to do was bring the conversation towards having fun again however, even she knew that words wouldn’t work here anymore, instead it was time to talk with her fists. That was what being in the ring told her, even without words, she’s sure she can get her feelings across. Eshe slowly returns to face them, slightly rubbing her aching ebjj on my cheek. A vague imprint of a hand was left, for a moment, Eshe saw a flash of red. Maybe she had offended them in someway? She stands firm, her expression becoming determined as she faced Voro.

”I guess I’ll just have to show you what you’re missing out on and how big I really think. As for the slap, I’ll forgive you this time, Sable~.” She states with another nickname; genuine with her words as the bell rings, signaling their beginning. As if a switch flipped, another smile cracked on her face as she launches for the noblewoman, attempting to get her hands up and locked with Vorona for what could be only assumed as a test of strength. Even with such a bad start, Eshe was bound and determined to change Obsidian’s mind. Even if they didn’t take to her nicknames, she would and, she’d keep brainstorming to boot!
Last edited by ScoutLils on Thu Nov 14, 2024 2:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: To paint The woes of Bast: Eshe Abdallah vs. Vorona

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She already queued the tirade she wanted to spit. But even as she did, her thoughts banged:

‘Small’ ‘Small’ ‘Small’

And that’s what made the slap feel quite fine. She shut up. Good.

She sighed. Perhaps, in hind-sight, that was a little harsh. Rude, even, as she did believe in being flexible to expression. But, somehow, she didn’t find the find the time to really forgive nor repent as Eshe already went back to it. Again-again. Another round of this. Sable. Her lips tightened, glancing to the side, then back, having a mean pout. “What does Sable even reference?? You ridiculous oaf!” Before, suddenly with the confidence of a heavyweight, charged into that test of strength to vent the impulse to slap them twice. Once for foolishness, another for irking.


And it seems everyone else was listening to. Not that it inconvenienced her. She can finally tape that mouth shut. But a thought just dawned on her mid-struggle, with the strain building in her arms and a flex in her back, she said with strain and clenched teeth… “I swear if it's that silly marten, then I’m going to not only paint you over, i’m going to dump the entire pale on you, lit-tle one.”

Then she attempted one big push! An attempt to force Eshe towards the corner, wholly believing her anger-fuelled fantasies to gain the upperhand!
Monsy's Jobbers

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— Spectre = #5E0A7F 
— Daishouri = #FFEB80
— Katja Archangelais = #DC143C
— Angelina Tarrant = #BF0000
— Nyarlathotep = #0000FF
— Winter Songbird #8040FF
— Mazikeen = #808080
— Vorona = #BFFFFF
— Maisilyn Madison = #00A36C
— Jianying Tai = #464645
— Karolina Reinhardt = #FF0000
— Karla Reinhardt = #A30000

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Re: To paint The woes of Bast: Eshe Abdallah vs. Vorona

Unread post by ScoutLils »

Okay, so she’s not as good at this as she thought. Voro seemed even more angry with her then being called Obsidian. Danggit, another dud. Their expression was evident that Saboe definitely wasn’t a good name but they at least asked her reasoning or at least that’s what she thought she heard. ”Well, It’s a combination! See it plays on your clothes since they’re black and they’re a mammal from Siberia and Japan. They’re so cute and I thought you’d appreciate a cute name instead.”. It was when she registered ”Oaf” that her smile faded somewhat. Gosh they were kinda mean. With her hands raised she’d hesitantly take a step back as they furiously charged forward as their palms met that she called them silly. Silly? Silly!?

The boo’s suddenly rang out, maybe that was a bit much but she could understand their sentiment. Sable’s didn’t deserve this disrespect! With their sudden push, she’d flex in return, she wouldn’t take that one, not one bit. Her eyes narrowed at the mere mention of such a harsh insult to such an adorable creature. ”You take that back! They are cute and Fluffy!!” She exclaims. Her boot stomping forward, attempting to push back as she aims to halt the woesome brigand’s advance and begin to make her own.

Voro didn’t make it easy, she was putting pedal to the metal, but as Eshe found her footing, the Egyptian woman’s tendrils squeezed their hands intertwining with her own. She flexes the muscles in her calves, following up to her thighs as they ground themselves to perhaps overtake them. The muscle in her biceps up to her triceps flex as she tightens her grip. She had to be careful, Eshe wasn’t sure she could trust the Snowbird in the corner. Perhaps she was the nicer one of the two but, for her own state of mind.

If Voro complied with her forceful pushback, Eshe would begin to pour on her strength, showcasing she wasn’t as “little” as the other implied. In the background of her own headspace however, small Eshe’s were running rampant attempting to come up with the perfect nickname. If she managed to put the ball in her court, Eshe would then begin to push the dark artisan to the opposite corner, away from her partner if she could get them that far. Surely she could change their mind about those “martens”, maybe even Winter could convince them?
Last edited by ScoutLils on Sun Dec 29, 2024 8:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: To paint The woes of Bast: Eshe Abdallah vs. Vorona

Unread post by Monsy »

The two of them stayed locke.

As Vorona began to struggle, her arms would part and shake from exertion, pressing them into one with folded elbows and faces just an inch or two apart. An arc forming in her lower-back.

She saw Winter at ringside was watching closely, grinning with a finger hooked over her bottom lip, enthused deeply on every slip of action she could witness. It gave the artist strength to hold up, play defence, making the slow retreat from her lesser leverage and size to make the way back as draining as possible for an opening tactic. "Y-youuuuu knoow--" Vorona's strained voice said, gasping as she took another step back. "--Those mammals are vicious. They'reeee... A-aggressive." Another step back. She took one big breath to sound clear and replenish her stamina just a sliver, then huffed. "I prefer crows."

The slow struggle of two oncoming trains gave her the space to think. She knew she was nearing the limit of straining hold back the Eshe wave. Her feet began to slide. Her one all-out push broke Vorona's defence and they marched back and back. But, suddenly, Vorona turned her stance and attempted to use their own effort to turn them around, get them on their heels and go smacking into the corner Eshe first if successful. The burst leaving Vorona with a light pant, using her body to smush Eshe against the corner and keep her there for at least a few seconds.

Just enough to catch her feet.
Monsy's Jobbers

Code: Select all

— Spectre = #5E0A7F 
— Daishouri = #FFEB80
— Katja Archangelais = #DC143C
— Angelina Tarrant = #BF0000
— Nyarlathotep = #0000FF
— Winter Songbird #8040FF
— Mazikeen = #808080
— Vorona = #BFFFFF
— Maisilyn Madison = #00A36C
— Jianying Tai = #464645
— Karolina Reinhardt = #FF0000
— Karla Reinhardt = #A30000

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