Michiko Shimizu vs. Allison Ford

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Re: Michiko Shimizu vs. Allison Ford

Unread post by CaptainL »

When Michiko drew on all her might to force Allison through the camel clutch, it was a feat that demanded just as much out of her as it did to her opponent. Her body was sore and aching from all the strain it had been through, at both Allison's hands and her own - be it from being slammed and stretched or from forcing herself to keep fighting even as her body threatened to break down on her, Michiko's own muscles were burning. If this didn't work, she didn't know what else she could do. But if she could take Allison out in the process - that would all be worth it!

Her whole body tensed and stiffened as she forced everything she had in her into one hard pull backward - trying to stretch all of the joints along Allison's back and her spine. She let out a pained roar, muffled behind her clenched teeth. This had to work, she thought - if it failed now, she'd be in no shape to carry on forward. Yet, even now, the cracks were starting to form. Even now, Michiko's legs had begun to waver, and her grip on Allison's chin slipped one finger at a time. And finally, with one good pull from Allison, Michiko's balance gave way - and she dropped down onto her face.

That was Allison's time to strike. Michiko's whole body was paralyzed from fatigue alone. After such strain, she simply didn't have the power in her to move it! She was flat on her face, her vision blurry; she panted and gagged, and the sweat running from her skin had practically glued her against the canvas. Allison had fallen too, in much the same manner - gravity was weighing her against the mat. But, in the end, her stamina would come back to her before her opponent's could. Michiko could barely move against the crushing weight of gravity - in fact, she barely knew what was happening to her when everything was dark and a blur. But she wasn't going to offer much resistance as Allison rolled her over - gravity pulled her the rest of the way, causing her to flop over on her back, her eyes rolled back into her head as her breaths came through slow and shallow. Michiko still barely knew what was happening to her - until she was thrown back to her senses when Allison cranked back on her arm and head, once she had her locked in the Rings of Saturn!

At once, Michiko received a sharp awareness of where she was - she was thrown back into all her senses at once. And all of them hurt! She threw her head back in a scream as the agony coursed through her nerves. Everywhere she could feel hurt - everywhere had been sore, and now that she was being wrenched into position, all the aches and pains left in her body had been thrown back to the center of her attention. Her eyes squeezed shut, her brow furrowing under the strain. Michiko knew that she had no other option - she couldn't possibly fight her way out of this, or her body would break down! The only thing she could do, whether she liked it or not, was to admit defeat!

She couldn't take this a moment longer! Soon enough, Michiko tapped her hand on Allison's shoulder. She just needed the pain to stop!
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Re: Michiko Shimizu vs. Allison Ford

Unread post by Hitman45 »

Allison scraping out of the Camel Clutch despite having her back bent and pulled to the whims of Michiko was, on a widely accepted consensus, completely against the run of play. Majority of the boisterous clamour of spectators present in the dome tonight were taken by surprise, seeing as Michiko's clench was supposed to be the death knell of Allison and her chances, a fitting conclusion to a hard-fought and evenly contested fight.

But it wasn't meant to be that way. The scales, leaning heavily into Michiko's favour tilted to balance when her zeal to push at Allison's pain threshold left the foundations of the clutch to crumble, owing to the existing state of her back which only aggravated from the forceful yank. Allison, drowing in anguish from the constant arc was sure that her spine would be snapped like a twig any moment now and when the lilac-haired woman pulled, her pupils dilated to their fullest, the pain unbearable but when her opponent's screech fell into her ears, the raven-haired woman felt something wasn't right. That wasn't a roar of determination or an adrenaline-fueled cry. No, it was the sound of Michiko's back giving up. And Allison pounced, her own back screaming.

Both women lay motionless near each other, their sweat-soaked and weary bodies shuddered from the moments of inactivity and the physical relief of lying about. Allison, a heaving, disheveled mess was in no condition to get back up. Her back was done for the day and looking at her opponent's current state, she was sure that it was the same with the lilac-haired woman as well. Not a lot of options were available to her right now and whatever she could do depended more on how much her battered form could hold up and cooperate with and not upto her awareness and imagination, which are the common metrics when you are in shape and bustling with vigour.

And so, she pulled out the final possible trick from her book to trap Michiko in her submission finisher, locking in and clinging on to dear life while her foe thrashed, screamed, clawed and did about everything to get out of it!

""Aggh!...Ghh...OOoff...ARGH!!! The raven-haired woman's efforts intially focused on maintaining the hold in a constant pressure transitioned to a more aggressive stance the more Michiko tried, and failed to escape. This renewed her fervour to keep at it, with Michiko's relief nowhere in sight, unless she tapped!

Her body tensed and stiffened to push forth with one final rush of energy, to give everything she got into submitting the lilac-haired woman because if this didn't work, Allison wasn't sure what was to happen next. She was out of ideas and dangerously close to squeezing the last remaining drop of strength, which had already been milked out dry!

*Tap* *Tap* *Tap* *Tap* *Tap* *Tap*.....

"She's tapped out! It's over, Let her go!"

Allison was so enveloped in trying to rein in Michiko, clenching her teeth, straining her arms and legs to trap the head and the arm, not a care about mobility crossing her mind; that she wasn't aware of Michiko desperately tapping out, until the referee stepped in to intervene. It was over. The match was done!


The sound of the bell confirmed what Allison had been fighting for, what she had risked the conditon of her back for. She had won what was undoubtably a brutal, gruelling and tiring fight where both women pushed each other to the absolute limits of what their bodies could endure and more specifically, their backs. Allison slumped back onto the mat, on her back breathing heavily with a shudder, her eyes wide staring emptily at the ceiling. The feeling was starting to sink in.

Sweat trailed from the scalp of her sticky long tendrils sprawled all over and clung to her exhausted mug, with beads of perspiration dotted all over the flesh, oozing from every pore of her body. There wasn't anything left in her arms to push the locks of hair away or even wipe the sheen off and so she just lay there, limbs spread out, soaking it all in.

"Ohh..Hggh..Uh..Huh?...Yeah...Thanks for that...Here.." Allison squinted seeing a tall striped woman, the referee appeared and what she was saying initially wasn't grasped by the worn out wrestler, who blinked her eyes rapidly to clear the foggy vision, like a woman waking up from a slumber takes time to settle.

"AAAGHH!! Oooff...Yeah,leave me here..." Her back however wasn't having it, not willing to shoulder any burden whatsover and sent a spike of agony up the spine, which elicited a scream out of Allison, who asked to be leaned against the nearby cornerpost while the referee announced her as the winner, clutching ropes on both sides of her tightly knowing that she would slump down like a sack of potatoes should the hold loosen.

"Here's your winner....ALLISON.'AVALANCHE'.FOOOORRRRDDDD!!!"

Her head perked up from rise in the noise levels as her name was announced, wandering around to see throngs of rambunctious people on their feet, cheering and chanting and applauding her performance. Truth be told, she was still adjusting to the surreal feeling of victory against such a formidable foe, who almost ran away with in the dying moments of the match. Michiko did not give up at any point in the match and even when it seemed like the repeated offence to her back was going to let her down and end this fight prematurely, she prevailed against all odds. Now there was a lot more respect and admiration for he from the raven-haired woman.

"I..uhh..don''t know if you're able to hear this, and I certainly can't come down there to talk right now..." Allison chuckled, followed by a wince."That's a bloody good fight you gave. Every part of my body hurts right now..Oww..." Her face scrunched into a grimace as a fresh pang of hurt surfaced."Considering the situation our back are in right now, and the ordeal we put them through....I wouldn't be surprised if we found ourselves in the same room in the hospital. Though it would be nice to have a good company, talking shop, or about how the food there sucks, etc,etc..." A playful smirk formed on her lips as she said it.

This match fight was one which Allison was definitely going to remember for a very long time and with fondness....

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Re: Michiko Shimizu vs. Allison Ford

Unread post by CaptainL »

Surely the match was over now. Michiko had taken the top position, and Allison's back had steadily been ground into dust over the course of this match - to the point where there was no way she could withstand the camel clutch. It was only a matter of time before the pressure grew too great for her. But there was one thing that saved Allison - and that was the fact that Michiko herself had taken just as much punishment in this match. So sore were her muscles that she had to force herself to move through the motions, just to keep up. Her body felt like it was weighed down under the onslaught of fatigue, and to hold this position put just as much strain on herself as it put on her opponent. Eventually, that strain was too much for her to bear any longer - whether she liked it or not, she had to let go.

And as soon as Michiko let go, Allison saw her chance. She might have been just as weary and sore, and it might have been just as much of an effort on her part to bring herself to move - but she knew that here and now, suddenly, she had the chance to snatch back victory. And, fueled by the fires of determination, she was going to take that chance! With a strength that shouldn't have been possible she threw herself on top of Michiko, twisting her body into an arc as she wrenched back at her arm! The fans looked on in awe, just seeing that Allison had it in her to do such a thing - and Michiko herself was just as shocked to see it! But a moment later, that shock was forgotten under the surge of pain that pounded through her from head to toe, awakening all the aches and pains she had endured in a loud, guttural scream. She had no choice. She knew she couldn't win this match in this state - she just had to stop now, while her back could still take it!

As the bell rang, Allison let Michiko go, and the lilac-haired girl fell flat on her face as though she had been pulled down with lead weights. Her whole body was heavy and slack and too sore to move. All she could do was lay there flat on the mat, her shoulders slowly rising and falling. Everything around her was a blur. She didn't know how much time passed, but she wouldn't be fully roused to her senses until a moment later - when Allison's scream pierced the air, suddenly stirring her awake.

"G-Gah..!" When Michiko's head was pounding, the loud noise caused her to wince. But still, panting and gasping, Michiko turned her head to face Allison. Her eyes were weary and glazed over, and her brow was slick with sweat. But when she looked back at Allison, no matter what had happened, even when she had lost, she had nothing but admiration for her, and a smile, however weak, came to her face. "Ah...heheh..." She chuckled softly. "You did...a great job there, too." Allison had been an opponent who had truly tested her in all regards, forcing Michiko to push past her own limits - even the limits of her own body. She had never fought so hard, or against an opponent of such caliber. If Allison had been able to push her to those lengths, she was proud to share the ring with her. And she figured she would go far. "I think I'll be feeling this one for a while, but...I wouldn't have asked for anything less. You're good, you know...I don't want you to forget it!"

Winner by Submission: Allison Ford
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