Rich Golden Honey - Eclaire vs. Honie

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Re: Rich Golden Honey - Eclaire vs. Honie

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Eclaire's features were a mess, after enduring her most recent and most lengthy booty smothering from the thick-as-honey Honie. But the fact that Eclaire was still on her feet after that was impressive in its own right! Honie sought to fix that however, coming right at Eclaire with a flying hip attack! "STING!" Beatrice exclaimed, as her massive buns of steel met their mark, slamming hard into Eclaire's flustered face. Such an impact from Honie's booty always did quite a number on her foes. Most wrestlers would have at least been knocked back down to the mat, prime for Honie to use her sweet tush to facesit them into oblivion! Even lesser wrestlers would have been knocked out here and now, simply from the impact of taking such a powerful, heavyweight butt to the face!

But Eclaire once again proved to be exceptional! Taking advantage of her larger frame, Eclaire stood her ground! For a second, Honie was confused. "Buzz...?" What was going on here? Surely no one could take on the Heroine of the Beehive's backside full force and in the face, without toppling over. But even as the impact gave Eclaire's mug a return trip between Honie's cheeks, the buff blonde managed to powered through it! She took grip of Honie's wide hips, before slamming the bee in a mighty, ring-shaking German Suplex!

"NNGGGHHH!" Honie groaned loudly, as her back and head crashed onto the canvas. The move was made all the more powerful, not only by Eclaire's goddess-like strength, but by the fact that Eclaire had ended up also using the bee's own momentum against her! Honie wasn't used to dealing with an opponent that could toss her around, with the same ease Honie had in tossing around most opponents. For all her toughness, even the mighty heroine couldn't get up so soon after that. She'd be laid out for now, stunned and rattled up by Eclaire's raw power! "Ughh...."

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Re: Rich Golden Honey - Eclaire vs. Honie

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The feeling of the cool air on her face felt foreign to Eclaire, almost unnatural with how much time she had spent buried in those honey glazed buns. Taking the freezing chill of stepping out of the pool, combined with the visual and auditory overload of stepping into the light after being holed away in a dark, quiet room could only describe a fraction of the sensory overload the Tycoon felt as she was finally free from Honie's booty.

With a quick flip back to her feet, Eclaire caught the rest of her breath and found her composure once again. Going from sweating bullets with cheeks as scarlet as the tips of her hair, to regal and magnificent once again! Playing off how desperately lustful the smother had left her, she stood with her magnificent back facing and looming over the charming champion of the hive; flexing her radiant back muscles all for the entertainment of her hardly lucid foe. A sight made all the more heavenly when one contrasted the muscles that could grind diamond to dust and an ass so soft it could make cotton feel like sandpaper by comparison.

"If I may, those honey glazed gifts from the goddesses were DELIGHTFUL! So fluffy, so warm, OHO it was just paradise to the senses! I'd say they were a tad heavy on the honey, but who would DARE complain about that? OOOHOHOHOHOHO! *Mwah* my compliments to the chef! But ah, speaking of which it seems she's all tuckered out. It would be unbecoming of a hostess such as myself if I didn't...return the favor."

Eclaire squatted down to retrieve the hands of her hero, holding the pose for a second or two to give her adoring public the chance to capture a shot or a dozen of France's squishiest and bounciest pride and joy loom mere inches over Honie's face, and sat the bronze cutie up. This gentle gesture was soon destroyed by an iron clad vice grip on Honie's wrists with Eclaire's titanic strength ensuring her guest wouldn't be going anywhere without overpowering the strength of a battleship! Sure that might lead to a bruise or two left on release, but surely the pain would have nothing on the pleasure that was soon to come!

A simple tug was all it took to bring the starstruck Honie ear deep in Eclaire's darling, delicious derrière! There was no resistance, no push, the sheer bubbliness of Eclaire's cheeks practically welcomed her guest in with a loving embrace! It was like watching somebody dive face first into a waterbed as the mattress fluidly wrapped around them, but this time nobody was bouncing out! Especially not with Eclaire thrusting her hips back slowly, gently, but surely until there was nothing left to see of Honie's head! The heroine would find it eclipsed from all sides and now trapped in the Maitre Resort's finest pillows! Left with that eternal feeling of laying on the perfect side of a pillow that you could spend the entire vacation sinking into! At least as long as she remained in Eclaire's grasp, or to be more specific: was receiving the V.I.P Treatment!
V.I.P Treatment

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Re: Rich Golden Honey - Eclaire vs. Honie

Unread post by dddybee »

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Honie's super sexy body had quite the number of formidable assets. But as a bee, her "stinger" was her most powerful weapon! Honie's massive, meaty headquarters had bumped, bashed, and smothered many a wrestler to heck and back. And even Eclaire had been having quite a bit of trouble with it thus far. But finally, the buff blonde managed to counter one of Honie's very feared hip attacks, catching the slamming the bee in that German Suplex! Afterwards, Honie was stunned enough for Eclaire to recompose herself from the intense smothering she had just endured. She even decided to show off a bit, flexing her beautifully crafted back muscles for the crowd.

Honie was currently too stunned to pay much attention to this, though she did pick up on some of Eclaire's dialogue. It was honestly flattering for the bee to hear Eclaire compliment her lovely booty so much. She was about to thank her...before she heard that last bit about Eclaire returning the favor... This made Honie's compound eyes widen in alarm. She knew what was coming! The heroine tried to sit up, only for Eclaire to "assist" her by squatting down to ensnare both of Honie's wrists in either of her hands! This left Honie staring at Eclaire's huge and admittedly GORGEOUS rear. The bee's first instinct was to yank her arms away, but Eclaire knew to quickly tighten her grip. "YOWW!" Honie yelped in response, as Eclaire used her overwhelming strength to crush the insect's wrists in her palms!

And much to Honie's dismay, even her own extremely impressive arm strength wasn't quite enough for her to break free, at least not before Eclaire could tug Honie's face between her big, pale, jiggly buttocks! The bug girl's mug sunk between them, even more so after Eclaire sent her hips back, making Honie go ear-deep into her amazingly soft butt-cheeks! Honie didn't expect a women as muscular as Eclaire to have a backside THIS soft, especially since Honie's herself had a badonkadonk on the firmer side. Being smothered by Honie meant having your face compressed between the bee's meaty glutes, while Eclaire smothers had her victims melt into a more doughy embrace. Both experiences were equally sexy, but there was a higher level of comfort that came from being smothered by Eclaire's buns.

And that was precisely what Honie was experiencing! After Eclaire fully secured Honie in the move, the heroine offered no resistance. Not because she was already out of it, but because Eclaire's butt felt legitimately...cozy! The fanny flesh squishing around Honie's whole head truly felt like ultra-soft and comfy pillows! As a straight girl, Honie thought she wouldn't have to worry about the temptations of Eclaire's booty. But while Eclaire's lusts had left her distracted in Honie's smothers, it was just the sheer, physical coziness of Eclaire's booty that now had Honie distracted! "Mmmmmphh. Mmmmmmm." Honie's muffles were not of distress, but of comfy pleasure. At the moment, Honie forgot she couldn't breathe or that she was even in a match! As a smother DOM, willingly rubbing her face in another woman's buns is something Honie NEVER thought she would do. But Eclaire's butt simply felt so cozy that she'd do just that, still not yet resisting the pillowy embrace at all!

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Re: Rich Golden Honey - Eclaire vs. Honie

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Eclaire was hell bent on burying Honie deep in her succulent, bouncy, cheeks no matter what. But she could never have imagined that Honie would be meeting her halfway and digging in willingly!, she definitely imagined that. After all, nobody could resist snuggling into the softest pillow the world has ever, and would ever see! And that willingness to bury herself deeper? Honie might as well have shown weakness to an apex predator in the wild, because it gave Eclaire's ego an overdrive boost! No longer satisfied with simply keeping her favorable position, Eclaire started to sashay over to the nearest corner; dragging the queen bee with the big behind behind her still snug in her big behind.

For as soft as her ass was, Eclaire found it slightly on the tedious side to pry Honie out. Mostly on account of finding a tad bit of resistance from the heroine, and not wanting to ruin her blissful fun. A little of tugging here, a bit of cheek clapping there, and finally Eclaire had Honie slump against the corner free from the depths of the jiggly paradise...albeit upside down with her asstasstic butt hanging in the air! But a return ticket for Honie was already booked and the reservation was already made; the Tycoon reached back over her head to take a grip of the heroine's ankles which left the smaller beefy beauty dangling in the air. Swaying ever so subtly from side to side as Eclaire jostled her own hair around, trying to sway her gigantic ringlets out the way until she felt a gap! In that instant she bucked her booty back once more to return the queen's face right where it belonged: ear deep in a bootyliscious buffet! Eclaire stifle a moan or two as she felt Honie re-sink into her ass with no resistance! All while she got to relax by leaning back, pressing the back of Honie's head on the corner ring post! The move might have looked a tad familiar to fans of the honeycomb hive heroine! Something she may have called the Honey Bun Stand!
Eclaire didn't steal the move! She...borrowed it.
The ojou's arms had long since proven they're titanic, ungodly power tens of times over. Holding up 184lbs of cheektastic honeybuns? Took about as much effort as lifting a paper cup! So if she had no interruptions, Eclaire was going to take her sweet time seeing how deep Honie's face could go! Trying her damndest to avoid making any unsightly expressions, unbefitting of her status as the pleasure of her domination and feeling of the smother drove her face to a scarlet blush!

"I do hope you don't hold this against me! Imitation IS the sincerest form of flattery after all, darling! Your heroics are an inspiration to us all! Certainly inspiring me to leave an impression ALLLL over your gorgeous face!"
Last edited by SisterSelect on Sat Jul 27, 2024 6:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Rich Golden Honey - Eclaire vs. Honie

Unread post by dddybee »

The fans of LAW got to see their favorite Booty Buzzer dish out smothers MUCH more often than they got to see her receiving them. But anytime Honie did find herself buried in someone else's curves, she was always very adamant to reclaim her smothery dominance tenfold! She'd fight back and resist, very often escaping and overpowering whoever was smothering her, before force-feeding them her entire baking industry of hefty honey buns! So the audience was quite puzzled to see Honie show no initial resistance, once Eclare trapped her in a standing butt smother! They knew the ultra-tough heroine couldn't be worn out yet, so it wasn't that Honie was too tired to resist. But the truth was simply that Eclaire's extremely soft and comfy rear physically felt super nice upon her face!

As a result, Honie didn't even notice the fact she was now being effortlessly dragged by Eclaire, seemingly for the blonde woman to set up for another move! The rich woman's jiggly, thicc, sexy booty was covering Honie's vision. But if the bee could see where Eclaire was taking her, she would've have been a lot more alarmed! The corners were Honie's favorite spots of a wrestling ring. For one, she could perform killer high-flying moves from the top of the turnbuckles. But the bigger reason was how much booty/smother-based offense she could unleash on her foes, when she had them cornered against the turnbuckle! And the smother-loving Heroine of the Beehive was about to get a bigger taste of her own medicine than she could have ever expected!

After being unwilling pulled out of Eclaire's pillowy cheeks, Honie's mind was still in a foggy state. Though it was now confusion, rather than comfy bliss, as the big bee tried to piece together what was happening. She was now being held by her ankles, upside-down, with her back against the a corner turnbuckle! While Honie herself had never been in this position before, it still felt strangely familiar... Once Eclaire got her huge, long hair outta the way, her beautiful bottom was once again put on full display for Honie, as if it had been revealed by Eclaire's personal curtains! The blonde's butt took up so much space, that when facing it in a cornered position like this, it literally felt as if you had nowhere to go! That's exactly how Honie's opponents felt, right before the big bee often stinkfaced them! And now Honie was in for a similar smother... Her OWN smother!

Once Eclaire backed her booty into Honie's face again, more than one thing finally sank in. Honie finally realised what was happening. She was being smothered in her own signature move: her cleverly named 'Honey Bun Stand'! "MMMMMMMMPHHHHHH! MMMMMMM!" Honie let out some loud, muffled cries and flailed her arms around. She was feeling more than a little embarrassed, both about being smothered in her own special move, and reflecting on her lack of resistance up until this point! Despite now being ear-deep in booty, Honie did somehow hear Eclaire's teasing yet kind words. This made her feel a little better.

Nonetheless, Honie's reignited desire for smother dominance, finally allowed her to resist the comfort of Eclaire's backside. Doing so wasn't easy of course, but the strong-willed heroine would regain a level of focus. Honie would stop flailing her arms and instead focus on using them to grab two handfuls of Eclaire's booty, one palm per cheek. Tapping into her superheroine strength, Honie would push at Eclaire's booty. Forcing the blonde's hips forward enough to finally free her face! Speaking of strength, Honie couldn't help but take note of how effortlessly Eclaire seemed to be holding her. Is this what so many (if not all) of the bee's previous opponents had felt, when Honie lifted them to her will so easily? After taking a big gasp of air, the bee would speak.

"Th-Thank you Eclaire..." Honie buzzed in an embarrassed and somewhat pouty tone, though she did sincerely appreciate the blonde's compliments. "I'm flattered. Since it's my move, mayhaps you'll love it even more if used on you, with MY sexy badonkadonk on YOUR beautiful mug again. Haha..." Despite Honie's sass and newfound excess to oxygen, she still wasn't in a favorable position. It felt like Honie just had Eclaire buried in her honey buns moments ago. But currently, the larger heavyweight still had more control here!

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Re: Rich Golden Honey - Eclaire vs. Honie

Unread post by SisterSelect »

"Do ever tire of being such a charmer?" Eclaire cooed, almost wishing she could take Honie up on that offer with how sublime being pinned under those glazed cheeks felt! Yet her grip remained steadfast and ironclad. Not a bead of sweat dripping down her biceps and it was becoming all too clear she could continue to hold Honie like this just fi-

"But you might just...get the chance! Nnnngh...getting a little tough to keep you steady Oh noooo, my grip is slipping! And my legs can't keep this up!!" Eclaire...groaned? Her words contradicted her body's condition, because there wasn't a single twitch in her arms. And yet she tried to appear as if she would drop Honie at any moment. Her acting to encourage otherwise was bad, horrible even. One could almost say it was deliberate...

Eclaire started to wobble away from the corner, seemingly on the verge of tipping over at any moment. Even going so far as to press either herself or the still upside down Honie on the ropes to give the cameras a closeup of her 'desperation' as it were. A lap or two around the squared circle later and Eclaire would stumble her way to the very center. "I can feel my poor dear arms tearing apart at the seams! My darling legs are on the verge of collaaaapse! If only somebody would save me from the cruel mistress that is gravity and break my....FALL!"

The tycoon cried out not with a whimper, but with a glint in her eye and an impish grin! Her legs would kick out from in front of her as she leaned back a tad to crash into the canvas ass first! Or rather she would if not for the lovely landing pad that was Honie's face! The blonde's impossible soft cheeks blanketed Honie's whole face even smothering down to her ears; burying her in the most pillowy paradise once again to ensure a sweet trip to dreamland...while the back of her head was used like a battering ram on the floor trapped under 200 pounds of pure French majesty!

The ref barely managed to stay standing while clinging onto the shaking ropes as the bootyquake subsided. Getting a glimpse at the now grounded duo with Eclaire having transitioned into a ass-tastic facesit with one leg daintily crossed over the other. "Gasp! I'm still in one piece! And the ladies all around the globe can rest easy knowing this world class ass is as peachy as ever! How could I EVER thank you for saving me Honie? ...oh don't answer that, I can think of a way..." she snickered as her hips began to rock. Grinding her angelic cake left and right, up and down, and absolutely all around Honie's face!
Last edited by SisterSelect on Sat Jan 11, 2025 11:07 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Rich Golden Honey - Eclaire vs. Honie

Unread post by dddybee »

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After facing the embarrassment of falling victim to her own signature move, Honie was more than willing to bring the fight back to Eclaire. But the big blonde bombshell's behavior caught her off guard. Suddenly, Eclaire began to act as though her arms were tiring out, as if she could drop her fellow heavyweight at any moment!

"What?!" Honie puzzled in disbelief. The bee had saw, with her own compound eyes, just how strong this rich woman was. That was the first thing Eclaire had shown off upon her appearance, carrying a whole palanquin with little effort! There was no way she was fatigue from carrying the lighter heavyweight already!

Nonetheless, Eclaire seemed very committed to this act she was putting on. The drama queen "staggered" around the whole ring, maintaining her hold on Honie the whole time, but still acting as though she was losing her grip. But eventually, at the climax of her performance, Eclaire would reach the ring's center and """inadvertently""" fall! "Wait a min-UGHHMMMMMPHH!"

Eclaire's words made Honie realize what she was about to do, but it was too late. The blonde woman kicked her legs out and dropped in big beautiful booty down right on Honie's face, hitting her with a buttdrop, before settling into a facesit! Given that the impact was big enough to shake the very ring, Honie was undoubtedly stunned. So Eclaire had the time to make herself comfortable, and tease Honie with words that played off her superheroine theme!

Eclaire got the chance to rub her lovely rear end all over Honie's face again. But within the crack of those cheeks, Honie was regathering her resolve. It was difficult to fight the comfy feeling of those pillows on her face, but the Heroine of the Beehive needed to get back into this match! Figuring out a move that would likely take Eclaire by surprise, Honie would suddenly rear her lower body up, to strike out at Eclaire's back with a powerful double kick! If all went Honie's way, the blow would be strong enough to knock even a heavyweight of Eclaire's caliber right off! And if that was the case, Honie would roll over to the ropes to start pulling herself up, taking in deep breaths as she did so!
Last edited by dddybee on Thu Jan 23, 2025 12:08 am, edited 1 time in total.

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