Victory Conditions: Gained by either pin, KO, or submission from the opponent inside the ring
Weapons are allowed, no countouts
A void, dark and desolate, save for a few fleeting glimpses of bright visuals; vivid and lucid, popping up before disappearing in a poof into the sea of black. That was what Clarisse, leaning against the wall near the mouth of the fan tunnel with a hoodie hiding her face; saw in the blinding darkness behind her eyes shut. Some of them were good, pleasant, about her childhood, playing with her foster siblings and in the loving embrace of her guardians, who tried their best to not let her feel the lack of parents. Others were, unpleasant, awful, hair-raising; from the days of high-school, during the time she got screwed over, the penetentiary, the life after.
All those memories flashed over, like a rather long reel playing in a tape and kept on going, every second which felt a little too real, until her eyes snapped open. Cold sweat covered her now pale visage, eyes wide and lips parted a tad releasing ragged gasps. It took a couple of minutes for the brawler to come to grips with her present situation. She was scheduled for a match today, and her entrance was being prepped up, which wasn't much to begin with. Running her hands on the cold wall behind her, fingers trembling, trying to get purchase, Clarisse stood up upright, unzipping her now sweat soaked hoodie, despite the air-conditioner blowing at full flow.
Ms. Bennett, you are now good to go...
Clarisse peeked behind to see a crew member showing her a 'Go Ahead' signal, the lights of the arena going out on command, all set for the snow-haired woman to make her presence felt, or more accurately, remain anonymous. Her panicked breathing gradually returned to normal, and the heart slowed down to acceptable levels, one of calm and tranquility as she slowly made way out of the tunnel. Clarisse walked down with practiced ease, every step trodden precisely and every route of this entrance motion done like clockwork numerous times beforehand, uassuming to the masses, who were occupied in finding the cause of the power cut and getting adjusted to their temporary vision impairment.