Jack the Ripper vs Ada Miller - Hentai Match

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Jack the Ripper vs Ada Miller - Hentai Match

Unread post by Galahad »

Match Rules: Hentai match, first wrestler to force an orgasm on the rival will get the victory.
Ada let out a long sigh while she looked at herself in the mirror while getting ready for her upcoming match. Her first contact with wrestling that involved hentai wasn’t great for her. The purplette was expecting something more akin to traditional wrestling, her main area of training, and when things started getting steamier with her rival she felt her own control over any situation and herself slipping away. This looked like it had stirred some interests in LAW since her next match wasn’t a standard one with hentai allowed but one with lewd victory conditions, hence Ada’s hesitance. The rookie didn’t know what she was going to do for that one. Was she ready to engage another woman in intimate contact like that? What if she froze in place again? She couldn’t mess things up further, she had to take control over the situation and redirect her career before it turned into a jobber one.

Having reassured herself only a little Ada made it to the backstage, where she waited until her theme started echoing. She was the first one to arrive on stage this time, the one everyone would be looking at. With some irregular pace she made it down the entrance ramp, trying her best to look composed but getting some mixed success at it. She could hear the people whistling at her and it made her feel weird. The thought that surely some of them had seen her previous match was awkward enough, and now she had to partake in openly hentai in front of that crowd. Breathing deep, Ada focused on her steps, on getting to the ring as soon as possible so her mind would shift towards her rival.

Making it on stage, Ada stretched a little against her corner. The crowd was a little mixed in its reaction towards her. At first they were willing to cheer and whistle a little, but when they noticed Ada looked like a scared bird the enthusiasm wasn’t that big. It would be terrible if Ada’s rival got the crowd’s support from even before the match began, but the rookie could only focus on one thing at the same time and at that moment it was on maintaining her composure while thinking on her options as she waited for her rival.
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Re: Jack the Ripper vs Ada Miller - Hentai Match

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Jackie can be seen wearing a new set of outfits, leotards with three belt buckles wrapping around her body, a pair of black bandaged arms, and black thigh-high socks. She doesn't use this outfit much, and she only uses it for hentai matches, which she isn't really excited about; she doesn't have much interest in hentai matches; she would rather be part taking in the brutal matches where the fights are close and personal, but as near as hentai matches? She doesn't like it. However, it seems like her opponent this time is a newbie, so she probably gonna have an easier time against her.

After she had ready herself, she would go backstage; she would hear her theme as she folded her arms and walked backstage toward the stages. She ignored the boos and cheers; they never mattered to her, so she would simply walk toward the ring before sliding into it as she stood up and walked toward the corner, rather a simple introduction with a bored expression as she attempted to have a poker face, and try to look as confident as possible as she faces Ada and maintain her composure.

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Re: Jack the Ripper vs Ada Miller - Hentai Match

Unread post by Galahad »

From her corner Ada was a VIP witness to her rival’s entrance. The woman, introduced as Jack the Ripper, made her way to the ring among jeers and booing, which gave the rookie some relief. It looked like the crowd would easily lean to her side since they looked prone to be against the Ripper. The reasons behind that were a mystery for Ada but she could only hope it wasn’t because some reputation of being ruthless or anything like that. There was one thing Ada had to admit: her rival looked dashing, rocking a cool looking and sexy costume that looked way more intended for hentai than what she was wearing. The remainder of the match’s conditions brought a shade of blush to her face, her eyes averting those of her rival. With this hesitant attitude, Ada made it to the center of the ring where she offered her rival a friendly handshake which looked pretty awkward since she was struggling to keep her focus. “Um… good luck.”, she said with a timid voice in hopes the bell never rang to start the match, hesitance growing within her.
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Re: Jack the Ripper vs Ada Miller - Hentai Match

Unread post by Void-Effect »

Jackie would roll her eyes as she heard Ada's timid voice as she fold her arms and tap her right foot, obviously annoyed due to her opponent being a nervous wreck who probably wouldn't fight seriously, but then again, this is a H-type match, something that Jackie have little experience in, so all in all, she is very annoyed and frustrated as she growl in annoyance, the bell would ring as Jackie make the first move and walk toward Ada bring her arms up and grab her shoulders, made a hmmm noise as she considering what to do

Discord: Void Effect#1624

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