
Having reassured herself only a little Ada made it to the backstage, where she waited until her theme started echoing. She was the first one to arrive on stage this time, the one everyone would be looking at. With some irregular pace she made it down the entrance ramp, trying her best to look composed but getting some mixed success at it. She could hear the people whistling at her and it made her feel weird. The thought that surely some of them had seen her previous match was awkward enough, and now she had to partake in openly hentai in front of that crowd. Breathing deep, Ada focused on her steps, on getting to the ring as soon as possible so her mind would shift towards her rival.
Making it on stage, Ada stretched a little against her corner. The crowd was a little mixed in its reaction towards her. At first they were willing to cheer and whistle a little, but when they noticed Ada looked like a scared bird the enthusiasm wasn’t that big. It would be terrible if Ada’s rival got the crowd’s support from even before the match began, but the rookie could only focus on one thing at the same time and at that moment it was on maintaining her composure while thinking on her options as she waited for her rival.