Ayame vs Aoki - Smothering the Ring Purple

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Re: Ayame vs Aoki - Smothering the Ring Purple

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In her debut match she had met someone who was mostly smoke and mirrors. The confident appearance and trash talking didn’t match the skills they had in the ring. Ayame should have known by now to never let her first impression control her perception of someone unless she wanted to be controlled by an image. Akko’s confidence fell hard and once Ayame was holding her close and crushing her sexy opponent Ayame could tell that she had nothing to truly fear but herself. Aoki had panicked so quickly it was adorable and Ayame still felt her face heat up being so close to someone who looked so perfect but this was a match so she would need to make perfection look ugly. Her boobs had flattened Wiki’s and her bare abs were grinding down Aoki’s covered pack before she pulled away and gave Aoki space but taking an arm to pull her in close once she was away from the ropes. Once she was closer she would place her arms around and hold her face. “Did you like that Aoki? You’re face is starting to look a little red. I’m flattered.” Feeling really bold Ayame leaned in and gave Aoki a peck on the lips. Still not willing to commit to a kiss before she would lift Aoki up so she could drop her with a bomb, sending her on her head.

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Re: Ayame vs Aoki - Smothering the Ring Purple

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Once again, Aoki found herself in a familiar position, helplessness. The demure, little girl she took for granted early in the match turned to a wolf completely trapping her to the ropes at her mercy! Who could have thought someone so reserved stored such strength to overpower her like that? Certainly not her as any budge and attempt by the Purple Empress was just pushed back by this immovable wall!

Aoki then whimpered as she was jerked away from the ropes expecting the worst to come, but only being pecked on the lips instead. Aoki couldn't even begin to process what just happened before being pummeled by Ayame to the mat that quaked the entire ring! Aoki's voluptuous body flopped pathetically before it limped to nothing more than a purple stain splattered on the canvas! The crowd cheered the sudden display of strength as Aoki dazed on the center of the ring! It looked like lights out for the Purple Empress!
Last edited by Violet on Fri Feb 03, 2023 4:00 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Ayame vs Aoki - Smothering the Ring Purple

Unread post by Taskmaster12 »

The shaking from the slam that followed Ayame taking Aoki to the mat got everyone excited. They knew they were looking at another bit of masterful work from the young rookie who looked dominant in almost every match. She wasn’t going to waste this moment to brag or boast, but she still felt bad enough about the way the match started that she wanted to get something back. And she felt a little playful because of how Aoki seemed to like teasing her. Once she was back up Ayame would lean forward and stick her butt out before giving it a smack. Then turning her attention to Aoki whom she put herself right on top of before dropping herself down right on Aoki’s stomach with her ass for a standing banzai drop! Whatever that might do to the already embarrassed Purple Empress would only be matched when Ayame stood back up and began shaking her hips much like she saw Aoki did in the beginning to keep the crowd on her side before turning around and jumping down on Aoki again this time making sure her stomach would crash down on Aoki’s large boobs and flatten that chest completely. “Won’t be able to smother me with those all flat. Anything else Aoki?” Ayame asked while she sat up and would sit on Aoki’s stomach before placing her hands down next to Aoki’s face. With a sneaky smile she gave the fans a few seconds to figure out what she was doing and only when she heard the growing excitement as they figured it out did she follow it up by dropping herself down on Aoki’s face with her boobs flattening her face and starting a big boob smother on poor Aoki’s face.

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Re: Ayame vs Aoki - Smothering the Ring Purple

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The cold canvas kissed Aoki’s supple cheek as her disheveled locks loosely covered her stunned face. The slam caught the flustered Empress off guard, no less thanks to Ayame pulling all stop trying to outdo her in flirty seduction. Now half-dreaming, Aoki noticed nothing until a sharp thud rippled from her abs! “Gughhh!” Her eyes shot wide and limbs shot to action, trying to make out the sudden pain.

A blurred and overshadowing slender figure dancing on top of her was the only answer she got until it came crashing down on her chest, flattening and forcing every ounce of air out of it! “Puaaghhh!”

Aoki could only mewl any attempt to say no as the now confident Ayame teased her and took her time before smothering her with her tits. “Mmmmphhh! Mmphhh!” Every feature of her face disappeared completely under her opponent’s soft prison. A silver-lining as it exploded red in embarrassment as all Aoki could do was flail, trying to buck Ayame off her by their shoulder! “Mmmphhh!”

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Re: Ayame vs Aoki - Smothering the Ring Purple

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Where did this come from? Aoki’s confidence was so alluring it made Ayame stammer like a fan girl when she first saw her and Ayame never did anything that didn’t help her win. Now Aoki’s confidence was shattered and exposed as fake or weak. Ayame was on top and she was being odd. She was being playful and teasing. Was this Aoki’s doing? Or was this always something Ayame wanted to do? She felt something nice and comforting stirring from the feeling of Aoki struggling against her chest. A soft warm heat that made her want to sit in place and snuggle against her. Aoki’s smothered flailing managed to move Ayame a little so she would move her hands around Aoki and try to sit her up where she could better cradle the head so she could keep her trapped in her boobs even if Aoki pushed her off. “This should be more comfortable. I hope I’m not squeezing your head too tight. You should get to enjoy the smother for as long as you want.

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Re: Ayame vs Aoki - Smothering the Ring Purple

Unread post by Violet »

If the turn of the tide of the match wasn’t obvious yet, the way Aoki’s face disappeared into Ayame’s chest became another giveaway. The young Ayame now swinging to be the confident, sultry fighter in their ring dynamic as Aoki was reduced to the blushing, squirming one!

"Mmmmphhh! Mmmphhghh!" Aoki could only moan into their cleavage as the purplette hugged Aoki to sit her up and pull her deeper into her web! The little gap between their bodies doubled the heat bubbling on her face! Her chest pressed against Ayame's hard rock abs and her thighs the seat for their hips, thighs gently squeezing her waist and the chest that buried her feel all like a spell urging her to sleep. But she knew she couldn’t just take this lying down as Aoki would try to hit Ayame by the side of her torso, chipping away for any semblance of room to breathe!

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Re: Ayame vs Aoki - Smothering the Ring Purple

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She had a huge snuggle on Aoki that turned her body into a smothering blanket trapping Aoki. She could feel the best of the embrace wearing her down and making her flail less like she was going out. Turns out Aoki had a chance to switch tactics, sending punches to her side to fight for any gaps of air she could get by forcing Ayame to move to avoid the punches. She felt them dig into her side below her ribs and make her uncomfortable. Letting go of Aoki to block them would give her a chance to slip out and that made Ayame reluctant to do it until one punch hit a little too close to her liver for her liking. The hand reached out to grab it and hold it while she’d press her chest in more hoping to keep her from turning her head to get air.

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Re: Ayame vs Aoki - Smothering the Ring Purple

Unread post by Violet »

The current state couldn't be any more different than the start of the match. People just tuning in would have never guessed that it was Aoki commanding in the beginning with the way she flailed under Ayame’s grasp! The Purple Empress famed for her voluptuous figure and the sex appeal that came with it, now over-smothered and playfully teased by her shy opponent!

"Mmmnff! Mmmphhh!!" Aoki felt her options further cut down as Ayame snagged her hand. Helpless as the purple chest that eclipsed her face felt to just sink further in, Aoki would try to roll them over despite the risk! The purplette would try to pull herself up to all fours, forcing Ayame to let go or dangle as she’d try to use her weight advantage to pull herself up while still cradling Ayame!

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Re: Ayame vs Aoki - Smothering the Ring Purple

Unread post by Taskmaster12 »

Aoki was fighting back a little. Forced to action by her desperation from the smothering. Ayame wanted to go deeper. Her earlier nerves gone after taking control and her head was filled with thoughts of hugging and squeezing Aoki until she was sound asleep in her arms. Some strange thoughts in her head after a short bout of power that she tried to let them slip away even as she buried her chest in Aoki’s face almost covering it completely. Ayame felt a rumble and grabbed on to prevent her smother from being pulled away. Her grip remained when Ayame was pushed to the side and rolled over forcing her to her back from Aoki’s quick roll through! Aoki’s strength was truly amazing! Her body felt sorta showy for a second and in an instant she proved her muscles could work in extreme conditions even pushing herself up so that Ayame as slightly dangling off the floor! Ayame knew that Aoki might try and slam her down so she finally detached herself from Aoki and placed herself on her back. Her arms were moved from Aoki’s head to her shoulders to keep Aoki from falling on her. Strength of not Ayame was pretty strong too and ready to protect herself from a counter smother. “Enjoying yourself?

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