Aiko was giddy, coming to LAW was such a good idea, having the best of both worlds with her other league made the Black Rose’s heart skip a beat. She couldn’t help but be infatuated by the amount of good looking men and women there were to play with and the woman she was facing tonight was no different. Himeko Alan, a giant of a beauty but the roses heart was big enough to give or get. She had packed a rather risqué new bikini she had purchased just for this occasion, Aiko could only hope that her opponent would find her allure charming. Fufu, charming enough to roll over and accept her passionate affection that is, but having watched the giantess’ videos, she doubts that she’d be that lucky. In truth, Aiko appreciated having to work for what she wanted, the dessert was so much sweeter when you managed to earn it by hand. She had to say, the venue was rather out of the way but it had a spectacular view from the reviews she checked online.
Arriving at the onsen, she bows to the staff as she enters, the entire place belonged to the two of them just for the night and of course, The Rose had every intention of making her time here worth it.
There was need to be fancy or play it cool. There wasn’t a crowd to appeal to and she didn’t have to worry about how to present her entrance. She could wait in those warm waters for them to arrive, that is, if she was the first one here. Stepping into the changing room, Aiko took her time undressing. She had honestly been needing something like this for a while. Her part time hours at the lab had been weighing on her and she hadn’t gotten a match in quite some time as well, this was the perfect oppurtunity to rest, relax, and enjoy a bit of play.
Aiko didn’t dress up or apply much makeup, she arrived in an oversized t-shirt with a short pair of black denim shorts. Perfect for the hot Japanese weather but as the hour drew late, it became a bit more comfortable. She neatly folded her clothes in the basket provided and took her bag she had brought with her to pull out her new bikini. A black shawl was tugged out with it as the bag slightly rang with a jingle of her accessories~. She pulls a large waist chain adorned with blue stones to remind her of the sea, her first love. With the gold neck clasped in, her bikini top was tight against her chest, the last thing she’d want is her breast to spill out without her permission.