A Heavyweight Coronation: Megan Bradley (D) vs Aline Mcskermish (D)

Official Women's Wrestling matches take place here. There are multiple LAW Arenas throughout Japan, each offering different shows/rings
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A Heavyweight Coronation: Megan Bradley (D) vs Aline Mcskermish (D)

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Standard Match

All standard rules are in effect

Win via pinfall, submission, or knockout

The clock ticked with each second that passed, years in the Indies built Megan Bradley as a bit of a star and everyone who was a fan of hers was likely the most excited they had ever been to find out she finally signed with the largest and greatest wrestling promotion in the world, LAW. Megan arrived at the Arena clad in jeans and a white tee shirt and her gym bag hanging off her shoulder. Short interviews and pre-match pictures for the press were taken care of as she stopped for the media about an hour before the match was set.

After finally finishing up and getting the attention she so always loved and desired Megan went to her locker room dropping her bag on the floor next to her locker Megan opened it and quickly stripped off her top and bra before tossing them in her locker before the rest of her clothes followed after. Reaching down she unzipped her bag, pulling out tonight's attire. The tights fit her legs perfectly, her top was even better, and her abs were toned and out for all to admire. Sitting down her feet slipped in her boots, they were comfortable, more comfortable than a lot of shoes. The last part of her ring attire was her black fingerless gloves with some gold in them for a wonderful contrast. Reaching in her bag one last time Megan pulled out her blue and red sleeveless coat. Standing up Megan slipped inside her final article of clothing and she flicked and hair over her shoulder so it was neatly behind her back.
Entrance Jacket
Leaving the locker room Megan had a confident smile on her face rolling her shoulders to make sure they were nice and loose. With her entrance being a minute away Megan bounced up and down on her toes to get the blood flowing and soon her music started.
Entrance Music
Walking out onto the stage Kendra smiled widely as the crowd erupted for one of the debuting competitors. Standing on the stage Megan paused soaking in the praise before walking down the ramp high-fiving the fans along the right side until she was at ringside. Megan would then take off her jacket and hop up on the ring apron before turning back towards the ramp. Hooking her arms over the top ropes Megan would kick her legs doing a roll over the top rope and into the ring. From there Megan ran to her corner and climbed to the second rope raising her hands in the air and pointing to the ceiling. Hopping down Megan would lean in the corner, gripping the top ropes gently as she waited for her opponent to arrive eager to bury this woman for her own fame and benefit!
Last edited by Sigma Morgan on Tue Aug 13, 2024 8:33 pm, edited 2 times in total.


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Re: A Heavyweight Coronation: Megan Bradley (D) vs Aline Mcskermish (D)

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Backstage, waiting for her entrance. Aline is getting some comforting words of encouragement from her former trainer and partner Dayana Floris. Going over some small details about her opponent and what she should do against her. " Thank you, teacher... I go out there and show everyone that I am ready for the big leagues tonight.' The Irish Lass would say before hugging the other woman in front of her.

Aline's music starts to play.
Making her way out on stage. Aline would raise her arm up in the air for the crowd to cheer her on. Even doing her signature pose as she gives the V sign with her fingers. Before she makes her way down to the ring, giving friendly high-fives to some of the fans.

As Aline enters the ring she gives her opponent a look before climbing the middle turnbuckle and goes the V pose before hopping down to the canvas. As the big Irish Lass makes her way to the middle of the ring, she holds out her hand to her opponent... "let's have a good match lass."

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Re: A Heavyweight Coronation: Megan Bradley (D) vs Aline Mcskermish (D)

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Megan didn't know much about her opponent other than she was another debuting talent and was a bit bigger than her. None of which affected Megan's plans or intentions to win; if anything, the size disadvantage would only make it more impressive. After waiting in boredom Megan let out an exaggerated yawn before her opponent's music started. Well well well, she certainly was bigger. To Megan this woman still looked very liftable and squeezable, and with that beatable. Oh yes, this woman would make the perfect example to the rest of the roster.

Though when she saw her opponent high-fiving the fans Megan became annoyed. "That bitch is copying me!" the egotistical woman thought in her head, her grip on the top ropes becoming firmer in anger as her opponent made her way down to the ring.

After the woman's entrance was finished Megan stepped forward, the two women eventually ending up in the center of the ring, face to face. Seeing the woman hold out her hand Megan scoffed before raising her hand as if she was going to accept it, instead going higher and faster aiming to slap her opponent across the face! If the slap connected she would then shove the woman back to create some space between them. "It will be good with you pinned beneath my boot, lass!" Megan taunted making sure to especially mock the woman's tone and use of the word lass.


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Re: A Heavyweight Coronation: Megan Bradley (D) vs Aline Mcskermish (D)

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Aline felt that she looked kind of dumb holding her hand out and the other woman not even shaking it.

She felt even worse as the other woman's hand slammed into her cheek, which made her stumble, before being pushed backward in a rude display of unsportsmanlike. The final straw was the insult and mocking of her heavy accent and calling her Lass in a sarcastic tone.

One thing Aline would never take is disrespect as she glares at the other woman before returning the slap with a forearm smash right across her opponent's face. If the blow connects Aline would mock her opponent right back.

' Yeah, Lass, I am going to knock your block off for disrespecting me like that... you want a fight? Well, I love to fight.'

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Re: A Heavyweight Coronation: Megan Bradley (D) vs Aline Mcskermish (D)

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It felt great making the big woman stumble with a disrespectful slap! As Megan sneered and smirked Aline seemed to have enough as she reapproached her and returned the favor with an elbow strike to the face causing the former model to stumble back holding the side of her head. Steadying herself Megan looked up and glared at the woman before her teeth gritted with anger. "This isn't going to be a fight... I'm going to bury you, fat bitch!' Megan shouted as she rushed Aline aiming to land a hard right hook to the woman's face before grabbing her by the ponytail and chin aiming to force the woman to look her in the eyes. 'I almost wish this was a different kind of match!' Megan would taunt before throwing the woman's head back and attempting to throw a kick towards her in the stomach to force her back before motioning for the woman to come at her!
Last edited by Sigma Morgan on Sat Aug 24, 2024 5:36 pm, edited 2 times in total.


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Re: A Heavyweight Coronation: Megan Bradley (D) vs Aline Mcskermish (D)

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Aline was ready... but she saw red at being called fat. She had always been the big girl in the ring, and even in Mexico, some other luchas had called her that and paid the price for it. But that small moment allowed her opponent to get another punch in on the face that made her stumble again.

'You bitch...' She grunts out due to her hair being grabbed and made to look at Megan. Before taking a kick to the stomach that backs her into the ring ropes.

Using the rebound to send herself right back at her opponent... Aline would slam her shoulder right into her opponent for a shoulder tackle. Planning on using her body weight and momentum to send the other woman to the canvas.

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Re: A Heavyweight Coronation: Megan Bradley (D) vs Aline Mcskermish (D)

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Hearing her opponent calling her a bitch Megan let out a low growl as she kicked her opponent in the stomach. "That's Empress to you" Megan said watching her opponent back up into the ropes... before coming right back at her. Apparently, she might have mistaken a bull for a cow as she was quickly knocked down to the canvas hard by a shoulder tackle. Gritting her teeth Megan rolled onto her side, her opponent hit hard when she had some momentum, she would give her that.


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Re: A Heavyweight Coronation: Megan Bradley (D) vs Aline Mcskermish (D)

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Aline knew that she would have to hit her opponent hard and fast. Not allowing Megan to breathe or try to even counter what is going to happen to her next. The big woman would reach down and grab her opponent by the legs and, in a show of strength, go for a big swing move. Spinning around like a top, all the while holding onto Megan's legs to try and dizzy the other woman for another powerful move.

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Re: A Heavyweight Coronation: Megan Bradley (D) vs Aline Mcskermish (D)

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Feeling her legs grabbed, Megan's attention immediately snapped towards her opponent. "Let me go stupid cow!" Megan cursed right as her opponent began to spin, bringing her right along for the ride, her hair blowing away slightly from the move. Megan quickly began to grow dizzy and squirmed, trying to free her legs from her opponent's gasp though a bad feeling told the American Empress that the woman had something painful in mind,


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