Of Cats and Cowgirls - Claire McAllister vs Tracy Canon

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Re: Of Cats and Cowgirls - Claire McAllister vs Tracy Canon

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Claire had not expected to have suddenly been placed into a match against someone that she had spent so much time watching, and was such a massive fan of, but it seemed like LAW was a land of continual surprises, as that was the exact situation that Claire found herself in tonight, in the middle of her match with the famed Circus Cat of LAW! And while Claire had tried not to go too crazy fangirling over the luchadora, it seemed that Tracy's entire offense was becoming tailored to making sure that Claire was completely overwhelmed with sensual offense, already taking the lead and after a brief breast smother, putting Claire down on the canvas and taking a seat on the lightweight cowgirl's face!

"Mmmmph! Mmmmmhh!" Claire wouldn't be able to respond to any of Tracy's teasing comments as the feline luchadora rode her face, grinding her pussy onto Claire's trapped features, her thick thighs sandwiching the lightweight's face as she rode her! Tracy continued to grind her crotch onto Claire's pretty features for a few seconds more, before she would suddenly rise up off of the cowgirl, leaving Claire dizzy and breathless on the canvas, as Tracy slowly rose back up to her feet, before bending down to grab hold of Claire!

Claire was granted a brief moment to breathe as Tracy rose off of her, getting a few moments as the Circus Cat took her time bending over, jiggling and shaking her big, round ass to the delight of the fans, before she would grab hold of Claire and pull her back up to her feet!

Claire was tugged upwards thanks to Tracy guiding her, the cowgirl's legs feeling a bit weak, though it was unlikely that anyone would blame Claire for such a predicament, as having a woman like Tracy grinding her crotch onto their face would no doubt leave anyone weak in the knees! However, what came next was only going to have the cowgirl even more surprised and weak knee'd, as Tracy gently cupped Claire's face in her hands, and after Claire nodded at Tracy to let her know she was indeed still with her, the Circus Cat would lean in and lock lips with Claire, delivering a passionate smooch to the cowgirl!

"Mmmh?!" Came the surprised noise from Claire, but her eyes went from wide open to shut closed as she kissed Tracy, the two sharing an intimate moment together as the Circus Cat seemingly rewarded her for her endurance! Claire kissed back, happily pressing her lips to her idol's, before the Circus Cat would finally break the kiss, leaving Claire hazy and lovestruck, before the cowgirl would have her arm snatched and Tracy would whip her towards the corner, sending the cowgirl crashing into the turnbuckles with an irish whip! Claire hit hard, letting out a grunt as she ended up leaning against the turnbuckles, before Tracy was off once more, darting towards the cowgirl, Claire raising her head up to see the middleweight charging at her, full steam ahead!

"Oh gosh! M-Miss Tracy, wait! .....Huh?" Claire winced as she prepared for one hell of an impact... only to find nothing hitting her, the cowgirl slowly opening her eyes to see nothing at all in front of her! That was because she had missed Tracy sliding out of the ring, and Claire's first realization of that fact was when the Circus Cat suddenly swung back around, extending an arm from outside and sweeping Claire's feet right out from under her, the cowgirl letting out a yelp as she fell down to her ass in the corner!

Tracy re-entered the ring, and Claire would be left sitting in the corner as she watched the busty luchadora slide back into the squared circle, Tracy bouncing up to her feet as she stood across the ring from where Claire rested! And now that she was all set up and Claire was left sitting in the corner, the cowgirl would watch as Tracy signaled her intentions, reaching back and slapping her thick, round ass over and over again, her pale cheeks jiggling and shaking as she prepared herself for what came next! Claire prepared too, though there was little that she could do as she watched Tracy spank herself, simply left to brace herself for the impact that was surely coming her way, unable to take her eyes off her foe! And sure enough, Tracy would suddenly dash forwards, performing a cartwheel into a back handspring as she flipped towards the cowgirl, before Claire was left watching her land and suddenly launch herself backwards, her huge ass coming hurtling right towards Claire's face!

"Oh shoo- MMMPH!" Claire groaned, before that massive, jiggling ass would slam into her face, Tracy completing her maneuver and slamming into the cowgirl with a massive hipcheck in the corner! Claire groaned underneath Tracy, but as the Circus Cat completed her maneuver, she wouldn't get up at all, but rather relax into her seat on Claire's face, settling into a stinkface in the corner! Claire was quite dazed from the booty blow to the face, and she would be trapped in either a suffocating humiliation move, or a dream come true, she couldn't quite decide yet! Either way, Tracy was free to pose and play to the crowd, all as her thick cheeks smushed Claire's face, the cowgirl buried deep in the Circus Cat's buttcrack as she was stinkfaced in the corner!

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Re: Of Cats and Cowgirls - Claire McAllister vs Tracy Canon

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Everything was coming up Tracy as she strung together sensual, dynamic, and effective offense to completely overwhelmed The Cowgirl and leave her in a dazed state! Fans all around the arena and fans watching at home cheered The Circus Cat as she took total control! The commentators at ringside had speculated that Tracy was the favorite here in a feel-good matchup where Claire would get to take on one of her wrestling idols! But even the experts at the announce desk hadn't counted on the match being so one-sided! As Tracy relaxed her weight and took her seat, as she allowed Claire's face and nose to be buried deeper and deeper into her pale cheeks, The Circus Cat was looking like the very picture of dominance! She was styling on McAllister and looking good while doing it!

"Still with me, babe?" Tracy was posing and gesturing to the crowd while delivering this Stinkface in the corner, but she took a brief pause from her gesturing to look back at Claire.

"Gimme a thumbs up if you're still hanging on, even if by a thread. I gotta give you the right serving size of the Mama Tracy Canon experience and the last thing I wanna do is give more than you can chew, haha!" Tracy said this out of concern, but she still moved her hips side to side even as she spoke, pouring on the pressure further! The luchadora had to make the most of this time in the corner. The referee began to approach to nag Tracy to move the action out of the corner, as technically, a rope break should be enforced here.

Regardless of how Claire responded to Tracy, if she even responded at all, Tracy would look to up the ante!

"Alright, let's get this bring this here cowgirl home!" Canon would declare before finally standing up after a minute or so of smothering Claire in the corner and giving Claire the briefest of breaks!

Tracy would turn around and grab hold of Claire's ankles before dragging her towards the center of the ring and slowly turning the girl onto her back! From here, Tracy would stand up and bring her index finger to her chin! It wasn't often acknowledged, but before a match could get started proper, each of The SWAT Cats would always discard the tails of their wrestling attires! And the tail that was usually connected to Tracy's leotard was still in her corner! Tracy's eyes had scanned the ring and picked up on this! And an idea formed in her mind!

A mischievous grin formed on Tracy's face when she thought of it! She snapped in reaction to her own stroke of genius! The Circus Cat would zip over to her corner and retrieve the tail! She'd then come back to a hopefully still prone Claire McAllister and look to grab hold of each of her limbs one by one! First Claire's wrists and then her ankles! Despite the referee's nagging, Tracy would look to use the prop to show off her shibari skills and tie the cute lightweight Cowgirl's limbs behind her back one at a time! If Tracy managed to succeed, she'd neutralize Claire completely before finally turning her over and standing up to allow the crowd the chance to bask in the bondage that was Canon's handiwork here!

If all went her way, Claire would have her feet and hands fastened behind her with little hope of escape! And with Claire being turned face-up and Tracy's wide hips and big booty looming over her! There would be only one way for things to go from here! Much to the crowd's delight!
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Re: Of Cats and Cowgirls - Claire McAllister vs Tracy Canon

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If Claire had been unprepared for the full Tracy Canon experience when she had walked down the entrance ramp and entered the ring for this match, she would certainly have to be ready at this point, because whether she was or not, Tracy was planning to give her the full usual experience and then some, with a very shocked Claire already having been subjected to smothers so early on into the match! And now, finding herself forced into a steamy makeout session with one of her idol's, any preparation she might have had went out the window thanks to the surprising liplock that Tracy had pulled her into, the intimate kiss leaving Claire all the more stunned before the Circus Cat continued on to whip her in the corner and pull her legs out from underneath her! All in order to get back into the ring, slap her ass a few times in the cowgirl's direction, before backing up and sitting down on Claire's face, planting her thick, pale asscheeks on the small blonde's pretty features as she settled into a humiliating and sexy stinkface!

With Tracy taking her place atop Claire's face, the Circus Cat was having quite the time of it as she posed and gestured to the crowd, actions and humorous teasing's for the fans that Claire couldn't see any of, as her face was instead wedged firmly between the soft, jiggling asscheeks of the luchadora! Tracy relaxed against the ropes all while the crowd went wild for her maneuver, Claire giving muffled groans and moans from underneath the massive rear end of her foe, but the referee would soon hassle Tracy into getting out of the corner and giving Claire a bit of a breather, only after she had wiggled and shook her ass in Claire's face quite enough to leave her stunned!

That brief breather would come to her as Tracy would stand up and turn around, Claire's vision returned to her as she witnessed those pale cheeks getting up and moving away from her, before Tracy grasped her ankles and began to pull! Claire gave a low groan as she was yanked across the canvas, out of the corner and over to the center of the ring, where she would drop the cowgirl and let her rest for but a moment, as she whisked away to retrieve something that Claire couldn't see!

"Nnnngh... golly Miss Tracy... yer butt sure is big... What the heck?" Claire groaned, before she was suddenly surprised by Tracy reaching out and snagging hold of her limbs, only to wrap something around them! Claire groaned as her wrists and ankles were suddenly pulled together, and Tracy's tail would be wrapped around them, a makeshift rope used to tie Claire up into a hogtie position, all before she was flipped over onto her back!

"Woah! Mmmgh... not too bad Miss Tracy! Reckon I could get out of here in a couple seconds though..." Claire muttered to herself, though it was when she stopped admiring the handiwork of Tracy's hogtie would she look up to see those large, pale cheeks once more hovering right over her face, her eyes widening as it became clear what she was in for more of, whether she liked it or not!

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Re: Of Cats and Cowgirls - Claire McAllister vs Tracy Canon

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Tracy had been giving Claire the experience of a lifetime! McAlister had certainly been having her fill and all The Circus Cat she could handle, but the crowd was loving it, too! Circus Cat chants persisted every step off be way as Tracy strung together moves and smothers to keep Claire overwhelmed!

By this point, Tracy had Claire nearly breathless and hogtied on her back in the middle of the ring! Given and break and left uninterrupted, the cowgirl likely could have freed herself in no time at all! Tracy was, of course, well aware of this! And the Tracy Canon experience didn't include an item in the agenda to have the cowgirl untie her way to freedom!

No, Tracy would wiggle her hips one last time before promptly spreading her legs and dropping down into a kneeling position to smother Claire once more! The charismatic luchadora would have everyone in the arena cheering for her as she reached back and hooked an arm over Claire's bound limbs to get more leverage, not for a pin of course, but to lean Claire onto her shoulders so that her face could be wedged even deeper between those pale, soft cheeks!

"It's even bigger up close, isn't it? I hope you like it!" Tracy would smile ear to ear as she posed for the cameras in what could very well be the last smother of the match! She'd pause for only a moment to pull just a little bit of extra slack from the fabric that made you the tail prop of her costume! Tracy would name a small heart shape with her tail before spreading her knees further!

The flexible Cat luchadora would ruffle Claire's blonde hair with one hand whilst keeping Claire's limbs trapped and the heart shape propped up with the other! A faint blush would appear on Tracy's face as she bounced her butt and applied some serious pressure to wear Claire out and buy an exclamation point on this rendition of the full Tracy Canon experience for anyone that was looking for a heck of a smothering!
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Re: Of Cats and Cowgirls - Claire McAllister vs Tracy Canon

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Brought down by Tracy, Claire was enduring the stinkface from one of her wrestling idols, a normally quite humiliating and suffocating move, but the lightweight cowgirl could not have been any more enchanted with Tracy than she was right now, the feeling of getting such sensual treatment from someone who inspired her to wrestle leaving her heart aflutter! And as Tracy broke away from Claire, granting her some air, the blonde wrestler remained gasping and starry eyed, all while Tracy dragged her over to the center of the ring and stepped away to grab her tail, before returning to Claire and capturing the cowgirl's limbs one by one, taking a page out of the southerners playbook as she went for a good old fashioned hogtie on her!

Each one of Claire's limbs were caught and tied up, and while the cowgirl would have had little trouble in breaking out of a hogtie, already able to see things that Tracy had done that might not be the most effective or efficient, she wasn't being tied up just so that she could sit there and squirm! Instead, Tracy would swing a leg over Claire's head, positioning herself with her pale, massive ass hanging just above Claire's face, the cowgirl staring blatantly as that gorgeous rear end would eventually lower until it landed on her face, Tracy settling into a comfortable position on the hogtied woman!

"Mmmmmph! Mmmmh!" Came a muffled groan from underneath Tracy's soft, plump cheeks, Claire's face buried deep in the luchadora's buttcrack, squished by the softness of her foe's rear end as she could do little with her limbs tied... though she may not want to do anything at all besides enjoy the moment! Claire would have answered Tracy's question if she was able to, as the Circus Cat's hefty rear looked much, much larger up close, and felt infinitely softer and more pillowy than she ever could have dreamed of, not that such a thing could be expressed from her current position!

Things would really get all the more intimate as well, as Tracy would play to the crowd by using the spare length of her tail to form a little heart, while also spreading her knees further apart, reaching back to pat Claire's head! Tracy's massive rear end would jiggle and shake as she bounced up and down lightly on Claire's pretty features, continually burying the cowgirl deeper and deeper in her ass, smothering the cowgirl into a blissful state of dazed submissiveness!

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Re: Of Cats and Cowgirls - Claire McAllister vs Tracy Canon

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With Claire all tied up with nowhere to go and Tracy riding her biggest fan's face into a state of docile submissiveness, everyone watching cheered what they expected to be the setup for the conclusion of this match, if not the big finish itself! Circus Cat chants filled the arena as Tracy continued working on the hogtied cowgirl! She began to rock her hips back and forth! She laid a hand in Claire's bound limbs, placing her palm where the rope had come together! With her free hand, Mama Tracy spanked her own bottom, pantomiming and cheering like she were the cowgirl, tonight!

"Yeeehawwww!" The redhead called out with a wide, open-mouthed smile!

McAllister seemed lost in more ways than one! The aspiring wrestler and hardcore Tracy fan was getting everything she bargained for and then some! And the crowd was loving it to boot!

Despite reveling in the moment, herself, Tracy kept a watchful eye for how Claire was holding up. When the blonde lightweight began to fade, Tracy would ease up on her riding. By the time the referee felt it was time to move in check to see if the little cowgirl was out, Tracy would stop completely and reach back to pat the girl on the head endearingly.

"That'll do, Claire.... that'll do...." Canon would smile warmly. Tracy wasn't the type to go particularly easy on anyone, even rookies. But with all the love she could feel emanating from Claire and the fans tonight, she'd make sure not to put her big fan through any more than she had to in order to win the match while still showing Claire a good time and keeping the cowgirl's nose and face between her big, pale cheeks for a dominant and decisive smother knockout victory!
:arrow_down_small:Links to stuff I wish more people would read:arrow_down_small:
General Wrestling Knowledge Primer <-- What's makes a face, a face? What does it mean to sell? And more

PPV Explanation / Explanation on Supercards <-- What does PPV stand for and why do we do them? What's the difference between a PPV Event and a Supercard

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Re: Of Cats and Cowgirls - Claire McAllister vs Tracy Canon

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Tied up with the tail of the Circus Cat's attire, Claire was put into an ironic hogtie, being lasso'd like she were a farm animal before Tracy would take her place over the top of the blonde lightweight, planting her massive ass on her face! Tracy's cheeks, large and pale and oh so very soft, would completely cover Claire's pretty features as the blonde became wedged in her foe's buttcrack, Tracy letting Claire get nice and deep between her cheeks before beginning to grind her hips back and forth, riding Claire's trapped mug! Tracy's cheeks jiggled, wobbled, and shook all over Claire, and the Circus Cat's biggest fan was getting quite possibly the biggest faceful of ass that she had ever gotten in her LAW career so far! In fact, Tracy's application of her booty to Claire's face was so thorough that fans in attendance were beginning to wonder if they were seeing the end of this match right now!

It seemed Tracy agreed with those sentiments, as her bucking and grinding on Claire's face would slow down the longer that the cowgirl was buried in those big cheeks, and soon enough, Tracy would eventually come to a stop! With a teasing line and a gentle pat on Claire's head, the Circus Cat would cease all movements, and now simply sit down on Claire's face and wait, letting her pillowy butt ease the cowgirl into a gentle slumber, though not everyone was as eager to see the cowgirl fade yet! Namely, that very cowgirl herself! And something that Claire had said earlier would soon come into play as Tracy got distracted trying to ease her to sleep with her facesit, and the cowgirl was left to fiddle with her restraints!

"Mmmmph... Mmmmhhh... Mmph!" Came the muffled cry, as true to her word, she had taken a couple of seconds to focus on it, and she had managed to break free of Tracy's impromptu hogtie! Claire's arms and legs would suddenly spill free from the restraint, and as lovely as Tracy's rear was, Claire would immediately arch her back, bring her hands to those cheeks, and shove hard to throw Tracy off of her!

"GAH! Aaah... hah... told ya... Miss Tracy... yer hogtieing is okay... but I could teach ya more sometime..." Claire gasped as she was freed from the large cheeks that had threatened to send her to bed and end this match early! It was an impressive escape, and the crowd cheered as they realized that the action was set to continue, even if Claire was still busy catching her breath!

And with the action continuing, Claire would set out on the first few steps of getting back into it, slowly rolling over and pushing herself up back to her hands and knees, attempting to get all the way back on her feet and catch her breath!

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Re: Of Cats and Cowgirls - Claire McAllister vs Tracy Canon

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Tracy was poised to make relatively quick work of Claire! Most of the more savvy fans and the commentators/staff had Claire as the underdog going into this contest. Some had even praised Claire for managing to last even this long! But just as it seemed that The Circus Cat would put the plucky cowgirl away in impressive and domineering fashion, just as it seemed that Tracy would close this out in style, Claire leaned on her rope typing expertise to find her way out of the hogtie!

"Thank you all for coming out, tonight! I've gotta give my biggest fan some "special treatment" backstage!" Canon would raise her eyebrows at the camera.

"But I'm happy I was able to put on a show you guy-sssaaahh?!" The perky luchadora's passionate speech to the fans in the arena and the viewers were interrupted by Claire digging deep to free herself and push the voluptuous luchadora off her person!

Tracy staggered a few steps, but she quickly found her footing by putting her feet together and spreading her arms to show she recovered! All eyes turned to Claire, who wasn't quite done yet! She even boasted by saying she could teach Tracy a thing or two!

"Ohhhh, I gotta hand it to you, you know your way around the ropes. Maybe I'll practice some shibari rope tying backstage after this match! I'm sure you'll have pointers for me, then." Tracy stuck her tongue out at the opposing blonde as she approached her.

McAllister put on a brave face, but she was only able to get up to her hands and knees by the time The Circus Cat was ready to start taking it to her again! And take it to her, Tracy did!

"If you wanted another serving of the Mama Tracy Experience, all you had to do was ask!" The plump, masked babe would wink as she hooked her arm underneath Claire's own and pulled the girl up to her feet! Tracy would point to the far corner of the ring and then look to send Claire running there with an Irish Whip! The SWAT Cat would follow Claire there immediately! She'd be dashing nearly the same second that Claire was! And if she got her way, by the time Claire had turned around to hit the turnbuckles with her back, Tracy's feet would leave the canvas as she looked to set the cowgirl up to take those big, pale cheeks to the face once more! This time with a high-impact Running Hip Attack in the corner!

If Tracy for her way here, she'd quickly follow up by reaching for Claire's arm and sending her across the ring once more to set her up for another one! And then another! Tracy would look to get a hat trick in against Claire here with a crowd-pleasing and dynamic trio of Running Hip Attacks! A series of moves that would certainly leave Claire stunned dazed silly once more if she kept taking this torrent of smother and booty-based offense at the hands of perhaps the best woman at it on the LAW roster! Mama Tracy Canon, herself!
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Re: Of Cats and Cowgirls - Claire McAllister vs Tracy Canon

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Tracy's tail had made a decent tie for the Circus Cat's makeshift hogtie, and Claire's limbs were testing the limits of the restraint when the bubble middleweight would take her incredibly thick rear end and plant it firmly on Claire's face, her massive cheeks letting the cowirl's face sink deep into her rear end! Tracy's thick ass was soft and jiggly against Claire's pretty features, and the Circus Cat reveled in her position, showing off for the fans as she waved to them whilst promising some nice and intimate times backstage with Claire! And while that certainly sounded like an enticing time, one that would have many folks chomping at the bit to experience with a woman like Tracy, Claire wasn't going to settle for losing this match just yet! Shown by how she managed to suddenly free her limbs from Tracy's hogtie, before bringing her hands up and pushing her opponent off of her!

Claire slowly rolled over as she was now freed of the behind on her face, allowing her to get some air and tease Tracy about her hogtie, the cowgirl having plenty of experience in that particular category, likely able to tie a knot far better than Tracy... if she could just get her down! Still, Claire's escape didn't seem to flummox the Circus Cat at all, as Tracy would catch herself before stumbling too far away, and once more she'd be on top of the cowgirl, quickly approaching her before hauling Claire back up to her feet!

"Nngh! What in tarnation is sha- Waaaaaah!" Claire began to ask, stopped by the sudden yank on her arm from Tracy that would send her running across the ring and crashing into the corner, hitting the buckles with a thud! And before she could even catch her breath, she looked up to find Tracy in hot pursuit, leaping up and slamming her thick rear into the cowgirl's face with a hip attack that rocked the poor lightweight!

"UUGH! Uuuuhh..." Claire groaned, but Tracy wasn't slowing down at all, and two more times she would grab hold of Claire and fling her into the opposite corner, following closely to slam her ass into the cowgirl's face each time, executing a trio of hip attacks, the last of which finally leaving Claire too dazed to stand!

"Uuuhhh... so much... peach..." Claire groaned loudly as she landed on her rear end in the corner of the ring, Tracy having took the fire she used to escape and promptly extinguished it under her rear end!

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Re: Of Cats and Cowgirls - Claire McAllister vs Tracy Canon

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The crowd roared with each successive Hip Attack from The Circus Cat!

"I'm a perpetual motion machine babyyyy!" Canon would pump her fist in the air and cheer after the second time her big, pale cheeks, hit their mark! Sandwiching Claire's dazed, blonde face between them!

Of course, one Hip Attack wasn't enough! Two was just a warm-up! It took three Running Hip Attacks to the face of the poor, rookie cowgirl to get this party started! The third one would be met with the loudest cheers from the fans to accompany the biggest impact yet! So big that McAllister's hat would fly right off her head! As the lightweight blonde fell onto her butt in a seat position in the corner, Tracy would raise her hand high in the air and catch the cowgirl hat as it descended! After placing it onto her head, the spunky luchadora would begin to clap!

While smiling ear to ear, Tracy would clap five times to a rhythm, prompting all the fans out there in the stands to do the same! After five claps, Canon would switch it up by slapping the sides of her thighs twice before switching to slapping her beautiful porcelain-skinned bottom! Tracy played things up for the crowd, getting them involved by clapping as she scooched back toward Claire every 5 beats! After two or three bouts of this, The Circus Cat would finally be close enough for the climax! If Claire remained stunned and seated in the corner, Tracy would take a big hop back and let her "biggest fan" have it by hopping right into a Stinkface in the corner!

"Let's see how you well I can ride ya, Cowgirl!" Tracy would cheer if her Stinkface connected! And if it did, the cheers from the crowd would reach a fever pitch as she shook her booty in place, juggling against Claire's face aggressively! The cowgirl's pretty nose and face wedged deep into Canon's backside as Tracy bent over and straightened her legs!

If everything went her way, Tracy would take the hair off and whirl or around several times, celebrating with the fans as she played up the theatrics with this smother! Whether it was the first of many more of the last serving for Claire that would leave her an aroused and love-drunk mess would be entirely up to Claire's stamina and how much the aspiring rookie Circus Cat fan could take!
:arrow_down_small:Links to stuff I wish more people would read:arrow_down_small:
General Wrestling Knowledge Primer <-- What's makes a face, a face? What does it mean to sell? And more

PPV Explanation / Explanation on Supercards <-- What does PPV stand for and why do we do them? What's the difference between a PPV Event and a Supercard

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