Maya Jones Vs. Bianca Garcia: Sexual Milf Mayhem

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Maya Jones Vs. Bianca Garcia: Sexual Milf Mayhem

Unread post by Deskfan45 »

Last Woman Standing Hentai Match
When a wrestler is subjected to a forced orgasm and is on the ground, she will have the count of ten to return to her feet. If she fails to do this, her opponent will be declared the winner.

It had been about a week since Maya's reunion, and subsequent private rematch with Inko. Even though the two women had become friends, the humiliating defeat in her own home weighed heavily on Maya's pride. She was determined to win this match, wanting to feel dominant once more!
"Ladies and gentleman, thid is a Last Woman Standing Hentai Match! Coming to the ring first, from Perry, Iowa, weighing im at 236 pounds, the Sensual Sadist, MAYAAAA JOOOOOONES!"

The audience cheered as the newly heavyweight MILF came down the ramp, flexing and blowing kisses at the audience. She stepped through the ropes and into the ring, shaking her chest as she did a little dance.
Last edited by Deskfan45 on Sun Feb 04, 2024 10:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Maya Jones Vs. Bianca Garcia: Sexual Milf Mayhem

Unread post by Albentes »

Bianca had another match today! This time she could actually lose, because she only got jobbers or people who liked to be dominated by her.. She gots 2 losses now but one was too brutal for her tastes and the other was more an agreement so maybe this time she could actually lose in her field!

She entered the ring where her opponent was already in waiting, she was a big girl too and it seemed a milf like her! Bianca couldn't wait and went to greet her opponent by immidiately griding her breasts on hers!
"Hello big girl <3 i hope we can have fun or be mean to each other, your choice <3 " "I'm Bianca the gentleman pervert nice to meet you <3 "

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Re: Maya Jones Vs. Bianca Garcia: Sexual Milf Mayhem

Unread post by Deskfan45 »

Maya liked the look of her opponent, a big, strong, sexy woman around her same age. And she could tell by the look on Bianca's face that the feeling was mutual! When the other heavyweight pressed her giant boobs into her own, Maya strongly pressed back, staring Bianca down with a grin. "Hello to you, gorgeous~. I plan on being plenty mean, and I think it'll be more fun for everyone if you do the same~." She smiled, thrilled with the fact that soon the two of them would be fucking and beating on each other until one of them could no longer stand. "I'm Maya. It's nice to meet you too~." The referee asked that they step away from each other so she could signal to ring the bell, and Maya cooperated, knowing she'd be even closer to Bianca soon enough.


With the ringing of the bell, Maya would step forward, rolling her shoulders. Wanting to see how much this sexy, muscly woman could take, she swung a big lariat at her chest!

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Re: Maya Jones Vs. Bianca Garcia: Sexual Milf Mayhem

Unread post by Albentes »

"Woah right into charging <3" Bianca liked Maya initative but she didn't want to go down first and ducked under it then going around Maya's back and german suplexing her! "Eheh you will be durable i can see <3"

After that she couldn't wait but to grope her breasts already! "Look what we have here so soft! <3 and you want me to be mean? mhh ok!" Bianca while groping started to punch Maya belly strongly, she wanted her to be mean so why not? "Hope this is mean enough!" Maya seemed pretty eager to go for a long time and Bianca couldn't wait to strip her completely after this and have fun for a long time.

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Re: Maya Jones Vs. Bianca Garcia: Sexual Milf Mayhem

Unread post by Deskfan45 »

Maya gasped in surprise as Bianca would duck under her lariat, and lock her arms around her waist, throwing her backwards with a german suplex! "AGGGHHHH!" She'd cry out as she hit the ground, feeling pain surge through her upper back and neck. And Bianca didn't let go, either, groping her breasts. The attention would elicit a small moan from Maya, but she'd be snapped back to reality with a harsh punch to her stomach! With a growl, Maya lunged at Bianca, hoping to headbutt her!

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Re: Maya Jones Vs. Bianca Garcia: Sexual Milf Mayhem

Unread post by Albentes »

"Woah calm down!" Bianca putted her hands in front of Maya head to stop that!

"You said you wanted me to mean! Now you stay the fuck down." With that Bianca slammed the back of Maya head down multiple times to stun Her a bit so She could resume Her groping... "Woah these are Amazing <3"

Last edited by Albentes on Fri Jun 28, 2024 3:57 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Maya Jones Vs. Bianca Garcia: Sexual Milf Mayhem

Unread post by Albentes »

Last edited by Albentes on Sun Sep 08, 2024 7:20 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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