Match Type: "Handicapped Match"
Win by scoring a pinfall of three seconds on the opponent, forcing a wrestler to submit, or knocking the wrestler out.
No DQ rules - No DQs, No Count-outs, but the 'fall' MUST happen within the confines of the ring. Additionally, tags between teammates will still be required. Weapons, outside interference, and illegal moves are all legal.
Handicapped - This match will be a 2-on-1 scenario where the single fighter must face two opponents, but only one must be defeated.
"...Entering first, fighting out of Tokyo, Japan, standing at 5'6 and weighing 132 lbs...Fighting with a one-of-a-kind, jaw-dropping rhythm and making waves across the world from coast-to-coast, shore-to-shore, ICON in the making...THE SEA TURTLE...AKARI ITO!!!"
Well, this wouldn't be an easy affair for the Sea Turtle to handle...a handicapped match with no rules whatsoever? It's a pretty interesting situation to be booked in...someone upstairs must REALLY like seeing the woman in such compromising positions...but Akari wasn't one to shy away from a challenge...ever the emotional and easily excited Joshi, the Sea Turtle would accept this challenge with grace and enthusiasm, spending a lot of her day prepping for whatever awaited her tonight. Once everything was finally ready, Akari emerged from backstage to a huge wave of praise and cheers from the adoring audience. Akari did her usual round of tricks to get them hyped up and excited, along with interacting with the AMAZING fans over by ringside. She would roll her shoulders and stretch her arms, removing her jacket before climbing up the side of the apron and posing while hanging off the ropes before slipping inside and rolling forward into a quick breakdance routine, flashing and flaunting her astounding agility and coordination with a bunch of fancy spins and power moves before standing back up and giving the crowd a few blown kisses and a bow. Afterward, she retreated to her corner and waited patiently...or, rather-...impatiently, as she was so jittery, feeling too excited to stand still as she wanted to see who she was facing!!!