Handicap Bedroom Smother Match - Cheyenne Black Rock vs. Haruka Miyazaki & Ruri Ayase

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Handicap Bedroom Smother Match - Cheyenne Black Rock vs. Haruka Miyazaki & Ruri Ayase

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Cheyenne Black Rock vs. Haruka Miyazaki & Ruri Ayase
Match Type:
Handicap Bedroom Smother Match
Rules: Cheyenne must smother out both Haruka & Ruri or Haruka & Ruri must smother out Cheyenne. The match takes place in a bedroom with padded floors.

Cheyenne Black Rock couldn't believe it, even as she was sitting cross-legged on the bed, hands on her knees and only dressed in a pair of white lingerie. After enough urging from management, the Native American finally stepped into the other side of LAW. In a Bedroom Smother Match, no less. She was certainly built for such a match, but she still couldn't shake the feeling of unease from finally doing it, even if it helped with her overall financial situation. Worse yet, it was a handicap match. They either had a very high opinion of Cheyenne's talents, or they really wanted to see her get taken down by a duo.

Perhaps even worse is that her partner, Deanna Duncan, was still on the outs with her. Normally, Cheyenne never cared about the encouragement and rambling of her partner, but without it, and in a match where she may have needed it the most, the Chieftess found herself missing it more than she expected. Heaving a soft sigh, she shook her head, trying to get those thoughts out of her head.

It was like any other kind of match. And she got tips from Alizeh Midori, her friend, to figure it out. She had leaned on her more after she was no longer speaking to Deanna, and their friendship had been strengthened as a result.

And with all of that help too, Cheyenne still felt like she didn't know what she was getting into, looking around the room like it was a surreal experience. The floors padded to avoid things getting too rough. Cheyenne just sitting in her lingerie and waiting for her opponents, also presumably in lingerie. And then just... waiting to defeat them with a smother match type. Unbelievable, the Native American thought. But she had to come to terms with it now. It was too late to back out, and it was just time to take the plunge. Who knows? Maybe she'd really enjoy it.

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Re: Handicap Bedroom Smother Match - Cheyenne Black Rock vs. Haruka Miyazaki & Ruri Ayase

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A week prior to the match, the inseparable pair of best friends was still trying to get over their loss against the goddesses of justice in the same format. It was excruciating, to think of how close they were but just to be defeated by only one of the goddesses as they pass out on the floor. It was clearly not a good thing for both of them, considering that the match would be heavily biased towards who would be the heaviest among them, which answers the question on why they were easily smothered. As they were having their breakfast, Haruka reflects what happened with Ruri.

"Sorry for yesterday... Ruri. She was strong, indeed.. but I didn't expect that she would be able to smother both of us at the same time... I thought the match was on our favor once Astrea passed out.."

"It's alright! At least, let's take it as a lesson for both of us. From now on, I want us to go to my gym frequently alright?"

"Ermm.. We're already doing it though... Oh one second!"

The red head heard her phone vibrates in her pocket as they were eating the dish Ruri cooked for both of them. It was supposed to be their matching schedule, sent by the management. She wasn't hoping that much, considering she's still new to this but to be exact, she didn't plan things out unlike their tag match the day prior, which was discussed between them and the goddesses beforehand. She was expecting a singles match but turns out, it's the same type of match, but this time it's a handicap match against a heavyweight veteran wrestler.

"Um... Ruri.."


"I think someone wants to assassinate us..."



Prior to their opponent coming to the hotel bedroom rented out for their special match tonight, The duo was already in the bathroom of it, taking a refreshing bath first before the match, as they wash each other's body. Since they had nothing to do, they were thinking of spending the free time waiting for their opponent with something beneficial first, as they would've learned from the last match that tussling on the bed could be excruciatingly tiring as tussling in the ring. Nonetheless, as they're finished, they would get dressed into their respective lingeries, lace red for Haruka and striped white and blue for Ruri.

"Aaahhhh... I'm so nervous! Even though I've done this type of matches countless times already!"

"Hm... I hope that she's not that strong.... I-I don't want to lose air again.."

"Right.. But hey, I'm here to help if you're ever in a dire situation alright??"

"Hmm.. okay.. Oh wait, is that her?"

As the bathroom was close to the front door, they heard it open, thinking that it must've been their opponent, since who else would've entered the hotel room that was rented out for their special match tonight. If it was the cleaner, Everything was pretty much squeaky clean so there would be no purpose for them to enter. Nonetheless, The red head opened the bathroom door slightly, peeking to see how would their opponent look like.


Knowing the surprising fact, the red head closed the door silently, before facing towards her partner once again.

"How does she look like?"

"I-I think.. we're dead.."

"Ehh why? Is she bigger that Quetz?"

"T-Three times..."

The lightweight froze in place, as she couldn't believe what she had just heard. To imagine their opponent soon would be three times bigger than their opponents in the prior match would be a nightmare. Haruka comforted her partner, letting her partner rest on her chest as she pats her head.

"Um.. I think we should go out now.. We couldn't keep her waiting on the bed... I'll go out first.. alright?"

Without further a due, the red head then heads out from the bathroom, clad in her red lace lingerie, fidgeting around as her face flushes red. She slowly walks towards her opponent, who was sitting on the bed with legs crossed, and bows a little.

"Umm... Hi... Cheyenne right? I'm Haruka.. I hope that we will have a good match.."

"I'm Ruri! Nice to meet you!"

"Ah! Um..."

Surprisingly, the blue star would come from behind and wrap her arms around her partner as they were introducing themselves. From now on, they know, they can't back out anyways.

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Re: Handicap Bedroom Smother Match - Cheyenne Black Rock vs. Haruka Miyazaki & Ruri Ayase

Unread post by Dubski »

Cheyenne had her arms closed over her chest, waiting for her opponents to arrive. And finally, they did. Two cute little things with red and blue hair, dressed in lingerie as well. The Native American's gaze narrowed at them, looking far less excited and in the mood for something like this, given the match type. "...Yes, I am Cheyenne," answered Black Rock. And there was a thick silence after.

What was there even to say? The Chieftess had never been in a situation like this before and had no idea what to even discuss. With a throat clear she examined them again. She easily outpowered them individually. But she expected they could double team her fine, if left unchecked. Treat it like a match. Just like a regular match. She's done that plenty. Just not in her underwear before.

"...Shall we commence?" asked Cheyenne Black Rock, taking a deep breath, for lack of anything else to discuss now with her would be opponents. It was either that or she started making the first move without warning, and she thought that these girls were just as uncomfortable about the situation as she was, so she may as well grant them a courtesy.

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Re: Handicap Bedroom Smother Match - Cheyenne Black Rock vs. Haruka Miyazaki & Ruri Ayase

Unread post by Aifumi »

Awkwardly, the two women, walks towards the bed, as the silence ensues. Even if it's an official match, they could admit that the atmosphere for these types of match would be really awkward, rather than fighting and tussling in the ring where the crowd cheers all over the arena while light shines onto the wrestlers for the audience to admire, which makes it less awkward compared to the situation they're currently in.

Ruri was the only one who's bubbly. This is normal for her, since her debut match. There's nothing to be ashamed of for her, yet she can't read the room, where Haruka and Cheyenne was clearly awkward with the type of match that they're in, especially their opponent, since it's her first time going against other wrestlers in this type of match. Without wasting any time, the bluenette pushes her partner with her body, making then walk awkwardly as she hugs her partner from behind, until they'd reach the bed, climbing it. Eventually, the two rookies would kneel next to each other facing their opponent.

Sure! We won't go easy on you!

Haruka, who seems awkward on how to start the match, kneels by the side, ready for anything as she was in her stance. Ruri was in her stance as well. Since she's the best grappler of the two, she would try to initiate, extending both of her arms towards her opponent to challenge her for a test of strength.

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