Yuna Matou vs. Ianthe Taylor - Body-to-Body Submission Match

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Yuna Matou vs. Ianthe Taylor - Body-to-Body Submission Match

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Match Type: Body-to-Body Submission Match
Rules: Victory by submission or knockout. To win, both wrestlers' bodies must be in contact.
Almost as soon as she had made her first appearance in LAW, Yuna Matou had proven herself to be an instant favorite among fans everywhere. Whether it was her voluptuous figure or her flirtatious attitude, there was undeniably a special something about her that people simply couldn't get enough of. When Yuna had only taken up wrestling as a side job to support her family, she could never have imagined the following she would accrue - but when she was able to win this much praise and turn this many heads even at her age, she certainly wasn't going to turn it away. Perhaps all the attention was getting to her head, but she couldn't help but take such accomplishment as a point of pride.

In fact, it seemed that one of her matches in particular - a body-to-body submission match against fellow heavyweight Amandine Mayeaux - had proved so popular that the fans were calling for an encore! Yuna had never thought, going into the match, that it was going to go down in history as much as it had - but she wasn't going to shy away from it, either. It seemed that the appeal of seeing Yuna match up with a woman as curvaceous and as dominant as she was, mashing their bodies together to try and overpower one another through the sheer force of their weight and size, was such that people wouldn't be satisfied with just one. If that was the case...then Yuna was happy to give it her best shot the second time around!

"Coming first to the ring, from Tokyo, Japan! At 6'1 and 232 pounds, YUNAAAAAA MATOU!"


The moment Yuna's name had been called, the heavyweight burst through the curtains, her hands held over her head as she blew kisses into the crowd - and the moment her feet had touched the entrance ramp, her curves were jiggling with the momentum of the leap she'd taken outward, already garnering quite the ovation. The revealing bikini she wore, hugging tightly to her body and leaving little to the imagination, didn't hurt either! Yuna waved and posed for the flashes of cameras as she strutted her way down the ramp and toward the ring, where she climbed through the ropes to settle in the corner. There she took a moment to stretch and roll her shoulders, getting limbered up for the match ahead. The fans were already eagerly awaiting what this match would bring - and so too was Yuna herself excited to see what her opponent was going to put forward against her!
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Re: Yuna Matou vs. Ianthe Taylor - Body-to-Body Submission Match

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Cheers and whistles from the excited crowd drew the atmosphere of love for the wrestler Yuna Matou. Such popularity was a given, and her opponent in the form of Ianthe Taylor, was as much of a fan. One could not blame her for liking someone as sensual and attractive as the apartment wrestler. Squishy bodies like those that Yuna possessed gave an equally enjoyable experience as with those of more muscular and defined forms. The attitudes and the person in control of the body also played a role to the overall enjoyment of something as carnal and intimate as what amounted to rough sex with competitive flair. Ianthe was excited to get up and all over the older woman.

As the arena anticipated the entrance of Yuna's foe, the blonde would arrive in her classic shroud of black cloth. The nun did not break contact with the ring to acknowledge the crowds surrounding her. The darkened figure moved as Ianthe's voice begun to play in all of its soft yet alluring and crisp intricacy with the English accent layered on top for sensual sauce. The stadium's lights flickered off briefly as only spotlights darted around like holy rays, before returning by the time the shrouded figure made it to the ring. Behind the opaque dark cloth, the nun's true attire was incredulously skimpy, something revealed by the time her large hood was flung off in one fell swoop.

Coincidentally a burst of light shuttered down on the figure as if a goddess had arrived into the ring. Her golden hair shined in the light. It looked luscious as ever, well-kempt and complex for all its length. Bountiful bosom laid imprisoned in white fabric that looked strained attempting to hold up all of the weight. The clear omnipresence around Ianthe's huge body was the crafted construction of muscle that exuded all of her imperial power. Shredded abs plated like divine armor, biceps chiseled out of marble, and robust thighs, all painting the goddess's perfectly balanced ratio of curves and muscle.

The imperatrix's irises stared across to her attractive foe who looked even better up close than in simple photos or videos. Her pure smile veiled much more devious and lustful intentions. Stepping forward to meet the MILF in the center, gloved hand rubbing all over her chiseled set of abs in a playful show of power. Ianthe's other hand signaled for Yuna to come join her.

"I wonder what those curves and squish are hiding. I'm eager to find out love. Heehee~."

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Re: Yuna Matou vs. Ianthe Taylor - Body-to-Body Submission Match

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Now that Yuna had made her entrance, it was time for her opponent to step up to the ring. And when she one could deny that she had made an impression. From the moment she descended to the ring in her dark robes, the whole arena had fallen into a hushed silence, moved by the commanding presence of the blonde. Even Yuna herself was intrigued - her opponent clearly had an eye for presentation, and it just left her curious as to where that would lead. She stood a little straighter, her eyebrow rising as she leaned closer to watch her foe. And when she tossed her robe aside to display the well-muscled frame beneath, leaving no contour and curve of her magnificently sculpted figure to the imagination as her muscles stood rippling with every motion, there was no shortage of cheers. While Yuna herself didn't say a word, her eyes went wide in awe, and her mouth began to water; she certainly agreed with the sentiment!

There were plenty of contrasts between Yuna and Ianthe, not just in terms of appearances, but in their demeanors as well. Both were heavyweights, but Yuna's weight came from her bountiful curves; her body was a softer one, plump in all the right places and with enough to cushion her solid core. But Ianthe put her muscles front and center, firm and hard and gleaming in the light! Furthermore, when Yuna had entered the ring, it had been with little pomp and circumstance - she'd waved and blown kisses to the crowd, of course, but there had been no fancy light shows or elaborate entrance gear. Ianthe, on the other hand, had set the scene from the moment she'd first shown herself that she was a force to be reckoned with, with an entrance that put forth her dominant aura before she'd even set foot in the ring. Yuna was more modest, more down-to-earth; Ianthe was larger-than-life. Both women had their supporters, of course. And Yuna had no qualms about the situation. If anything, if Ianthe had made such a memorable impact...she was all the more eager to see what she'd be capable of face to face!

When Ianthe issued her challenge, Yuna wasted no time in stepping up to her. A smile played across her face as she took her hand, giving it a firm squeeze - and as she drew herself in closer, she made sure to push her breasts and her stomach up against Ianthe's own, giving her a taste of what she was in for as she let her curves massage her own. The tension between them was electrifying, and Yuna could feel it the moment she touched her skin to Ianthe's own, massaging her form beneath her own. Yes, this would be one to remember!

"Then I'm eager to show you~" Yuna muttered, chuckling softly to her foe. "My, you really know how to impress..."
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Re: Yuna Matou vs. Ianthe Taylor - Body-to-Body Submission Match

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Ianthe chuckled and silently enjoyed the dockup with the curvy MILF's syrupy form. The friction generated from the mere contact of their skin was certain to create a build-up of perspiration, especially on the women's tummies and breasts. "Why of course~. It's hard to dissapoint with all of this..."

Sequentially, her abs, which had not even been properly flexed, tightened further and give an implication that she possessed even deeper level strength than what might have been first speculated. The comparatively plushier core molded like clay around the rigid and more chiseled set of abdominal muscles. Naturally, such a clash of bellies seemed to fall into favor of the shredded sets. However, Ianthe was aware that curvy bellies came with their own perks. The squish served as a foil to even the most hardened of sets, as they served to vector pleasure as a way to melt down armored walls. With that understanding, the perceptive imperatrix did not underestimate Yuna's capability, nor doubted her own ability.

Her arm skimmed around the older brunette's scalp and fingers ran through the long strands of thick brown hair. The hand progressed downwards, moving along the back of Yuna's body, and slyly palming onto the woman's ass. The blonde snickered and appreciated the plump her opponent commanded. In a sense she was also feeling out the plaything that would be hers to ravish soon enough. Despite a hidden respect for the seemingly well-demeanored woman, Ianthe still held an arrogance befitting of a clash of personas and egos. The young and old. The humble and haughty. Such personalities made the encounter and sexual tension all the more rousing. The riveting heat drew in every single person in attendance into an obssessed innundation with the standoff.

The goddess's sneer was evident as her face etched closer to Yuna's. One eyebrow was raised slightly higher the other, and teeth lightly visible under her lips. The intensity rose as all the older woman could see was the malevolent imperatrix's face and would suddenly feel a clothed sensation under her chin. The other arm of the blonde came to cup the underside of the stunning MILF'S face in another assertion of power. Ianthe was the one in charge.

"I wonder if you will be able to keep up..." She questioned with a slight intention of malice. "I have strong sentiments, and off course, I expect much from a woman like yourself~."

The Brit's own pair of mounds further pressed into the Japanese woman's bosom. "Will you be able to satisfy me? Or will you break prematurely like all the others before you hmm~? I suppose that is what you're meant to prove in this duel, darling~"

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Re: Yuna Matou vs. Ianthe Taylor - Body-to-Body Submission Match

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From the first moment Yuna let her body press against Ianthe's own, she could feel a tingle run down her spine. That one brush was more than enough to tell Yuna of every peak and valley Ianthe's well-sculpted physique had to offer, and it left her hungry for more - a desire that would soon be satiated as the two of them pushed in closer, causing skin to squish against skin and the warmth of one body to tickle against the other. Already, a hushed moan made its way up from Yuna's throat as her mind wandered over all the places this meeting could go, and everything Ianthe could show her. And with every inch they drifted closer, her heart began to beat faster and faster with anticipation.

As close as they were pressed together, Yuna could feel the firmness in the blonde's body and the ripple of her solid core moving beneath her skin. She knew perfectly well of the advantages it would have over her softer build - but still, she was undeterred. Yuna had more than enough faith in her sheer size and weight to feel like she could leverage it against anything in her way. Besides...going up against Ianthe would present its own challenge. It would keep her on her toes and force her to push past her limits, making this match an even more exciting one. And if it meant getting a good feel of Ianthe's muscular form, who was she to judge?

"Mmmf...ahh..." She sighed as she felt Ianthe's caresses run over her body and brush through her hair. Already, Ianthe's seductive charms were getting through to her heart; Yuna couldn't help but find her opponent all the more enticing, and the thought of pitting her body against her own made her mouth water. But by no means was Yuna letting down her guard. She could feel the pressure of Ianthe's fingers against her cheeks, turning her face upward, and she could feel the assertiveness in how her body ground and rubbed her own. She knew that she was making a statement, but she wouldn't budge. Ianthe had come here to challenge Yuna. And Yuna was going to bring the fight to her.

"Oh, don't worry, dear. I'm sure I will. At the very least...I'm going to try. Being not an honor I take lightly~" As she spoke, the brunette began to grind her hips to and fro, letting her body wriggle against her opponent's own. Then, she began to push and prod at her chest with her own hefty bust, each push an assertion of her territory. Her arms swept lower, running her fingers down along Ianthe's sides and sweeping around to clasp behind her back as she pulled her closer, holding her firmly against hers - but then, Yuna would give a sharp shove forward, attempting to bash Ianthe with her hips and breasts. She wanted the blonde to know she was no idle participant. She was going to fight every bit as hard!
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Re: Yuna Matou vs. Ianthe Taylor - Body-to-Body Submission Match

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To Ianthe's delight, the much older foe but sensational lover eagerly offered her body to the goddess. Yuna made it clear and took the initiative to bring her body forward as it sensually thumped against the imperial bulwark that was Ianthe's fortress. Every surface of the blonde's frontal frame was challenged by the curvaceous brunette. The hip grind, the muted noises of pleasure, and the struggle of the cloth added more rich and complex twang to the sauce. She was enjoying this and smiled as she watched her pair of succulent tits duel with the experienced MILF's own set for a squishy early titfight. With Yuna starting to shove, the lustful blonde bit her lower lip in reaction. For a moment, she would willingly conceed some ground to the brunette as her feet tracked backward to the push.

Yet to mistake Ianthe's concession as a sign of falter was a shallow understanding of her. Godesses work in mysterious ways as they say. Instead, it acted more as a light ruse to perhaps instill a faulty security and confidence. She simply allowed Yuna her way. The temperature already warmed to the point of sweat lathering both opponent's forms. Her haughty passive-aggressive remark coincided with the giving away of possession.

"Well I must say, every other opponent says so and has not been able to keep their word. By all means I would not be opposed to being proven wrong~" the malevolent woman winked.

"Otherwise, I'll happily plow through your treasures, heehee~."

Then she halted the backtracking entirely. Bootstraps firmly planted on the ground as her gloved hands worked around to hold around the shapely waist of Yuna. For a brief moment Ianthe would eagerly grind her chiseled abs against the curvy tummy of the Japanese woman and it would appear to be the driving offensive movement. However, then those hands would sliver to take hold of the MILF's shapely arms and use her strength to pry them away. She had a thought to simply undress her foe's top, considering the minimal clothing Yuna wore and the relative ease to take it off, but for now resisted. Much more pressing matters came into play.

Once free, Ianthe would reel her hardened body back and slam into the other's own form. She would invoke the delicious sounds of curves smacking against brick. The impact would be a visual pleasure, not to mention the likely riveting feelings both would feel. Ianthe would relentlessly slam and attempt to push the older woman towards the ropes.

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Re: Yuna Matou vs. Ianthe Taylor - Body-to-Body Submission Match

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From the very start of this match, Yuna was hooked. When she felt her breasts brush up against Ianthe's own, the mere sensation of their bodies coming into contact was enough to send a shiver down Yuna's spine - but that shiver just left her wanting more. She was enticed by the blonde's magnificent curves, but all the more, she was enthralled by her competitive attitude, and the challenges she issued. Yuna was someone who was always on the lookout for well-matched opponents and battles that would force her to take a step beyond, and by the looks of things so far, Ianthe was looking to be one of those opponents. She spoke of her skills with pride - and that left Yuna with the task of proving she was capable of impressing her, and matching the same efforts that Ianthe would put forth. It was surely going to be a difficult task - but then, Yuna didn't ask for something easy! She wanted a pitched duel that would send her heart pounding, that would force her to rise to new and greater heights, and it looked like she was going to get just that!

"If that's what you want, dear...I'll be happy to oblige!~" Yuna could feel the weight of Ianthe's body moving steadily in against her. The blonde was trying to steer her back with every part of her body, and to Yuna, it felt like being up against a wall that was steadily closing inward. But even then, Yuna wouldn't let that bother her. She only ground her hips closer against Ianthe's own, her breasts squashing against her foe's as their abs rubbed into each other. She needed to exert her presence - and she needed to show she wouldn't back down!

Still, Ianthe's solid build and powerful muscles were helping her edge out the competition when put up against Yuna's more voluptuous form. The brunette was steadily being forced back, inch by inch - and then, when Ianthe drove herself closer, her body smacked against Yuna's with the resounding thwack of their sweat-slick skin slapping together! Yuna let out a gasp as her position was finally broken - she stumbled away from Ianthe, putting space in between the two women once again. But then, Yuna's eyes narrowed in a glare. Even if Ianthe had forced her away, she wasn't going to let that stop her!

"Not bad...but I'm not done just yet!" Intending to make good on her promise, Yuna would charge in closer to Ianthe - where, as she got close, she would try and thrust her chest into the blonde's own with all the momentum of her charge behind it! If Ianthe wanted to turn her body into a battering ram, it was up to Yuna to show her just what she was capable of doing with her own!
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