A Thorny Debut- Rosa Di Astra Vs. Queen Geedorah

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A Thorny Debut- Rosa Di Astra Vs. Queen Geedorah

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If you were to take out a dictionary and look at the definition of excitement, you'd see Rosa DeFranco right beside it. Just buzzing with excitement as she couldn't help but smile in her very own locker room! Heck, the moment she heard of her match you'd just a navy blue blur peaking it's head in and out for minute. Just to make sure she wasn't dreaming.

"Heheheh it's time, let's go!" Rosa cheered, bouncing on her feet as she heard the announcers speak.

"And coming up next folks, we got ourselves a new arrival to LAW!" Jill drawled.

"You said it Jill," Jane said, "you got any idea who it is? Cause my sources tell me we might just know her~." Jane teased.

"Hm, you might be right about that. But if there's one thing I'm sure of, the LAW universe is fixin' to see a brand new star comin' up next." And just like that, Rosa heard a knock on her door as 4 little words would change her world forever.

"Miss DeFranco, it's time."


"The following match is scheduled for one fall!"

"ONE FALL!" the crowd echoed.

"Tonight's contest can only be won by pinfall or submission! Introducing first, making her in ring debut, standing in at 5'5" and weighing in at 120 pounds...ROSA DI ASTRAAAAA!"
Entrance Theme
The moment the last syllable left the announcer's mouth, an earsplitting siren blared through the arena as all eyes fell upon the stage as our from the curtains they saw a tuft of blue hair, a pair of shades, as now for all the world to see, Rosa DeFranco, no, Rosa Di Astra had made her debut to a thunderous applause as she bounced on her feet and swayed to the music with a smile plastered on her face.
Entrance Attire
After all this time, after all those years dreaming of this moment, all Rosa could feel was joy. Nothing more nothing less. Her dream became real. Blinking the tears from her eyes, Rosa did what she does best. Put on a show for her fans. Racing down the ramp, Rosa clapped as many people's hands as she could. Feeling a surge of energy with every clap she gave until she finally slid into the ring and shadowboxed for the crowd before throwing her glasses and coat in the crowd. Leaving her in the center of the ring, ready to see her opponent.
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Re: A Thorny Debut- Rosa Di Astra Vs. Queen Geedorah

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Yo-Yo was hyped. Yo-Yo was pumped. Yo-Yo had this. Yeah, her first matches in LAW hadn't gone exactly the way she’d wanted. Some would say she’d gotten her ass kicked. But hey, so what? Anyone can get in some lucky punches, anyone could take down anyone else if they came along on the right day. They were just minor setback, speedbumps on the road to glory. Starting tonight, with this match, she would take off like a rocket. She was going to win this and go on to dominate the whole scene, put LAW on lockdown. This was the start of the Queen Geedorah era. The official start.

Aaliyah, on the other hand, was looking on as she leaned against a wall in the gorilla position, watching as her cousin psyched herself up in the mirror and prepared for her match. She was well aware of how Yo-Yo’s career had gone up until this point - in fact, it was the main reason she’d come to Japan and joined up with LAW herself, her mother insisting that she keep an eye out for her kin before the silly girl went and got her head kicked off. As such, she had a pretty good idea on what was about to transpire, and she wasn’t shy with sharing her opinion.

”You’re gonna get your head kicked in.” She threw back her braids and shook her head. ”You know that, right?’

Yo-Yo spun around her heels and glared straight at Aaliyah, who had absolutely no reaction. She’d seen that look plenty when they were kids, and it wasn’t more intimidating now than when Yo-Yo was seven. Maybe even less now, since she’d dyed her hair and taken to wearing clothes too big for her. ”I don’t know shit!”

”...too easy.”

”Shut it.” Yo-Yo ran imaginary zipper across her mouth, then wagged a finger Aaliyah’s way. ”You’re acting real high and mighty for someone who just got off the plane. I’ve been here in LAW for a hot minute, I know this place better than you. You’re the rookie, I’m the vet.”

”’Vet’ my ass, you’ve had, like, three matches. And you got mollywhopped in all of them, so I don’t know what you’re bragging about. You’re the MVP of getting your head caved in, congratulations.”

”Not trying to hear any of that!” Yo-Yo threw her hands up in the air, as if she could make her losses disappear by divine decree. ”Those matches? Flukes. You watch this, I’m about to show up and show out on this little bitch.” She threw Aaliyah a knowing wink as her opponent’s music started to die down and hers came up. ”All on me. Stick close.”

A moment later and Yo-Yo was making her way out as a
played over the loudspeakers, with a microphone firmly grasped in her hand. Aaliyah followed a few steps behind, looking on nonplussed and throwing the occasional glance towards the ring, a little curious to see how her cousin’s opponent would react to the verbal assault that was about to come her way.

”Hey yo! Queen Geedorah, take me to you leader
Wrestling a Barbie Doll who couldn't afford no sneakers!
You in the wrong league, babe, it’s way too soon,
I can’t make any time for Southside Sailor Moon!
Hey! I can’t even speak
How the hell am I supposed to fight this pipsqueak geek!
Queen Geedorah’s real, I speak truth to the masses
I’m about to break your face and those five-dollar glasses!”

Aaliyah just shook her head and made her way around the ring as Yo-Yo hopped up on the apron, still bouncing to the beat as she hopped over the ropes and made her way to the center of the ring, smirking at Rosa the whole way. ”Stepped into the wrong ring, four eyes. You’re about to get dropped, hard.

Aaliyah just sighed, leaned up against the barricade, and popped in her earbuds to listen to her Walkman. This wouldn’t take long.
Yo-Yo and…

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Re: A Thorny Debut- Rosa Di Astra Vs. Queen Geedorah

Unread post by king6y »

To say the least, Rosa was geeking out, to say the most, Rosa was pumped the moment she started hearing Geedorah's trash talk! Sadly she wasn't able to interview her before, but she always found her kind of inspiring! Even despite all her loses, really squashes, she still got up each time and came back for more! And if she could make it, so could she! And in fact, she did!

Wearing a smile as bright as a star with all its energy too, Rosa found herself bouncing in her side of the ring. Shifting her weight, and getting blood pumping for the match to come. This was her debut, her first match, and now, her first bit of trash talk. Pausing her bounces and strutting up to the rapper, the star looked at the vet and said the first words that came to mind.

"Heh, I'd like to see ya try! Cause after I'm done with you, this star's gonna send right back down to earth!" But as the words left her mouth, Rosa's mind snapped back saying 'please tell me I made sense!'
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Re: A Thorny Debut- Rosa Di Astra Vs. Queen Geedorah

Unread post by BlackAkuma »

Aaliyah had to say that she kind of liked Rosa right off the bat. It would’ve been real easy for her to buy into all of the negativity that Yo-Yo was bringing, let her opening rap get her bogged down, and respond back with the same sort of heat, but no—she kept it positive, beaming back and smiling and not taking it too personal. It's a good way to go about things.

Now, if only her cousin could follow that lead.

”That shit didn’t even make sense!” She spat back as the referee got between them, preparing to kick this off. ”Don’t know worry, though. I’m about to knock some sense into your stupid Sailor Moon-looking ass. In three, two-”


Yo-Yo came rushing towards Rosa straight out of the gate and let fly with a wild haymaker of a punch—no preamble, no setup, just dashing in and swinging away. Aaliyah wanted to say her cousin was trying to take her opponent off guard, but she knew it wasn’t anything so well-thought. No, she was just impatient.

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Re: A Thorny Debut- Rosa Di Astra Vs. Queen Geedorah

Unread post by king6y »

'Awwwwe dang it!' Rosa thought as Aaliyah shot back. If she could, Rosa wish she could've done a do over with that. But oh well, that was the and this is now! Time to shape up and make up for it where it counts! In the ring where she'll hopefully get a 1-2-3. Nodding to the referee as she pushed them back, Rosa took a deep breath and clenched her fists as tight as she could.

It was time to focus now, she wasn't a fan anymore, she was a competitor, an equal. No, more than that, she was the victor. She had to believe in herself here and now. So, as she raised her guard before the sound of the bell, a flip was switched in her mind. The stars in her eyes had thinned piercing pin pricks. Her posture had straitened and her smile fell to calm rest. She was ready, she was ready to make her debut.

And luckily for her, Yo-Yo had more excitement than sense. Squinting her eyes and crouching low, Rosa would attempt to dodge Yo-Yo's haymaker with all the skill she's acquired. And if that worked out, the bluenette would aim to make her pay with a thunderous uppercut to the jaw! Yelling out two words if it hit,

"Too sloppy!"
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Re: A Thorny Debut- Rosa Di Astra Vs. Queen Geedorah

Unread post by BlackAkuma »

Oh, yeah, shit was about to go down. Yo-Yo could feel it. She was a runaway freight train, going down the road. She was a meteor, coming for the dinosaurs. She was bomb, ready to explode. She was a lioness, chasing down the gazelle. She was bullet, heading towards the target. She was a snowball, rolling down the hill. She was a wildfire, burning out of control. She was a wolf, out on the prowl.

The boss, the CEO, the master of the universe, the head honcho, the chieftess, the goddamn queen, and she was about to assert her authority all over Rosa in three, two, one-


Yo-Yo wouldn’t be able to know this because, well, she got her ass knocked out, but Aaliyah was watching from the sidelines and she could see that was what, in fact, happened. Yo-Yo came rushing in, full steam, and Rosa dropped her like a bad habit in a single punch. Saitama Style.

She hit the mat, flat on her back, arms spread wide. Aaliyah stepped on her tiptoes to get a good look at her, making sure she was okay - she took a hard bump on the face, but otherwise, she was fine. Just knocked out.

”Well. Damn.”

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Re: A Thorny Debut- Rosa Di Astra Vs. Queen Geedorah

Unread post by king6y »

When Rosa walked through just a few minutes ago, she knew she was ready for anything. She knew the wrestling business, she's watched match after match, and has interviewed wrestlers of every size and popularity. All in all, she knew the moment she walked through those drapes, anything and everything could happen.

But when her fist cracked into Yo-Yo's jaw, the new star didn't expect...this.

Bouncing on her feet with her guard held high, Rosa watched the lifeless body of the rapper lay flat on her back. Stiff as stone, and quiet as a mouse. Did she, did she knock out Yo-yo with one punch? No, no she couldn't believe this. This had to be a trick, that's right, it had to be a trap for the newbie!

"Heheh, I know you're not knocked out, y'know~! c'mon let's keep going!" She called, refusing to let down her guard as the second ticked away bit by bit. And yet still, Yo-Yo didn't get up. Looking side to side with wide eyes, Rosa realized the truth, she knocked her out with one punch. One little uppercut.

'This is it! This my first pin! Oh my gosh-Oh my gosh-Oh my gosh, focus, just pin her!' she thought to herself, before rushing to Yo-Yo and made the first pinfall of her career.
Pleading in her mind with a mantra of 'please, please, please, please!' As the referee got down and counted


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Re: A Thorny Debut- Rosa Di Astra Vs. Queen Geedorah

Unread post by BlackAkuma »

Rosa couldn't believe it, the crowd couldn't believe it, even the referee couldn't seem to believe it - after she went for the pin, there was a whole second where the official stood there, stupified, like she couldn't recognize what was going on.

Not that it mattered. The referee could’ve counted to a hundred and Yo-Yo wouldn’t have kicked. She was out, totally, and she didn’t so much as twitch when Rosa swooped in to finish.

One. Two. Three.


The bell rang, the crowd cheered, and the referee stood up and raised Rosa’s hand, acknowledging her impressive victory. The only person not excited was Aaliyah, still sitting on the sidelines, curiously looking up from her sister to her former opponent. It was a littl unorthodox, but an idea was taking shape…

Aaliyah hopped up on the ring apron and leaned on the ropes with her elbows, smirking Rosa’s way. ”Not bad, not bad.” She tipped her head to the side and rubbed her chin. ”You’ve still got a ton of energy left after all that, right? How about you spend some of it on me? Double up on matches?”

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Re: A Thorny Debut- Rosa Di Astra Vs. Queen Geedorah

Unread post by king6y »

Even though it was just three seconds, each also to the mat felt like an eternity for Rosa. And as she looked over the unconscious body of Yo-Yo, this position, this warmth, the rush of excitement, everything felt like it was a dream. And as the second hand went down, Rosa's eyes shut hoping they wouldn't open to her in her bed. But as the third and final hand slammed to the mat, she didn't hear her alarm, she didn't open her eyes to her room. Instead what she heard was the sound of the bell, and the roar of her music as one thing was clear.

She won.

And most of all, she wasn't dreaming. Raising up from Yo-Yo with a cry in her voice, Rosa's eyes surged to the referee, as she grabbed her hand and raised it to sky as the announcer cried,


Raking her hand through her hair, Rosa cheered with the crowd and threw up her arms as chants of her name fell like rain. Cleansing every doubt and worry that remained until finally, her sapphire eyes noticed Aaliyah. And even more, she heard her question. Whether it was the excitement of winning, or just wanting to give the fans an extra treat on her debut, Rosa didn't know. But all she did know was that she was more than up for the challenge. Walking up to Aaliyah with bright smile on her face, Rosa gave a nod to her.

"Yeah you bet! I'm always up for a match!" She chirped, and as the energy of the crowd surged through her veins, Rosa turned to the crowd and yelled, "HEY, IF YOU GUYS WANT ONE MORE MATCH, GIMME A YEAH!"

And to no one's surprised, the crowd gave a bright and clear, "YEAH!" In response. "Heheh, guess we got an answer!" Rosa said turning back to Aaliyah. "I'm ready when you are!"
Discord- The Doctor#3238

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