Collei "The Emerald Enigma" vs Suzume Sheska
Match type: Oil match
Match rules: Normal standard rules apply, but hentai moves are permitted.
Location: A LAW ring covered in oil. Further baby oil bottles are dotted around ringside.
Attire: Bikinis
This was a familiar situation for Collei, and not for a good reason. She remembered her debut match, going out to face the Sparkling Idol Barbara and being defeated in a hentai oil match. But she had improved since then. She had done a variety of matches, and now she had done a full loop back to where it all began.
Collei recognized her opponent for the night, though she had never met her personally, a certain Suzume Sheska. She was aware that she was a bit of a geek and, though she may not call herself specifically a geek herself, she knew a fair amount of things. But this match would not be all about brains, and she knew this.
Collei arrived at the ring early, and slipped on her bikini, the requested attire for the match, which was fitting, considering the match they were about to do. She quickly brushed her hair so she could look presentable. Afterwards, her theme played, and she walked out to the ring, taking in all the cheers from the crowd that had attended. It wasn't many, but it was enough to satisfy the Lioness.
Entry Theme