Ianthe Taylor vs Amelie Roux - Unbridled Libido

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Ianthe Taylor vs Amelie Roux - Unbridled Libido

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Match Type: Body-to-Body Match

Rules: Victory by KO or Verbal Submission. Contestants must maintain belly-to-belly contact to make the condition count. No ropebreaks.


LAW was well and truly getting a mouthful of what Ianthe was all about. Any highlight reel that could be made on the burgeoning imperatrix would undoubtedly include every possible way that she pays attention to the body of her foes. The exotic pleasure-inducing moves she's dished out were equally lustful and physical. Her pure posh accent overlayed the degenerative and debauched remarks that came out of her mouth. Yet, no amount of footage could perfectly capture the mind-numbing pain and gluttony that the blonde goddess's opponents experienced when getting pancaked under a ruthless pig iron anvil. The titantron beamed across the otherwise dim-lit stadium shrouded in darkness, perhaps for the best. Ianthe's alluring voice radiated along with the entrance theme as the imposing Britishwoman undulated the scene with her physical presence.

The lascivious goddess stood adorned by dark robes and a hood that were signatures to the classic nun outfit. At first glance, it was a betrayal of the otherwise sexpot atmosphere. Yet, even this symbolic armor of chastity was damned by the amount of skin showing through, as the imperatrix's midriff and legs laid bare. At any moment, a gust of wind could send the loose shrouds of black flying off and reveal the true lack of shame behind Ianthe's attire. Not that she planned to keep this tease of clothing on forever of course.

The sizable woman approached the ring with the same confidence as was always the case. Her body looked forward to the prospect of a fun time. Shredded abs playfully flexed to anyone lucky enough to catch a sight of them. Firm breasts held a slight jiggle as nipples perked in excitement. Amelie Roux was going to have a wonderful time under her, she figured.

One could point out the cliché, a clash of the British and French. Hundreds of years of hostile interaction and warfare leading up to a contemporary, but far more sensual style of combat. Yet, in Ianthe's case at least, patriotism was the last of what she had on her mind. Naturally, if she held allegiance to anything, it was served to herself and cunt. Serving both in this case, was to get down and dirty with her curvy powerhouse of an adversary. The Frenchwoman's shape contrasted as a saucy roux-like texture foil her more outright brittle ridges. Amelie's tummy carried a thick fluffy appearance and supposedly had a reputation of endurance, something the goddess was more than eager to test. Before the opponent even entered, Ianthe had already imagined herself devouring the woman's tamed and squashed form flat on the mat. She wanted to get going in rubbing down Amelie raw.

With that, Ianthe slipped through the ring's ropes. Standing at her corner she tugged the shroud off with one fell swoop.

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Re: Ianthe Taylor vs Amelie Roux - Unbridled Libido

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That word didn't apply here. It would have been akin to calling a blazing inferno 'tepid.'

No, what Amelie felt was more. Much more. And all from the simple act of gazing upon a picture of the woman she'd soon be rubbing against. Literally.

Appearing at the top of the ramp with her arms high as she stretched out her lovely figure, Amelie's long green locks fluttered too and fro as she began her descent down the ramp. Whilst seldom one to care for the masses that looked, albeit rare to ignore them outright, Amelie's eyes today would be outright stuck on the figure who had already made her presence known. And damn if what she saw didn't please her, with Ianthe's form appearing all the more glorious as the distance between Amelie and the ring decreased. Her heart felt like it was going to burst through her chest at the imagined sight of this girl face to face!

Sliding her figure underneath the bottom ropes, Amelie would take her time as she briefly lay on her front to gaze up at the figure before her. Knowing full well that doing so would paint Ianthe in quite literally a godly aura - what with the stadium lights shining up behind her as if they were holy rays - Amelie made absolutely no attempt to even hide the biting of her lip.

Whatsmore, she'd push her luck in getting a view of this girl up close and personal, by pushing back onto her knees where she would go no further. Instead, she would extend her right hand with her palm open, as if to offer it to Ianthe.

"Help a girl up?" She'd wink, turning her head slightly, as she wiggled her fingers in hopes of Ianthe doing just that.
Last edited by Devilish53 on Sat Oct 28, 2023 3:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Ianthe Taylor vs Amelie Roux - Unbridled Libido

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Ianthe raised an eyebrow before curving her lips as to elicit a true malevolent grin. Such a peculiar woman, the blonde mused to herself. It appeared Amelie had already fallen head over heels for her. She abased in total worship to the imperatrix and seemed more than willing to fully experience being in the presence of a deity. Amelie's hand outstretched and beckoned to be reciprocated. How could the ever so generous goddess not listen to the prayers and petitions of her believers?

There was a detectable level of ascendancy that Ianthe possessed in the gait and steps towards the reaching hand. Amelie could see how the woman's ample bosom jiggled to quantify their plump. Her avant-garde muscular form continued tightening in an even greater show of divine craftsmanship, that which the Frenchwoman would soon be literally rubbing against. Even as she was displaying heavenly generosity in taking the worshipper's hand, there was an evident firmness to Ianthe's grip than what may have even been necessary. As a result, Amelie would simply be pulled up onto her feet with a resonant ease, but would further be blessed with feeling in titilation the entirety of the goddess's implacable form. The green-haired wrestler, by no means small, was easily reeled in to bump against an equally squishy and hardened form. She could sense the strength behind the cosmetic eye candy of Ianthe's perfectly chiseled abs. Their syrupy breasts molded around like clay and mushroomed out. Tush brushed against tush.

The nun imperatrix starred deeply into the hazel eyes of the subtly shorter woman. Lewd, lofty, lecherous. Ianthe's mischevous hand smoothed around Amelie's form, taking time to inspect the meal for today. She grabbed a firm handful of her derriere; pleased by the bountiful contents of the curves. The imperatrix excitedly nudged herself further into the woman's curvy form. She wanted, no needed, to mush and rub this French delicacy to her heart's content.

That deathly grin drew closer. "Well met. It's my pleasure to enjoy the cuisines you have to offer.~" Ianthe flew close to the point of breathing down the neck of the presumably eager Amelie, giving into a light nibble of the lips.
"We're going to have so much fun, love.~"

"I hope you familiarize yourself well with your goddess. I want to greatly enjoy what further treats lie in that body." Safe to say, Ianthe was ready to get down and dirty.

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Re: Ianthe Taylor vs Amelie Roux - Unbridled Libido

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Amelie often found herself struggling in encounters like this. To say that she was often barely resisting the desire to simply let her opponents ravish her freely was an understatement. But today? A part of Amelie didn't want to fight at all. Hell, that same part was almost considering leaning in, and asking this blonde figure to ravish her in particular ways.

Something that she'd struggle with all the more, as Ianthe would pull at her hand with strength befitting her size. Now front to front, with her head tilted as to compensate for Ianthe's larger size, Amelie's heart began to audibly thump within her chest. This woman looked big from the top of the ramp - and now, she looked simply gigantic. She felt even more so.

"A goddess?" She'd quip back, as her eyes slowly scrolled back and forth between Ianthe's eyes and lips - an almost telltale sign that she was about to go in for a kiss.

Instead however, she'd opt for something all the more daring. With her hands already softly tickling across the biceps of this larger woman, and Ianthe's own hands atop her plentiful rear, Amelie would give the larger blonde plenty of warning for what she was about to do if with how obviously she made her intent. Putting her hands to those strong, wide shoulders, Amelie would all at once jump - not to lock a early hold upon this woman - but to instead wrap her legs firmly around the hips of Ianthe. As if she were a lover, jumping literally into her arms!

With Amelie fully intending for Ianthe to catch her in similar lover-esque fashion, with the massive Amelie looking and feeling tiny in that cuddle!

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Re: Ianthe Taylor vs Amelie Roux - Unbridled Libido

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"Hmmmhmm~" Ianthe audibly mused.

She was good, very good. Amelie had gracefully flung herself onto the blonde imperatrix, therein, the feeling of smooth legs clasping her shapely-built hips. Those thick French thighs scruffled on Ianthe's skimpy black g-string, so adroitly bound to fall off by way of their small size. Such attire must have been suffocating to hold up all that muscular bulk times two. Amelie's fair bosom naturally pressed deep in and around the goddess's clothed bust. The resulting mushroom effect grew clear to eyes of the salivated crowd. In fact, Ianthe herself wanted to get more of a taste. Intrusive thoughts reigned supreme.

Brown irises retained the lustful gaze from the face down to the bubbling chest. A quick chuckle before the titan of a woman eagerly dug her face into the meal of curves right in front of her eyes. The goddess inadvertedly answering her worshipper's prayers to be ravished. As if on cue, Ianthe's entire grip around Amelie tightened, illustrating the intensity of her sentiments. The nun's forearms firmly pulling the Frenchwoman's breasts into a bountiful hug for Ianthe's face to motorboat all over. Soft and rich, mon dieu, as they would say.

Needless to say, this was also a fight, not as simple as a requited cuddling session. Lustful as Ianthe was, she also had plenty of sentiments that could only be fulfilled in a specific manner. She was in an opportunistic position, and could make this an even more enjoyable time if things hit the ground running. Not just seeing through the gaze of thirst, but feeling the plump of the tits, the plush of the belly, the squish of the thigh helped fuel a feral overdrive.

As the blonde's face dug itself out of the canyon of cleavage, her eyes were at first closed. A joyous pure smile at first. "A delightful first taste." Then a sudden revert into the previous coy leer as her eyelids opened again, a devilish lick of the lips. "You will do well to please your goddess, my sweet.~"

With the opponent holding on tight and ready in her arms, the imperatrix would make her drop. Bringing a belly-to-belly suplex towards the side, Ianthe would use all her enroaching power to slam Amelie down to the hard mat. Wishing to give a good measure of hurt as the French plushie would be pancake pressed between the canvas and Ianthe's perfect chiseled body.

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Re: Ianthe Taylor vs Amelie Roux - Unbridled Libido

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Amelie's motion may have been a curious one, but it let her get a feel for Ianthe's delightful body. Had the giant caught her as she was expecting, then Amelie's hopes of facing a gigantic beauty whom could quite literally ragdoll her would be very much alive. And had Ianthe fallen over, with the frame of Amelie being too much for her?

Then Amelie would have simply gone to town all the same, taming the bigger woman in a way that would make her shudder. To her joy, Ianthe not only caught her but did so with the utmost ease. It felt as though she could of dangled freely off of one bicep of this massive woman, with her legs only hugging loosely around Ianthe's own to support herself. Though she imagined that had she fully unwrapped her thighs, she wouldn't of dropped an inch.

Hands rubbing across those broad shoulders, Amelie practically invited Ianthe in as the larger woman began to tend to her bust. Arching back to give her free reign, Amelie already found herself shutting her eyes in delight as a fine lap of saliva was soon imprinted across both breasts. Though she wouldn't be given time to settle in to this dominant, almost motherly lift, nor did she have time to even verbally respond. Not before the bigger gal opted to show Amelie just how much larger she indeed was, by taking the two of them to the canvas.

With an impact that left the French giant positively shuddering, as her entire body now lay beneath the giants own...

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Re: Ianthe Taylor vs Amelie Roux - Unbridled Libido

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Ianthe successfully laid out her delicious toy on the mat. The match quickly played into the Brit's hands as Amelie was now under her control. It was only a natural occurrence that the two abs-loving giants would be so interested in snuggling and getting innundated in the close belly-to-belly contact. This type of fighting was the imperatrix's magnum opus after all.

The sizable arms that had kept Amelie locked in remained closed around her ribcage. The strength of the grip intensified much like the lustful predatory gaze deep into the Frenchwoman's soul. It was an informal bearhug that allowed the green-haired opponent's abs to have their deserved attention.

The texture of their revealing attires was a distinct sensation as their midriffs begun to scrub. However, the most delectable contact came in fresh firmness of the French giant's tummy. The aesthetic curves hid the real layer of strength in Amelie's core. The sponge of the more plushy texture still kept a necessary tonedness that warranted Ianthe's interest. Certainly, the given strength behind Amelie's abs made it all the more exciting to tease, test, and ultimately assert dominance over. The blonde's abs, a warm core that left nothing to the imagination concerning their power, enthusiastically rubbed against its curvy counterparts. She grinded and wanted to force her pinned treat to start exerting more strength.

All the while such wild sentiments and enabled fantasy allowed Ianthe's nubs to harden to the point of protruding out from her angelic white top. Amelie, already visibly shuddering from the action, would feel the firm stiff peaks poking against her own chest. The imperatrix's strong sentiments were ever so evident and satisfaction required a tasteful enjoyment of the woman stuck in the ring with her.

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Re: Ianthe Taylor vs Amelie Roux - Unbridled Libido

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Never in her life had Amelie felt so dominated from the outset. Though naturally, this was by design. A feat needlessly said, given Amelie's literal leap into the bigger woman's arms...

Still restrained by said arms, albeit with Ianthe giving less focus on crushing Amelie as she was completely restraining the French giant, Amelie let out a coarse gasp as the weight of the world pressed fully upon her. Abdomen briefly concaving and breasts flattening, Ianthe's appearance did little to highlight just how dense her figure actually was. Amelie was already imagining this blonde squishing and crushing every last gasp from her, using nothing but the size of her figure.

And damn if it didn't want the French girl eager for more...

Bracing her midriff as best she could, Amelie would briefly nudge her hips up in an effort to nudge Ianthe's own core back. If she was successful in creating just a bit of space, she'd look to arch her figure somewhat permanently upwards into the massive woman as a means of resistance. Every grate of abs Ianthe now gave would be across Amelie's own outstretched core, with that solid midriff doing it's absolute best against Ianthe's visible six pack. Though little could be done to save her already crushed, mushrooming bosom, as every breath Amelie took highlighted.

Her resistance by no means meant that she would be able to escape Ianthe's iron grip, perhaps even ever. But it would at least provide the grounds for Amelie to endure - and enjoy - just a little more.

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