Darker than the Ocean Depths: Akari Ito vs LUNA

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Darker than the Ocean Depths: Akari Ito vs LUNA

Unread post by Misfit_Alien »

The 'Sea Turtle', Akari Ito vs 'The Night's Witch', Luna Caraccio
Match Type: "Standard."
Win by scoring a pinfall of three seconds on the opponent, forcing a wrestler to submit, or knocking the wrestler out. Additionally, if a wrestler remains outside the ring for too long, they will be disqualified after a ten count. Furthermore, if a wrestler performs an illegal move and is caught in the act by the in-ring official, they will be disqualified.
Standard rules - DQs, Count-outs, and the submission or pinfall MUST happen within the confines of the ring.


The energy surging throughout the crowd was undeniably earth-shaking as the excited mutters and eager chattering caused the floors and the walls of the venue hall to shake and shudder with every passing moment. Tonight, the audience had been fed with match after match of glorious spectacle, each one hitting better than the last. There wasn't a shortage of quality in any of the competitors tonight, but now-...it was time for the final match, the MAIN EVENT of tonight's special showcase of all-star talent. This main event would be a fight between two up-and-coming stars in the making, future icons of the professional wrestling industry. The crowd was in absolute AWE that they could see a clash of future champions like this on a weekly taping. A match like this would typically be saved for a Pay-Per-View audience with the level of showmanship, passion, and intensity that would be featured in both wrestlers' performances. However, this crowd was in good luck tonight, as a near once-in-a-lifetime battle was about to unfold between the Shaman...and the Sea Turtle!!!
The lights would dim low as the audience fell into hushed awe, sat on the edges of their seats, quietly wondering who would make their entrance first...the dazzling display of the Sea Turtle?...or, perhaps, the wickedly mystifying and arcane awakening of the Night's Witch? After what felt like ages of silence, the suspenseful quiet was broken with the piercing sound of a record scratch, followed by an upbeat voice and an incredibly vibrant and lively hip-hop beat!!! The burst of sounds was like an auditory flashbang, bringing life back into the hearts and souls of the onlooking band of spectators as their faces shifted into expressions of pure joy and elation, knowing EXACTLY who was coming out first as they stood on their feet in cheerful anticipation!!!



The dimmed lights would be filled with the majesty and the wonder of a bright, green glow, painting the arena with a sheen of emerald, almost like magic. This fantastic array of lights would be followed by a barrage of similar-colored pyrotechnics that explode. Along the edges of the walkway down the ramp and toward the ring, vibrant green-colored sparklers and short-range fireworks were synchronized with the Sea Turtle's theme as they fizzled brightly and exploded into a bunch of sparkly colors that left the crowd in shock with delight and joy, mesmerizing them with their beauty as the audience cheer and clap, raving wildly as the Sea Turtle finally emerged from backstage, breaking through the smoky haze left behind by the breathtaking pyro in full regalia, striking her signature wink and pose while bathed in the rave-themed lighting as the arena's atmosphere shifted into one befitting a nightclub rave.

"ようこそ、LAW、また贅沢なショーへ!!!一生に一度のパフォーマンスの準備はできていますか?この試合はきっとあなたを驚かせるでしょう......SHELLSHOCKED !!!" (Welcome, LAW, to another extravagant show!!! Are you ready for the performance of a lifetime?!!??! This match is sure to leave you.........SHELLSHOCKED !!!)


"Entering first, fighting out of Tokyo, Japan, standing at 5'6 and weighing 132 lbs...Fighting with a one-of-a-kind, jaw-dropping rhythm and making waves across the world from coast-to-coast, shore-to-shore, sea-to-sea...an ICON in the making...THE SEA TURTLE...AKARI ITO!!!"

The Sea Turtle makes her way down to the ring, high-fiving and taking selfies with the audience, hyping them up and filling them with infectiously positive and radiant energy before reaching the edge. She grabs the bottom rope, pulling herself onto the apron where she would remain standing...She took in a deep breath, looking all around at the crowd. Akari smiled brightly, happy to be able to come out here for another night and put on another breathtaking performance. She took a moment to stop and pose for her adoring fans before slipping through the ropes. She runs around, bouncing off the ropes with an unmatched intensity, unable to restrain her excitement!!! She removes her jacket and hands it to a stagehand, stretching and loosening herself up as she stands in her designated corner, waiting for the arrival of her opponent...The 'Night's Witch'...LUNA...

Main Roster Character Text Colors (For Ease of Access)

Akari Ito:

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Ami Anderson:

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Haruhi Okamoto:

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Chie Akiyama:

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Natsuki Yoshimura:

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Mikuma Sato:

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Jiyuu June:

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Miyuki Iwata:

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Yamato Ayase:

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Kaeo Amarin:

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Tori Taylor:

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Lilith Lenoir:

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Satomi Saito:

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Anya Young:

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ChaCha Luana:

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Isabelle Romero:

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Carmelita De Leon:

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Giselle Beauregard:

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Secondary Character Text Colors (For Ease of Access)

Octavia Venus:

Code: Select all

Renee Winters:

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Grace Moore:

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Maeve Harlow:

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Umi Yamamoto:

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Kairi Yamamoto:

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Nia Orion:

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Beatrix Briar:

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Lynda Jäger:

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Jade Cho:

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Aoi Hoshino:

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Kyoko Matsumoto:

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Emelie de Toussaint:

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Noah Nichols:

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Roxy Hartbrooke:

Code: Select all

Dominique Heiani:

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