Beasts in the Night: Mary Clairson Vs. LUNA

Official Women's Wrestling matches take place here. There are multiple LAW Arenas throughout Japan, each offering different shows/rings
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Beasts in the Night: Mary Clairson Vs. LUNA

Unread post by Epicsnivy »

Standard Match

Mary Clairson Vs. LUNA

Winner by Pinfall, Submission, Disqualification, or Countout.
”Mary Clairson”
Mary has been in LAW for quite a while actually, it might be at this point where she could be considered a veteran of the scene instead of the young rookie that somehow managed to submit Alizeh Midori. Expectations for her were all over the place, both from her fans and from herself. But she has the confidence she did not have at the beginning, and she know is looking forward to her next match against someone named Luna.

Mary did quite a few arm and leg stretches, clad in her signature Blue Leotard. She needed to make sure she was as ready as possible, she needed to be basically ready for anything at this moment. She had no idea what this Luna was going to be like.

Soon enough, the LAW official came in and gave her the signal that her match was about to start, and that she would be the first one to enter, which Mary quietly nodded with a smile on her face.

Mary then got up and started heading towards the ring.

he arena became covered in blue spotlights as Mary came out onto the stage, her theme blasting through the speakers. It was time to show LAW once again what she was made of. She took a deep breath, before walking down the ramp, slapping hands with a few fans and then making her way towards the steel steps. Taking another deep breath, she walked up the steel steps and then went underneath the middle rope into the ring. And then she headed to her corner.

Mary waited for her opponent to show up, whatever she may look like.

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