Pink Fury; Hikari Okane Vs. Gil "Arma-Gil-O"

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Re: Pink Fury; Hikari Okane Vs. Gil "Arma-Gil-O"

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Things took a terrifying turn in this one rather quickly... Gil was sure she was always playful more so than anything, and that humiliation could be a lot, but she never thought that it could cause something like this, she clearly took things a step to far this time...

"...I-I OMPH" Gil sputtered out nothingness before her face was slammed into the turnbuckle, her nose took the overwhelming brunt of the damage. She slumped into the corner, holding weakly onto the ropes as she tried to regain her footing, weakly raising up to her knees.

"...Hikari, I didn't mean to upset you..." Gil tried to plead, blood dripped from her nose, it didn't feel broken, but that was a nasty blow she took...!

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Re: Pink Fury; Hikari Okane Vs. Gil "Arma-Gil-O"

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"Oh you're sorry huh!?" Hikari replied with a boistrous tone that had a lot of contempt behind it, her "I BET YOU'RE FEELING FUCKING SORRY NOW!" her voice boomed angrily while she would reel her leg back and attempt to kick her opponent repeatedly while keeping them in the corner.

Hikari wasn't exactly angry at Gil per-say. This was mostly a manifestation of Hikari's own insecurities stress pushing her to her breaking point which from her history always ends up with her lashing out at the people around her. In this particular case, Gil was the one unfortunate enough to be in a close enough.

The attacks of pure hatred made the crowd cheer, but some were starting to feel uneasy about the situation. The first to do something was the referee who would be forced to pull Hikari off of of Gil if the girl could not get away herself. Hikari struggled against the ref but luckily for her did not attack him due to her focus primarily being on her opponent. The Shy Rocker was panting and waiting impatiently for Gil to stand back up and get out of the corner for her to rush in for another clothesline.
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Re: Pink Fury; Hikari Okane Vs. Gil "Arma-Gil-O"

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Gil was far from aggressive, she could hardly match the energy that came from Hikari, the shift made it even harder to adjust, like a switch had flipped, she now was out of any momentum she built up and now it all lied within Hikari...!

Gil took a beating into the corner, hardly hanging herself up on the ropes as the ref pulled back the Shy Rocker, giving the poor goat a chance to collect herself...!

She slowly rose back up to her feet, remaining apologetic, her only reasoning was that she did something wrong, she crossed a line, and she needed to make it up to Hikari, but Hikari was looking to take Gil out! Suddenly, after a reset, Gil took a clothesline, which sent her right down onto her ass again!

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Re: Pink Fury; Hikari Okane Vs. Gil "Arma-Gil-O"

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With her opponent on the ground, Hikari was planning to end this and Gil. She was starting to get tired and wanted to go home and scream into her pillow. Although what to use to put this girl in her place? Hikari didn't think about it at all because she would just go with one of her finishers. The mood she was in made her hate thinking about much of anything.

Walking over to the front of her downed opponent, Hikari attempted to grab onto one of Gil's legs, crossing it over her other while Hikari placed one foot in between the girl's legs as it she was preparing a figure four lock. But instead of falling down she let her upper body fall back with her arms in the air and placed herseld in a bridge position which, had around the same effect of being in a figure four leg lock, but it was more painful and more difficult to escape out of since most of Hikari's body was out of the way. It was her Voice crack primarily that she named when she was in one of these moods.
Discord: Kookio#2941 Kookio's Goods

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Re: Pink Fury; Hikari Okane Vs. Gil "Arma-Gil-O"

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Gil wasn't sure she could have stopped Hikari if she wanted to at this rate, she laid flat on her back thinking over all that she could push herself to do, but something in her brain wasn't clicking, her body wouldn't act, was she really that beaten down? It didn't feel like it... But it was harder and harder to push on...

"...MMM! N-no...!" Gil whined, placed into the next line of torture that Hikari had set up for her! She clenched her fists and teeth, she banged her fists onto the mat and tried to pull herself up and away from this, twisting, spinning, pulling, pushing, nothing worked, she was stuck and at the mercy of this little woman...!

"...P-please, please I'm-" Gil craned her head up to barely catch a glimpse at Hikari. "...Please, I'm begging you...!" Gil fought back tears, her pain tolerance wasn't too high, and she had already been put through a lot...!

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Re: Pink Fury; Hikari Okane Vs. Gil "Arma-Gil-O"

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"You're begging but I don't hear much surrendering so I'm not gonna stop!" she replied coldly to Gil, securing her position by spreading her legs and arms out a bit more. The majority of the crowd went silent at this, not knowing if they should cheer or not due to how this was the first time they had seen Hikari be like this. They were so used to seeing her being beaten down, humiliated and in some cases even more that her actually beating someone else down that was obviously a much better wrestler than her. To make them even more hesitent to cheer, the beat down was much more violent than typical matches.

"Just fucking give up or you'll wake up in the fucking hospital." she threatened. She was only partly listening to what Gil was crying about. It was difficult for her to think clearly at all while in this state outside of how pissed off she was not Gil, but at how pathetic she was. Gil just so happened to be the poor girl Hikari was taking out her own insecurities on. "I'm not going to be a fucking victim anymore!"
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Re: Pink Fury; Hikari Okane Vs. Gil "Arma-Gil-O"

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"...AH! PLEASE, PLEASE...!" Tears rolled from the corners of her eyes, Hikari's words paired with the pain made things so much worse, being talked down to was hard to take, she couldn't stop it, she couldn't do anything, and god knows she couldn't get through to Hikari...

"...I give, I give up...!" Gil's hand frantically tapped against the canvas. Just as quickly as she had gotten the upper-hand, she had lost it, and been forced to submit, she didn't want to tap, she never wanted to tap, but Hikari wasn't thinking straight, and the promise of putting her in the hospital was a realistic one due to just how little she was holding back...!

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Re: Pink Fury; Hikari Okane Vs. Gil "Arma-Gil-O"

Unread post by Kookio »

As the bell rang out, Hikari finally released the bloodied girl as the crowd let out some hesitent cheers for her. But Hikari barely noticed them. She was a bit too busy calming down from her break point. When her senses returned, she looked around, not exactly knowing why everyone was cheering for her or why the Referee came in and raised her arm into the air.

"Did... Did I win..?" she asked, having not noticed Gil on the ground just yet. That wouldn't last long because to her horror, she would turn to see her opponent on the ground, bloodied and injured. She froze up, being reminded of previous events when she blacked out and woke up to everyone around her injured or knocked out.

Without thinking, she took a few steps back and ripped her arm away from the referee to his confusion, if Gil were to would look at Hikari, she would see one filled with terror.

She didn't know if she should see if Gil was alright and soon would just decide to run away as fast as she could to hide herself in a place where hopefully no one would find her.
Discord: Kookio#2941 Kookio's Goods

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Re: Pink Fury; Hikari Okane Vs. Gil "Arma-Gil-O"

Unread post by Arista »

Gil had taken a beating she would soon forget, and as she submitted then intensity immediately settled, she dropped back flat against the mat, her chest pumped up and down with every breath.

She couldn't get out of the ring on her own, but luckily there was assistance there to help, but by the time that had happened, Hikari was long gone...


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