The SoCal Connection vs. the Kiyoko Sisters

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Re: The SoCal Connection vs. the Kiyoko Sisters

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Fuse's reflexes had to be as fast as lightning and as sharp as Damascus steel. Just as Kayla's fist was about to connect, the heavyweight's hand swung forward - and stopped her blow in midair! For a moment, everything around Kayla seemed to grind to a halt, like time itself stood still. She could feel the hairs rise on the back of her neck, and the thumping of her heart in ther chest. Had it actually happened, she asked herself? How could Fuse have done such a thing - and so quickly? One moment, Kayla thought she was about to make the save - that she was the hero coming in to turn the tides in the SoCal Connection's favor. But it seemed as though Fuse had already been prepared for that - and that knowledge, that confirmation that her opponent had such an edge on her, was enough to shatter Kayla's confidence. What else could she do, she asked herself? Could anything the Californian had up her sleeve work? Her eyes went wide, staring right through Fuse as the color drained away from her face. She had been so stunned that she almost didn't pay any heed to what it was her opponent was saying. And when she did remind herself that she'd been given a was already too late for her.

"Huh..? My left-?" Kayla began to turn her head in that direction - and at that very moment, Fuse pushed her away. Kayla skidded to a stop, trying to shake herself out, but by that point, Handa had already taken off. Just seconds later she slammed into her at full force - and with a scream, the Californian middleweight was hurled through the ropes and out of the ring! She landed on the mats outside with a thud, and her teeth clenched in a pained hiss as she reeled from the landing, but she couldn't let that stop her. She quickly began throwing punches at Handa's side to try and knock her off. Her partner was in trouble - she couldn't just leave her like this! "Move-!!"

But while Kayla was occupied, she couldn't help Ash. And Ash, splayed out limp and groaning, was in no position to help herself. The referee briefly looked in the direction of the brawl going on outside the ring, but when she saw that there was a pin to count, she knew she had to do her job - and she got down at the unresponsive redhead's side to make the call. "One-!"
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Re: The SoCal Connection vs. the Kiyoko Sisters

Unread post by ReneeCockyUndercard »

Handa was struggling to keep Kayla from entering the ring to break up the pin Fuse was doing. Eventually, however, Handa would grab Kayla and place her in a rear-naked chokehold. She was moving side to side to calm down a flailing Kayla as she looked at the referee to see if Fuse was still pinning Ashley.

Meanwhile, Fuse would be watching what was going on on the outside of the ring. She had a warm yet sinister smile on her face as she watched her younger sister holding her opponent’s partner down as they both knew that this match was won. Fuse then looked at the referee as they slammed their hand to the count of 2.

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Re: The SoCal Connection vs. the Kiyoko Sisters

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"GHHK-!!" As Handa slipped behind Kayla, her arm would only squeeze tighter around the brunette's throat. Kayla's eyes squeezed shut and her teeth gnashed together as she twisted from side to side, trying to force her way out of her opponent's grasp - but she couldn't budge! Every inch she moved would only cause Handa to put down more pressure around her throat, narrowing her airways more and more, and making it all the harder for her to move air through to her lungs. She could feel something tighten in her chest, and the hot, stale air burned her lungs. And yet, Kayla kept fighting. She had to!

This had gone on too long, she thought to herself. She had left Ash to the Kiyoko Sisters' mercy, and that had only dragged her and her team into grave danger. But this was Kayla's fault just as much as it was Ashley's. In leaving her to suffer, Kayla wasn't acting like a friend of a partner. Now, more than ever, she needed to get in the ring and turn things around...but Handa wouldn't let her!

When Kayla looked back up at the ring, seeing Ash trapped beneath Fuse's foot, she could feel herself shudder. It felt all the more like a taunt, knowing that her partner was in such danger and she could do absolutely nothing to stop it. And that knife would only be twisted even more a second later - when the referee gave the final count.


The bell rang. The match was over. The SoCal Connection had lost - and now, as the Californian middleweight could feel the drop in the pit of her stomach, it began to sink in for Kayla that that was her doing as much as anyone's.
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Re: The SoCal Connection vs. the Kiyoko Sisters

Unread post by ReneeCockyUndercard »

The Kiyoko Sisters have beaten their opponents. They were now getting prepared to do their post celebratory thing they do whenever they won their matches. Handa would throw Kayla into the ring before entering herself. She then stood up and planted her foot onto the arm of Kayla as Handa talked to her older sister.

Handa: 「よし、ヒューズ。どれを先に取りたいですか?」(“Alright Fuse. Which one you wanna take first?”)

Fuse: 「赤い頭を先に取った方が良いと思います。彼らは寒くてノックアウトされているようです。そこにいるブロンドを倒させてあげるよ。次は彼らのパンツを取ります。」(“I think it’ll be right if I take the red head first. Seeming as they’re knocked out cold. I’ll let you beat the blonde you have there. I’ll be taking their panties next.”)

Handa then nodded before sitting onto the chest of Kayla before beating on her. Meanwhile, Fuse would slide her hands up the pants of Ashley as she started to pull her panties out from under her. This is what happens whenever the Kiyoko Sisters have victory. Although different, the sisters are still within their themes whenever they take victory. Eventually, they swapped opponents and after that was done, Fuse would hang their opponents’ panties onto hers on the side and the two sisters walked out of the arena, victory and all.

Winner: The Kiyoko Sisters
Renee’s Undercarders

If you wanna dm me matches, my discord is arstotzkianborderpatrol

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