But today she could get back her honor at the beach again by facing off agaisnz the idol in a Rumble Rose styled Mud Match! Something Harmonia had much experience with, having had her start in messy substance matches betören rising to the top and become one of LAWs finest. But she still enjoyed the slight distraction such matches offered and so, when her theme began to play, ghe Superstar stepped out to greet her fans with a fist pumped in the air.
As mentioned , it took place in a shallow mudpit without ropes, surrounded by ladders and behind them the iron railings that kept the crowd away from the battlefield.
Harmonia reached the ring and immediatly climbed one ladder, raising her fist again to the refrain of her theme and the cheers of the audience.
Ladies and Gentlemeeeen, this match is scheduled for one fall. Introducing first, from Graz, Austria. She is the "Superstaaaar" Harmoniiiaaaa Edelateeeeeiiiin!
Harmonia smiled as she stepped into the mudpit and raised one arm, flexing it for the crowds joy as her theme died down and Barbara's music started to play. And this, unbeknownst to anyone but Harmonia and the announcer, was the first act in Harmonias humiliation for Barbara.
And her opponent, from Raleigh, North Carolina. Consisting mostly of old cumcrusted rubber, she is the blowup doll of the Edelstein Twins, Suckliiiing Idiiiiot Barbaaraaaaa!
If their was any doubt that this was surely one of Barbara's most humiliating times of coming to the ring, then the crowds uproarious laughter was prove enough as Harmonia herself showed a big grin while looking straight into Barbara's direction...