Infernal Hierarchy vs Twin Wings, can demons and angels get along?

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the funny girl
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Re: Infernal Hierarchy vs Twin Wings, can demons and angels get along?

Unread post by the funny girl »

Mudrock was simply waiting for her blue haired opponent to get up from the ground, she was certainly checking to see if Marlene was a bigger challenge than those goddesses she had previously faced with Emma, ​​she watched with her red eyes as Marlene was now completely standing and Her blue-haired opponent charged towards her and Mudrock got ready "UGHHH!" Mudrock moaned in pain when she was attacked by a spear made by her opponent and was dragged towards one of the corners of the ring, causing her back to receive the full impact of the blow, which made her slightly arch her back in pain while Mudrock felt that his back burned with pain "AARGH!" Mudrock was hit by a kick that went straight to her face, causing her to fall sitting in the corner of the ring while clenching her teeth.

On the other hand, Emma looked at Mudrock, with some curiosity as to why she was receiving the blows from her blue-haired opponent but she remembered something but then she looked at Arianna who seemed to be attentive to enter the ring but Emma would be watching her while she moved her demon tail from one side to the other.

Mudrock, even while sitting, told herself that that had been a good blow while she put on a mini smile on her face and after a few moments she got up while she brought a hand to her face to rub it "I admit, that was a good blow but let's see if you can last as long as I can" She said despite the pain that was running through her body, she was able to stand up and while she took out a little air while keeping her gaze on her opponent but then she ran towards where Marlene was to grab her head with both hands and then direct Marlene's head against his knee that had raised her, this so that the blue-haired girl received a very strong blow directly to her face.

And after she hit Marlene with her knee, Mudrock would then wrap her arms around her blue-haired opponent's waist, lifting her up and squeezing her into a bear hug to cause even more damage. Madison knew that sooner or later she would have to switch with emma ... 56#p211856 all my girls are here and if you are interested in having a match with some of them let me know ^^

my discord name is: thefunnygirl

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Re: Infernal Hierarchy vs Twin Wings, can demons and angels get along?

Unread post by Void-Effect »

Marlene would pants softly as she manage to use the drop kick to drop Mudrock, but sadly, the effort was for naught as she simply stand back up and complimented her, confused her "Wait What?" It seems like it didn't do anything or even slow her down slightly as she saw Marlene as she saw Mudrock try to grab her head, Marlene would attempt to side step but had her head grabbed before slammed down Mudrock's knee, cause her to let out a paint grunt as she is surprised by her speed...or is it that she is slowing down?

Marlene would then felt her waist being grabbed before she would lifted up into a bear hug as she let out let out a gasp in pain as she try to throw punches toward Mudrock's face while also attempt to headbutt her, attempt to free herself and maybe tag in Arianna for a tag team moves as their opponent are proven more than they are more than the two of them anticipated, seems like they need to bring out their A games now

Arianna would realize the situation too as she yell out Marlene to get out of it while Marlene is doing just that, attempt to stun Mudrock enough to tag her partner in and for her to start a plan to take down Mudrock and Emma quickly before the two of them tired themself out

Discord: Void Effect#1624

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Re: Infernal Hierarchy vs Twin Wings, can demons and angels get along?

Unread post by the funny girl »

Mudrock had done some good damage to Marlene even though she had taken quite a bit of damage from her blue-haired opponent's previous blows but it would take more than that to leave her stunned while the white-haired girl lifted her opponent up with that bear hug. and Madison squeezed Marlene in her strong arms, although then Mudrock realized that her enemy was not going to stay still at all, since she received several blows to her face, but Mudrock remained firm by not letting her go despite being moaning from pain from the blows she was receiving from her blue-haired opponent from the front and then she felt her forehead collide with Marlene's "AARGHH!" Mudrock had received a headbutt but still remained firm in not letting go of Marlene until she had caused more damage but Madison at this point was sure that her two opponents would have noticed her great tolerance in receiving the blows.

Emma looked at Mudrock who had Marlene in her arms and was receiving direct blows to her face but it seemed that Mudrock had no intention of letting her go, she knew that Mudrock would hold on since she knew that Mudrock was a fucking monster when it comes to physical resistance But she was worried about the damage her partner was receiving, if Madison didn't let go of Marlene it would be harmful later.

There came a point where Mudrock got fed up with her being hit without her being able to respond so Madison decided to do something about it, she ran to one of the corners of the ring to make Marlene's back suffer from pain if she didn't before giving a spinning elbow towards Marlene's face, returning those direct blows towards her face that she had received, then she staggered slightly and rubbed her face towards Emma to raise her hand and touch Emma, ​​Emma had entered and Mudrock had left the ring ... 56#p211856 all my girls are here and if you are interested in having a match with some of them let me know ^^

my discord name is: thefunnygirl

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