Adelaide Wilhelmina vs Finella Edelstein - Scariest Gangster facing the Hellraiser!!

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Re: Adelaide Wilhelmina vs Finella Edelstein - Scariest Gangster facing the Hellraiser!!

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Finella rolled her eyes as she heard them discussing. There was some german in it and it seemed that her opponent STILL did not had comprehend the fact that she was an Austrian. Finella spoke like a genderbent Arnold Schwarzenegger how much more germanic could she be? She decided to let the girls talk and it seemed that they still weren't willing to give up.

"Verdammt nochmal, ich sagte doch...",she started when suddenly the smaller one of the three girls in the ring screamed in pain, shoving the Hellraiser boot away. "What the-"
In her current position and with the surprise moment on the side of the two other girls Finella was not fast enough to withdraw as Adelaides boot hit her ankle and sweeped her down onto the canvas hard.

Finella dropped down and she had to give it to the gangleader she was fast, sitting on top of her belly once again. Only that she had help now as Clara grabbed both her wrists and pinned them to the canvas, using her full bodyweight to hold Finella down and even if the Hellraiser was strong, caught in this akward position she wasn't able to get out immediatly and so she was trapped.

But what was not trapped was her big mouth and so she just chuckled at them.
"Oh isnt that sweet Dumb and dumber are trying to beat me up. I am soooo afraaiiiid. What you gonna do? Tickle me to death? Neheheeh..come Adelaide show me what you've got. Show me what a little jobber like you who so stubbornly thinks she can be more than that can do to the Hellraiser. Honestly, you make me sick. We all have our place. And you should know yours...Boss!", she said with an undertone that dripped with sarcasm.
"And you, Clara was it? If I were you I would have my eyes everywhere for as in every dark corner, every empty hallway, every street at night, I could lurk from now on..."she said with a monotone voice, her yellow eye gleaming.
"You still have a chance, let go and go back to your friends, if not then I will get you. Not today not tomorrow maybe not even next week. But some time when you are not expecting it, I will be there and raise hell on you. You won't feel safe anymore, never again. Every rustle every windblow in the darkness will start to frighten you from now on of you won't take your hands away. I count to three now...and if you are still holding me down, then I wish you luck. Eins...", she said and her eyes were locked with Clara.
Finella didn't even flinch. What would happen now. She already opened her mouth to form the last number...

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Re: Adelaide Wilhelmina vs Finella Edelstein - Scariest Gangster facing the Hellraiser!!

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Despite Finella’s threatening, Adelaide was confident that with the help of her loyal gang mate, they could pin this wolf totally onto the ground. “Haha miss, your speech is terrifying!” Adelaide looked closer into Finella’s face, “But what will you do after you counting to three?” As that said, the gangleader would suddenly move her body up a little bit, as she would sit onto Finella’s breasts. “And I won’t let you finish anyways!” Without a second warning, Adelaide moved her body even further on, as in everyone, especially Clara’s shock, as the gangster now sit right onto Finella’s face, covering the she-wolf’s from eyes to nose, to mouth with her own butt! Adelaide turned her head to Clara, not caring her gang member’s expression in shock, “Ok Clara, please keep holding her still!” The girl then turned her head and looked down, “What were you going to say again?” With Finella’s face underneath her, Adelaide taunted and started twisting her lower body, as she would grind her foe’s face directly with her ass. Despite the sensation was quite weird with that itchiness, making Adelaide blushed in embarrassment, but in the sake of winning this type of match, she knew needed to do anything she could. As she kept rubbing Finella’s face, she hoped this, alone with the help from Clara on the pinning, could make her opponent pass out soon. If that happened, Adelaide would be happy to deliver her so called “ultimate, deadly and final blow” towards her opponent.

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Re: Adelaide Wilhelmina vs Finella Edelstein - Scariest Gangster facing the Hellraiser!!

Unread post by RedShinigami »

She had warned them. Both of them. She had clearly and audibly warned them about the horrors they would face if Clara wouldn't leave this ring. And the girl didn't. Stubbornly she held out, maybe because of love for her boss, maybe out of respect,or maybe because Finellas words have turned her to stone. Whatever it was, she was paying the price now.

Finella got sat on, a position not many women could claim to had, as the Hellraiser was rarely dominated, but Adelaide had done it. And with that, she had sealed her doom. Finella was down and the referee came to check on her. If she passed out now then it would be all over and the little german loudmouth had won. Oh no, as Austrian she wouldn't allow a german to beat her. And as one of LAWs most feared wrestlers, the Hellraiser would not get beaten by some silly little gang girls.

So when Adelaide mounted her, Finella threw her legs upwards, wrapped them around her sides and slammed the gangleader down onto the canvas hard.
Finella now looked into Clara's eyes.
"Drei...",she said and her pupils went small as she raised her strong arms, escaping Clara's grip with a loud roar.
But if Clara thought this was everything that would happen to her then she was mistaken as the Hellraiser grabbed her leg and sweeper her down onto the canvas.

Finella got on top of her and cracked her knuckles.
"Zeit zum Spielen...",she whispered with sadistic glee in her eyes and then unloaded her fury onto Clara, raining hard punches down all over her face and body, so hard that the smacking could be heard echoing around the arena. Finella would not stop until the little bitch went limp or begged to be released and so her fist went into her stomach, her chest, her nose, her collarbone and everywhere else as the fans started to gasp.

Still Adelaide was on the move, but Finella didn't concern herself with her know as punishing this little pup that had made a fatal decision, was more important now!

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Re: Adelaide Wilhelmina vs Finella Edelstein - Scariest Gangster facing the Hellraiser!!

Unread post by SkoomaAddict »

It did not went as planned, nothing went as planned. Adelaide hadn’t even felt the warming up her of her butt when she was rubbing Finella’s face, she would feel a force crushed right into her body, punched out the air in her lug and sent the gangleader forwards onto the mat with a scream of “Gah!” In Adelaide’s realization her foe somehow could use enough strength to sent kick right at her even when she thought everything was under control. The gangster face down laying on the mat while nursing the hurting part of her skin, but when she looked back, she could only see something terrible happening to her gang member.

In Clara’s shock, Adelaide was being pushed onto the mat on the force, revealing Finella’s face underneath, who looked at her in the eyes again with soul eating stare. “No… I didn’t mean… yaaah!” Fear restricted Clara’s actions, as Finella lashed towards her and also pushed her onto the mat, with a change of tide now Finella was sitting right on top of Clara. Right following that was the rain drop of fist punches sending down onto Clara’s body, “Ahh! Ouch! No! Please… AHH!” Clara didn’t even have a chance to beg was she could only try to cover her face with her arms despite her arms were hurting terribly too, the girl was stuck in a despair situation.

“Let her go!” Upon witnessing this sight, Adelaide completely forgot the pain on her skin, despite she cared more about winning the match, but seeing her gang member who was also one of closet people in her life, that moment Adelaide would burst out of strength to save the girl who she “used” for that dirty tactic just now. In flash of a moment, overcoming the pain Adelaide would raise up and charge at Finella’s position, at the same time she jumped in mid air and sent both of her legs forward, delivering a drop kick right at Finella’s back of her head! If the kick landed, Adelaide expected that would send Finella forward on to the mat, and before her foe could get back up, Adelaide would try to rush to the laying she-wolf and leap into the air again, this time landed her butt first onto Finella’s head again, crushing it under her body. With the double trauma landed onto her opponent’s head, Adelaide hoped Finella would lose her ability to move, or even better, passed out for even a short time.

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