Wasp Queen vs The Strongest Pearl (Oliva vs Ambre)

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Wasp Queen vs The Strongest Pearl (Oliva vs Ambre)

Unread post by Yummybunny »

"You're out in five!"

Five minutes. Five minutes until she hits the big stage and starts her long journey to climb the LAW ranks and reach the top. The nerves well...They were almost overwhelming. Every practice she used to use to steady her nerves...Jumping up and down, slapping her cheeks, counting to 10 as fast as she could...Nothing could stop the pounding of her heart. This was it, this was the big stage of the league she'd been itching to participate in ever since she'd made it out here. It took a lot of blood, sweat, and countless nights of tears but she'd done it, and now...Now it was time to make her name known!
She finished up the final touches to her outfit. She pulled down on her mask and ensured her hair was tied up in that twin-tail style she loved so much. Now all that was left was to wait at the top of the ramp and listen out fo-

I'm Trouble And You're Wa-Wa-Wanting It!

Bingo.~ Right then the beat started to speed up and Olivia began to strut her way down that ramp to the ring. She swayed and bounced on the balls of her feet to the slow bop of the track. Making sure she slipped herself under the bottom ropes just before the following verse of the song came in! Marching her way to the closest corner post, she climbed up, throwing one arm up and mounting along with the music "Ay, nada nos puede parar, oh, no!" She then hopped off rushing to the other side of the ring to yell up at the crowd, climbing as high as she could on the turnbuckle, trying to make herself as giant as she could and flexing her arms for the crowd. She then hopped off the post and spun on the balls of her feet, leaning back into the corner post.

Looking up at the lights...Hearing the roar of the crowd. She could finally say those nerves had all but gone. She'd made it and now all that was left was to back up the hype she built up and prove that she deserved to be here! It didn't matter who was coming out next...She wasn't planning on backing down from anyone tonight!
Last edited by Yummybunny on Thu Jun 22, 2023 12:47 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Wasp Queen vs The Strongest Pearl (Oliva vs Ambre)

Unread post by Bearhug Goddess »

Ambre was feeling pretty good right now, she was more confident than usual. She had just finished her debut at LAW and had a good number of wins, which allowed her to have her small batch of fans who were starting to appreciate her. Obviously, all of this was only one step before reaching her goal, the title of champion, which was still a long way off but was gradually getting closer as the matches progressed.
Tonight she was going to be a new wrestler at LAW but a new one in this sport because her opponent had an Olympic level! This greatly impressed Ambre who had never known an opponent with such a big newcomer. The match already looks tough but that was what excited Ambre who was smiling with impatience to start this match while she was still in the locker room.
Ambre's theme was starting to sound, people were getting used to her wordless theme. After we called her, La Pearl came out of the locker room to finally show herself to people, greeting them while still displaying her big and beautiful smile. She greeted the spectators one last time by grabbing the ropes of the ring and then climbed on it, finding herself on her corner.
Opposite her is her opponent, a woman clearly taller than her. It was not a problem for Ambre who was used to fighting against giants. Her opponent's legs were wider than hers but Ambre clearly had bigger muscles on her arms. What surprised her was her opponent's outfit, she so scantily clad and wore a mask to hide her face.
After analyzing her opponent, the Frenchwoman advanced towards the center of the ring, letting out a small laugh and then extending her hand to her opponent for a handshake, smiling at her tenderly while looking into her eyes.

"Fufufu~ My name is Ambre, it's an honor to fight against an Olympic level wrestler! You have beautiful thighs but the spectators will only remember your face at the end of this match~"
Wha-What's this ?... A-A thread request ?! For me ???!
I deserve my own battle theme.

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Re: Wasp Queen vs The Strongest Pearl (Oliva vs Ambre)

Unread post by Yummybunny »

"Whoa..." Maybe she should have been a biiit more careful with her words...But seeing a real time wrestler, decked out in all the official gear with an outfit that was KILLING it with the fans...And her to be honest was shocking to say the least. She watched how Ambre played to the fans, trying to take notes on what she was doing and how they were eating it up. "She's so fucking good at this god damn..." She mumbled to herself, a bit jealous at the people working skills she was showing off.

As Ambre came into the ring and made her way over, Olivia tried to get her head into the game. It wasn't time to be gawking or admiring her...No, it was HER time and this was HER ring and she needed to make her and the crowd believe that. Pulling a confident little smirk she walked up to bump chests with Ambre. She was expecting the same type of shit...Instead, the girl held out her hand and Olivia, still a bit new to this took it.

"Eh...I never actually made it to the Olympics so...It's not really that crazy." She tried to stay modest but was rather embarrassed to think people thought of her as such a 'high' talent wrestler. Really she bailed out of that WAY before she actually ended up doing anything worth praising...At least in her eyes.

"Either way It'll be a great match! Sorry for what I'm about to do to ya tho...No hard feelings.~" She teased back with a wink, grinning from ear to ear as she was eager to see how this strong-lookin' gal could give her a real work out. She wondered if she'd be able to hang with her or give up as soon as she cranked the pressure on. Either way...She was gonna enjoy herself that was for damn sure.~

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Re: Wasp Queen vs The Strongest Pearl (Oliva vs Ambre)

Unread post by Bearhug Goddess »

Ambre continued to look at her opponent with a big smile, she noticed however that her opponent was trying to stick his chest against hers before shaking her hand. This amused Ambre who was getting used to fighting girls just as cute as tonight's opponent. Obviously, the thick thighs of his opponent and her light outfit caught the eye of the Pearl who imagined himself already blocked in bodycissors or headcissors.

"Hmm...Don't be so confident, especially when I'm going to slam your body~"

Ambre had already been able to beat wrestlers who looked stronger and more experienced than her opponent, the idea of losing didn't even occur to her. She kept her smile on as she stretched and the referee looked at the two women before ringing the bell.


It's time, the match has just started and Ambre wasted no time, throwing herself on her opponent, smiling toothily and raising her arms, trying to challenge her opponent's strength by pushing against each other if she accepted it.
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Re: Wasp Queen vs The Strongest Pearl (Oliva vs Ambre)

Unread post by Yummybunny »

"Hell yeah! Just don't tap to soon 'ight?" She said with a confident little grin before wiggling her fingers a bit, looking to start with a test of strength which Ambre seemed to agree with. Slapping palm to palm against Ambre, Olivia stepped forward and pressed her chest and forehead against hers. She gritted her teeth, feeling the strength of the 'strongest pearl' firsthand. Clearly, she'd need more than brawn to win over on her.

Thinking for a moment Olivia came up with a cheeky little plan. She pulled back a bit, making it seem like Ambre was winning over on strength, pushing the poor wasp queen over...But just as Ambre might push her advantage, Olivia would shift her hips, slide her feet out and quickly release her left hand to place it against Ambres right forearm. She then twisted her hips and looked to throw Ambre towards the ropes!

She then hopped she'd start rushing back only to lift up her boot and WHAM! Slam her boot right into Ambre's chest, looking to plant it right between her breast and drop her flat on her back! Though she wasn't finished, once she got the pearl on her back she'd reach for her legs and lift them up under her arms, before trying to kick out her leg to flip Ambre onto her front and go for a standing Boston Crab! "Remember what I said!? Don't tap out! Pearls are a bitch to crack right!?" She shouted out trying to keep the gal from giving up to soon while she began to step back, adding pressure to her hold!

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Re: Wasp Queen vs The Strongest Pearl (Oliva vs Ambre)

Unread post by Bearhug Goddess »

The French threw herself on her opponent and the clash between the two wrestlers began in the center of the ring. The two wrestlers hold their hands firmly while looking into each other's eyes, Ambre was happy to see that her opponent did not refuse this kind of challenge despite their different builds. The pearl was gradually winning this test of strength because she was naturally more muscular than her opponent.
But after a few steps back, her opponent decided to stop the challenge and throw Ambre against the ropes and unleash with a kick to the chest.


Ambre fell to the ground, lying on her back and sighing softly in pain. Even though she was on the ground, she had won this challenge and could beat her opponent with her raw strength. Before she tried to get up, the wasp grabbed her legs and turned Ambre over for her stomach lie before applying a rather painful Standing Boston Crab.

"Graah..! You're not kidding!.."

As Ambre was close to the ropes, she pulled her arm forward to catch them and let the referee intervene, giving her opponent 5 seconds to let go. It was only the beginning of the match, Ambre didn't have to worry too much about her little pains. As soon as she is freed, she will get up and throw herself on her opponent to apply a lariat, slamming her arm against her opponent's chest.
Wha-What's this ?... A-A thread request ?! For me ???!
I deserve my own battle theme.

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