"You're out in five!"
Five minutes. Five minutes until she hits the big stage and starts her long journey to climb the LAW ranks and reach the top. The nerves well...They were almost overwhelming. Every practice she used to use to steady her nerves...Jumping up and down, slapping her cheeks, counting to 10 as fast as she could...Nothing could stop the pounding of her heart. This was it, this was the big stage of the league she'd been itching to participate in ever since she'd made it out here. It took a lot of blood, sweat, and countless nights of tears but she'd done it, and now...Now it was time to make her name known!

I'm Trouble And You're Wa-Wa-Wanting It!
Bingo.~ Right then the beat started to speed up and Olivia began to strut her way down that ramp to the ring. She swayed and bounced on the balls of her feet to the slow bop of the track. Making sure she slipped herself under the bottom ropes just before the following verse of the song came in! Marching her way to the closest corner post, she climbed up, throwing one arm up and mounting along with the music "Ay, nada nos puede parar, oh, no!" She then hopped off rushing to the other side of the ring to yell up at the crowd, climbing as high as she could on the turnbuckle, trying to make herself as giant as she could and flexing her arms for the crowd. She then hopped off the post and spun on the balls of her feet, leaning back into the corner post.
Looking up at the lights...Hearing the roar of the crowd. She could finally say those nerves had all but gone. She'd made it and now all that was left was to back up the hype she built up and prove that she deserved to be here! It didn't matter who was coming out next...She wasn't planning on backing down from anyone tonight!