Mary Clairson Vs. Blake Belladona

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Mary Clairson Vs. Blake Belladona

Unread post by Epicsnivy »

Standard Match
Mary Clairson Vs. Blake Belladonna
Winner Via Pinfall, Submission, Disqualification or Countout
Mary Clairson
Tonight was another match for Mary, as she heard she might be facing someone who could be a big challenge for her in Blake Belladonna. Mary was a little nervous because she did not know what to expect from Blake, but she knew she had to keep herself calm. If she wanted any chance of becoming a major force in LAW or in wrestling in general, Mary knew she had to keep winning, keep getting new fans. She did some stretches in her locker room to warm herself up and keep her body limber, as her style means she will have to move her limbs a lot, especially if she wants to get this Blake lady to tap out.

Luckily for her, the LAW official who usually comes by alerted her that her match was about to begin, seemingly the match graphic had already appeared on the screen cause the crowd was cheering loudly, so much that it can be heard in her room. Mary took a deep sigh and headed out to the ring.

The arena became flooded in blue light, as Mary made her way down to the ring, the fans cheering for her ever so loudly that it kind of scared the blue haired girl. She did however, slap hands with some fans as she made her way down to the ramp and took a deep breath before walking up the steel steps. She then stepped through the bottom and middle rope and then headed to her corner, waiting for her opponent to show up.

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Re: Mary Clairson Vs. Blake Belladona

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Re: Mary Clairson Vs. Blake Belladona

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To Mary, Blake looked very mysterious, like it was a sort of aura she hsad around her. Her attire also shown she was very fit and a lot more of an athlete compared to Mary, who was decently muscular but not the fittest wrestler you will ever see. However, Blake did seem friendly and the crowd seemed to like her, so hopefully Blake would not do anything low brow.

"Same here. " Mary said as she shook the hand of Blake with an air of confidence that her rookie self would never thought had been possible. She was not planning on losing to Blake either. She was gonna make Blake tap.

Mary headed to her corner as the bell rang.


The bell rang and Mary headed to the center of the ring, and motioned Blake for a Collar and Tie up. She was interested in how much grappling skill Blake had, and wanted to know if she coudl beat Blake on a pure wrestling basis. Hopefully Blake takes it.

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Re: Mary Clairson Vs. Blake Belladona

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Blake wasn’t someone to make too many assumptions before a match is really underway. Doing so would be an easy way to tunnel vision your thought process. Blake hopefully would be able to distance herself from her families lineage and just wrestle as her. Mary hopefully would be a good enough opponent for Blake for this to be possible. (Solid Build, nothing out of the ordinary . This girl has to be a jack of all trades.) Blake thought as this finished her initial inspection of Mary.

The blue headed girl seemed nice enough going by the crowd. But then again the two women are here to beat each other up, so appearances can be very deceiving. Blake was going to win. No matter the cost.


Mary motioned an opening collar and tie up. Blake shrugged as she took the basic opening. At least this way she wouldn’t need to think to much about a crazy opening offense. Blake would push back against Mary, since Blake was probably the stronger of the two this would be easy. The issue though was that Mary probably knew this as well. So to keep her head on a swivel. Blake would actually pull Mary in from the tie up. Showing her grappling skills as Blake would try to Judo flip Mary onto the ground to start the match.

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Re: Mary Clairson Vs. Blake Belladona

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The bell rang, and seemingly just as Mary wanted, Blake engaged with the Collar and Elbow Tie Up, meaning the two can exchange on who was initially the better grappling. The two fought for position, and Mary could feel herself being pushed back a bit by Blake. Mary was never the strongest wrestler, she usually won her matches via skillful submission work, so she needed to just turn this around and probably lock Blake in a headlock.

It looked as though Blake had other ideas however, as she managed to Judo Flip Mary, causing the girl in the blue leotard to land straight onto her back. “GAH!” Mary gasped as she crashed to the mat with a noticeable thud. This came as a complete surprise to Mary.

Mary was stunned and could not really do anything, all she could do was to wait for Blake to make her next move and see if she can counter it.

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