Match Type: Standard Match; Hentai Moves Allowed
Rules: The winner must pin, submit, or knock out her opponent. Hentai moves are allowed.
Knock Me Out by Street Drum Corps started to play in the arena as Aika Sakata shyly walked out into the ring in her small black top and orange shorts with her black thong sticking out. Her outfit screamed confidence as it showed off her muscles and her chiseled abs, but her demeanor was giving off the opposite. She shielded her eyes briefly as the lights flashed all around her before slowly walking down to the ring, waving at the crowd. Everyone was watching her and she was not handling it well. With a squeak of fear, she would make her way down the ramp. She was ready for her next match, and she didn't feel much more prepared for it than before.
Steel had sought out reassurance from her partner, who was busy taking selfies backstage. Capri Clarke had only told her "You'll be fine," and "You look SO good tonight, Aika," and "Does this light make my tits look good, or should I try the lighting down the hall?" Understandably, it didn't instill confidence into Aika Sakata.
Before she went up the steps, she looked down at them and gulped before walking up to the apron. Sakata went to go under the ropes, but she felt it was too uncomfortable, and then tried to step over the top ropes, letting out a soft, frustrated groan. Once more under the bottom... but that still didn't feel right. She was too tall. So finally, she pushed down on the top rope and the stepped one foot over it, then the other. She would then stumble as she tried to clear it with the second foot, staggering forward before balancing herself.
The Japanese girl would then look around at the crowd again, waving bashfully once more and trying to get herself together for the upcoming match up. She had done some research, but she didn't necessarily know what she should research. She knew her opponent was gorgeous though, and Aika would appreciate that much. Still, she had to be optimistic--or at least try her best to be. She took a deep breath and stood in her corner, doing some last minute stretches as she awaited the entrance of her opponent.