Aika Sakata vs. Gloria Kildahl

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Aika Sakata vs. Gloria Kildahl

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Aika Sakata vs. Gloria Kildahl
Match Type:
Standard Match; Hentai Moves Allowed
Rules: The winner must pin, submit, or knock out her opponent. Hentai moves are allowed.

Knock Me Out by Street Drum Corps started to play in the arena as Aika Sakata shyly walked out into the ring in her small black top and orange shorts with her black thong sticking out. Her outfit screamed confidence as it showed off her muscles and her chiseled abs, but her demeanor was giving off the opposite. She shielded her eyes briefly as the lights flashed all around her before slowly walking down to the ring, waving at the crowd. Everyone was watching her and she was not handling it well. With a squeak of fear, she would make her way down the ramp. She was ready for her next match, and she didn't feel much more prepared for it than before.

Steel had sought out reassurance from her partner, who was busy taking selfies backstage. Capri Clarke had only told her "You'll be fine," and "You look SO good tonight, Aika," and "Does this light make my tits look good, or should I try the lighting down the hall?" Understandably, it didn't instill confidence into Aika Sakata.

Before she went up the steps, she looked down at them and gulped before walking up to the apron. Sakata went to go under the ropes, but she felt it was too uncomfortable, and then tried to step over the top ropes, letting out a soft, frustrated groan. Once more under the bottom... but that still didn't feel right. She was too tall. So finally, she pushed down on the top rope and the stepped one foot over it, then the other. She would then stumble as she tried to clear it with the second foot, staggering forward before balancing herself.

The Japanese girl would then look around at the crowd again, waving bashfully once more and trying to get herself together for the upcoming match up. She had done some research, but she didn't necessarily know what she should research. She knew her opponent was gorgeous though, and Aika would appreciate that much. Still, she had to be optimistic--or at least try her best to be. She took a deep breath and stood in her corner, doing some last minute stretches as she awaited the entrance of her opponent.

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Re: Aika Sakata vs. Gloria Kildahl

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The lights in the arena dimmed as The Genitorturers' "Pleasure In Restraint" played through the arena's sound system. The opening drums drew thunderous applause from the capacity crowd, who knew that their beat meant the coming of The Muscle Goddess. A spotlight would be focused on the stage and prepped to follow her, and a camera man would stand at the entrance point, ready to capture a long, loving shot of Gloria Kildahl as she appeared. Introducing her to the viewers at home first from her booted feet before panning up to the delectable portion of thigh that was left between the leather of her long, long boots and the low-cut leotard that was made of the same material, the generous bust that was contained within, the divine features on her face, most noticeably her smirking lips and the proud blue eyes that surveyed her realm, and finishing with the long platinum blonde locks that she had tied back -- with gold -- in a ponytail that fell to the small of her back.
The Muscle Goddess stood tall with her hands on her hips after taking those first few steps into the view of her subjects. Then, in following along with the starting riffs of the electric guitar, she would strike a few poses. Flex some of those muscles she'd worked tirelessly for. The display, a perfect mixture of erotic, powerful, and noble, had threatened to send the crowd into a frenzy. Just as expected.

She stepped forth with a royal swagger, complete with some extra sway and bounce in her hips and bust, respectively. After climbing up onto the apron upon reaching the ring, three camera men put themselves into position with what appeared to be a rehearsed efficiency to properly capture her gradual steps in between the ropes. One for the T, one for the A, and of course, those long, long legs couldn't be left out either.

After entering the ring, Gloria took a good look at her opponent. Aika was a real brow-raiser: Very well put-together with an outfit that showed it off quite nicely. But the confidence wasn't there at all. A real visual paradox.

"Lovely." Gloria began with a cool, yet flirty grin, eying her like a predator in the presence of what is soon to be its next meal. "You're new to this, aren't you?"
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Re: Aika Sakata vs. Gloria Kildahl

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Aika Sakata watched as Gloria headed to the ring in near astonishment. She seemed like an honest to goodness battle angel as she made her way to the ring. That outfit... her confidence... things that Aika could only dream of as she watched the entrance in awe. She looked strong too, with toned muscles... maybe not quite as toned as Aika's own, but she certainly would give her a run for her money. She couldn't hide that she was blushing at Gloria was entering the ring, but then tried to calm herself when Kildahl addressed her.

Steel gave a stiff nod, looking at Gloria as her jaw trembled, watching those eyes... those lips. And then Aika replied. "Ehehehahaha..." She laughed. There were words that may have wanted to come out but they weren't coming immediately. With a nervous smile, Sakata shook her head in the negative. "...Yes. I am." She looked like a sheer, bashful wreck already before the match even began, while she politely stood in her corner, not sure what proper etiquette she should show or not.

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Re: Aika Sakata vs. Gloria Kildahl

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Gloria had only walked on down to the ring, and everything was already going as it should. Her opponent was unable to tear her sweet lamb's eyes away from her celestial visage, growing red hot in the face. Trembling and stiffening at the same time, nerves keeping her in place in the corner like a teenage girl at a school dance who's just waiting to be asked out onto the floor. Her divine presence alone was turning Aika into mush, and she loved it.

The blonde amazon could already tell: "We are going to have some fun tonight." She crooked a gloved finger after the bell rang, motioning for Aika to join her in the center of the ring..."Come along, now."

...And then settled into an anchored stance, hands held out in front of her with the fingers spread apart. "Show me what you've got."
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Re: Aika Sakata vs. Gloria Kildahl

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Unlike Aika, Gloria seemed to have her confidence well in place. At the very least, she seemed friendly at first, which only made Sakata even more enamored with her as she remained stunned at first before trotting to the middle of the ring. "Okay! I hope we have fun too!" said the taller Japanese girl, standing over Gloria as she cleared her throat. "Just let me know... if it's not fun for you and I can try to fix that," elaborated Aika, seeming to be saying that in earnest. Her opponent seemed polite, so she wanted to at least return that same politeness.

Waiting for a moment, Aika's eyes went to Kildahl's hands, looking alarmed when she came to the realization. "Oh! Sorry!" shouted Aika, raising her hands as well, settling into an anchored stance as well. Then, Sakata would clasp her hands with Gloria's, starting the engagement with her opponent. Sakata may not have a ton of talent for wrestling yet, but she did have her raw strength behind her. And Gloria might find it more challenging to fight back against that despite her obvious skill advantage.

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Re: Aika Sakata vs. Gloria Kildahl

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Good manners. That was something Aika's got. The match had just started and the sweet thing was already offering to accommodate her. That alone had Gloria starting to like her just as fast.

Her smirk softened into a proper smile as her opponent missed her cue. Aika really was green. New not only to sexually charged wrestling, but to wrestling in general. The Muscle Goddess decided then: Her loss would be a pleasant one.

When their hands locked together, Gloria wouldn't put her all into it right away. While she didn't consider it a big deal one way or the other, she still wanted to see whether those muscles actually had some function to them or if they were just for show. She had her answer when Aika pushed her back not one, not two, but three steps worth of distance. Those steps weren't actually taken; her stance was proper and her feet were well dug in. She slid.

But no further. Her strength might not be as apparent to the eye as her twin's, but the self-chosen moniker of "Muscle Goddess" had stuck for a reason. She too was a woman who could lift a car and flip it over. Pull trucks. And with that power, she'd push back to the extent that the brakes were on. "Not bad." She'd say, a grin expressing her pleasure at this development.

Instead of attempting to push it further, Gloria would make use of her technique. The plan here would be to raise one of Aika's arms up high and slip behind her through this opening. After accomplishing that, she would wrap her own arms around Aika's waist and pull her backwards, bringing their shapely bodies into close contact. Gloria's glorious breasts and Aika's well-toned back in particular.

And then the wrestling dominatrix would lift her up and off her feet, and slam her down prone on the mat. She would quickly follow it up by getting into position to take control of her head, placing it underneath an arm that she'd wrap tightly around her neck to begin work on taking the rookie's breath away in the literal sense, keeping her legs sprawled so she wouldn't be able to escape too easily.
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Re: Aika Sakata vs. Gloria Kildahl

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Aika Sakata had prepared herself for the test of strength, ready to push back against her opponent. She felt reasonably confident in being able to do this. It was easy, and she had the strength. It was basic. Easy to handle. And at the very least, Gloria seemed like she was being friendly with her. It paid to be nice--at least, it seemed like it so far for the most part in her very young career.

It helped that her opponent was gorgeous too. It was a bit more encouragement for Sakata to give it her all. She pushed back with her mighty strength, sending Gloria back a few steps. Aika nearly gasped in surprise, looking thrilled with her success before narrowing her brow and looking more determined. She had done the thing, but she wasn't necessarily sure what there was to do after this though, so she just kept pushing.

Then she couldn't push further. Gloria has began to push right back at her, making Steel squeak in worry, but maintained the same amount of force, trying not to let there be any give. Aika had managed to do so good right now that she was determined to not let it go to waste. But the compliment Gloria paid her did cause Sakata to look legitimately grateful--perhaps the very first compliment she had received in a wrestling match.

She nearly melted, her focus being pushed aside as she said in a tone that was quite warm, "Thank you." She was pushed back a step, but Sakata didn't seem to mind. Maybe there was a way that Aika might be able to do well in this match. Maybe she could figure out this wrestling thing. With a compliment like that, she felt confident, perhaps, for the first time ever in the ring.

She didn't even notice her arm was being pushed up until suddenly her gaze wasn't on the beautiful woman in front of her, and that said woman was already slipping behind Aika. Alarmed, Sakata began to panic, but she felt Kildahl already wrapping her arms around her. "W-what!?" exclaimed Steel, the taller girl feeling Gloria's hard body up against her own as she attempted to do something to break free. She tried to wriggle out of it and give a tug to those hands.

But the waistlock takedown sent Aika's bigger form up into the air and then flat down on the match with a yell, followed by a groan at the less-than-comfortable landing. Hitting the mat hard with Gloria's weight still atop her, she attempted to struggle her way out, wanting to scramble before feeling that strong arm around her neck.

All of that confidence went away double quick. She was lost. Absolutely flummoxed on what to do or her position here. Aika let out strained whines, trying to drag herself out from under Kildahl, but her form was good. "Shoot..." said Sakata, groaning as she tried to pry Kildahl's arm off her neck to little success. And the best she could do was rise her upper-half off the mat and make enough room for her to breathe by tugging down Gloria's arm ever so slightly, groaning out loud with her free hand planted on the mat.

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