Towering over Aika as she whimpered on the ground, Leila would sneer cruelly down at the woman past the valley of her big breasts, showing very little mercy in her dark eyes. "You're not looking for a fight?" Leila asked, repeating Aika's plea. "You walked into my ring and tried to tell me what to do. I don't care if you came looking for a fight; you're in one now!" A wicked smile would then spread across Leila's face. "And it's a fight I'm gonna end!"
The schoolgirl fighter would then reach down for Aika's hair so she could forcibly drag the wounded woman back onto her feet. If Leila managed that, she would then let out a grunt of effort as she tried to lift the heavyweight right off her feet and into the air! Flipping Aika upside down, Leila would then tuck the woman's legs under her arms and stuff her face in-between her thicc thighs. Once that was done, Leila would drop to her knees, spiking Aika's head into the mat, while at the same time dropping her massive ass on her face, crushing her head between the two! This was Leila's finisher, the Booty Bomber! Debuting it on the LAW stage for the first time, the bully would aim to KO Aika in a big and humiliating way!
Booty Bomber