Watering Down the Fragrance: Camalette Faucher Vs. Erika (D)

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Watering Down the Fragrance: Camalette Faucher Vs. Erika (D)

Unread post by Epicsnivy »

Standard Match
Camalette Faucher Vs. Erika
Win via Pinfall, Submission, Disqualification or Countout
Camalette Faucher
Who in the world thinks its a good idea to make someone's first match against Camalette Faucher. Whoever made that decision had to be a low class idiot. Needless to say, Camalette was not too happy about being booked as a debut opponent for someone. The only good thing she thinks could come from this would be a nice, dominant win, a real statement for her against LAW and it's poor bozos. Clad in her pink gown, Camalette finished applying her makeup. From what she saw of her opponent Erika, she at least knew how to dress nice, better then 95% of the talent she has met in LAW, though obviously not as good as her.

Soon enough, The LAW Official gave Camalette the notice that the match was about to start, and the process of putting Erika into jobber hell was about to take place.

The arena became clad in purple light, and a red carpet was rolled down by stage hands between the stage and the ring. Out came Camalette to a chorus of boos from the LAW audience who just dislikes her attitude, but Camalette never cared about the opinion of those heathens. She made her way down the ring, and then walked up the steel steps. She then went underneath the middle rope and headed to her corner.

The music stopped and the lighting turned back to normal, as Camalette took off her coat to reveal her leotard underneath as she waited for her opponent to come out.
Last edited by Epicsnivy on Thu Mar 09, 2023 3:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Watering Down the Fragrance: Camalette Faucher Vs. Erika (D)

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Wrestling Attire
So this was it, Erika's debut. And whoever decided to make it a standard match either greatly overestimated Erika's ability, or just liked seeing cute girls suffer. Erika was hardly the buffest character and the only positive attribute that could be used in a match was her somewhat decent agility. Not that anybody knew that because, well, nobody knew who Erika even was. So as the lights died down and the announcer, who had to mouth how to say her name twice before actually doing it, the ring was almost deathly silent as nobody knew whether to cheer or boo. There was no music either, as nobody knew her and anted to let them use her music as an entrance theme, and she had no idea most people even used one.

After a few moments hesitation, she walked towards the ring nervously, the crowd looking at her with visible confusion. Her walk up took a good deal longer than Camalette's, but she didn't know. Eventually, she got to the ring and clumsily slipped through the ropes, doing a comical roll on the mat. She got up swiftly and darted to her corner quickly, as the referee tapped her wrist as if to say she was late, which she kind of was.

The few lights that lit up her walkway went out, and soon all eyes was on the ring. The crowd already had an idea of how this match would go, and so did Erika. She smiled at Camalette and put her right hand forward, hoping her opponent would show a little respect, and not mock her for her rather pathetic first impression. "Nice to meet you" She said with a smile on her face and a bright blush to match.

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Re: Watering Down the Fragrance: Camalette Faucher Vs. Erika (D)

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Camalette looked at Erika clumsily entering the ring, as the disdainful glare went away for a small chuckle. This is the type of person they thought would be a good idea to debut against her. She feels really disrespected, but also can't help but find amusement in how lowly her opponent was. Anyways, she wanted to get this over with.

"I would rather not had met a heathen like you." Camalette retorted, as she rolled her wrists ready for the match to begin "That blush will become tears by the time I'm done with you. Make sure to scream loudly."




And then the match was ready to begin, and Camalette headed to the center of the ring, and motioned for a Collar and Elbow Tie Up. "Come on you Heathen, People like me do not have time for people like you." Camalette said.

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Re: Watering Down the Fragrance: Camalette Faucher Vs. Erika (D)

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There as no going back no. She was in the ring, her opponent was there, and the bell had just gone. She had to somehow beat this woman using her own strength, or wits. She limbered up the best she could, and then walked forwards. She had thankfully watched a few bouts before getting brought up to do her debut, so she knew what Camalette wanted. She agreed to the collar and elbow tie up, planting her feet roughly on the ground to use what little strength she did have to endure the upcoming offense from her opponent.

"I most certainly did not want this... either..." Erika grunted with her French accent, her face already sweating from the effort needed just to keep Camalette at bay. She decided to try a risky move and swing her opponent to her right, trying to send her to the floor.

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Re: Watering Down the Fragrance: Camalette Faucher Vs. Erika (D)

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Camalette tussled with Erika for a bit. She could feel that Erika was actually afraid, she had no confidence in herself. Someone like this should not be in a wrestling ring at all. Camalette became slightly angrier by this.

So when Erika attempted one of the wimpiest Irish Whips Camalette has ever seen or felt, Camalette attempted to reverse it and through Erika towards the ropes. If that worked, Camalette would wait for Erika to rebound off the ropes towards her.

And then Camalette would give Erika lariat for her troubles.

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Re: Watering Down the Fragrance: Camalette Faucher Vs. Erika (D)

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Unsurprisingly, her pathetic attempt at an Irish wimp was brushed off as if a fly had landed on her. Erika was effortlessly thrown to the ropes, bounced off like a bouncy castle, and got hammered by a lariat to the neck, sending her dropping to the floor like a tonne of bricks. Completely outclassed as she was, she knew she had no chance of winning, but tried her best anyway. She tried shuffling to the ropes as fast as she could and grabbed one, panting for breath.

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Re: Watering Down the Fragrance: Camalette Faucher Vs. Erika (D)

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Camalette nailed Erika with the Lariat, nearly taking her opponent's head off in the promise. She looked down in disappointment at Erika, she is really gonna crumple this early. Camalette knew she needed to beat her down even more right now.

Seeing Erika crawl like a coward towards the ropes, Camalette wanted to put a stop to her tracks. She walked over to the slowly crawling Erika, until she was standing over her.

Camalette would then attempt a Hip Drop over Erika's back, hoping to keep this coward from running any further.

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Re: Watering Down the Fragrance: Camalette Faucher Vs. Erika (D)

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Erika groaned loudly once the hip drop connected. Now she just wanted to get this match over with. She looked around for something to try and do, as the audience left by its droves. Even the referee looked bored stiff, just looking at Erika with her cold eyes. Half of her body wanted to give up too, but she made one last effort to do something.

She got herself up, and moved away from Camalette, panting, before then trying to drop kick her in the chest. If this somehow worked, she would push Cam into a corner and give her some knees in the stomach to weaken her.

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Re: Watering Down the Fragrance: Camalette Faucher Vs. Erika (D)

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Camalette just sneered down at Erika, she really looked like she was about to quit this early. What a waste of time, Camalette thought to herself. She could have spent developing a fashion shoot or wrestling a much better opponent, but instead LAW decided to waste her time with this BS.

"Stop wasting my time and get up, you waste of air." Camalette said before she attempted to approach Erika.

But then she got suddenly got dropkicked in the chest by Erika. "GAH!" She said as the force of the dropkick pushed her into a corner.

Still stunned from the sudden dropkick, Camalette was not expecting the knees from Erika. "AH!" She cried out after every knee before falling to a seated position.

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Re: Watering Down the Fragrance: Camalette Faucher Vs. Erika (D)

Unread post by FreshBritishSalmon »

Shockingly enough, Erika's last ditch effort had actually worked! The crowd exploded into roars of encouragement all of a sudden as Camalette fell on the floor with a thud. Erika came over to the grounded woman and put her foot on her shoulder, trying to push her to the floor. "Now who is the waste of air?" She remarked, to the amusement of the audience.

If Camalette was laid on her back after Erika pushed her down, she would quickly go in for a stinkface, trying to finish off the cocky fashionista quickly.

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