Mio Hayasaka vs. Mura Mitsuko - An action-packed middleweight bout

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Re: Mio Hayasaka vs. Mura Mitsuko - An action-packed middleweight bout

Unread post by Zeva »

Where plans and deception had failed, unfiltered rage seemed to be working. The public was bursting with emotion thanks to Mura's savagery, while, on the other hand, the referee was debating whether to intervene or not. No rules had yet been broken, but those closed-fist blows aimed at the face were too dangerous and not very sporty.

Are you happy? you made me lose my fucking shit?! She yelled after one of her punches connected. Mura wasn't going to stop any time soon, but seeing the sturdy defense of Mio, she would try to put her off base, grabbing Mio's shoulder with one hand to push her to the corner, while with the other she continued to chain punches.
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Re: Mio Hayasaka vs. Mura Mitsuko - An action-packed middleweight bout

Unread post by PrinceArjuna332 »

Mio made sure to protect her face from Mura's barrage of punches. Then, she was dragged towards the corner even as she continued taking all those hits. Gritting her teeth, Mio tried to stop Mura by lashing out one of her arms at her, hoping to ward her away. Still, all those strikes seemed to have left her disoriented and hurt, leaving herself vulnerable to whatever her opponent would do next.

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Re: Mio Hayasaka vs. Mura Mitsuko - An action-packed middleweight bout

Unread post by Zeva »

The flurry of punches was stopped by Mio's arm, but far from interrupting her attack, Mura took advantage of the situation to grab that arm and throw her opponent towards the farthest corner, ready to run after her, aiming to jump and use the full weight of her body against Mio.
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Re: Mio Hayasaka vs. Mura Mitsuko - An action-packed middleweight bout

Unread post by PrinceArjuna332 »

Mio managed to stop the flurry of punches from Mura, but Mura then grabbed her arm before sending her running towards the turnbuckle. Hitting the turnbuckle, Mio grimaced in pain before she saw Mura coming towards her. Unable to move away, she took the whole weight of her opponent, sandwiched between her opponent's body and the turnbuckle!


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