Rule: Victory is gained by way of tap-out or knock-out via smother.
The wide-world of L.A.W was a massive, often times scary place, a place where people almost seemed to look for any excuse they could use to snap another person in half, that being said, it wasn't all that hard to make a good friend along the way...! For Gil and Sky, they had been friends for the better-part of both of their careers, but, they had never once stepped into the ring with each-other, not as team-mates, not as foes, not on a mat to train, not even a simple arm-wrestling contest...! But that was all going to change tonight...!
"...The Brawling Puppet, huh...! Well brawl this, Sky...!" Gil shot her hips out to no-one as she paced around a mostly empty locker-room, the few people who were sat waiting for their matches, or had already had their matches, were too focused on something else to pay Gil any mind...! "...Yeah, good luck getting through that, it would be like punching pillows, you'll never get through my ultimate defense...!" Gil mocked an evil laugh, but then sighed. She was nervous, uncommon for Gil, she had plenty of times where she had butterflies swimming in her stomach, but something was different this time around, but she couldn't really spot what it might be...
"...For our first contender in tonight's contest of smother-y might, we have the Smother Princess herself, The Great Armagilooooooooo...!"

That feeling still was swimming about inside her... She wasn't scared, Sky wouldn't hurt her, despite her reputation. Well, not too bad, and she wouldn't do it intentionally, anyway...! Maybe it was because she was her friend? But that couldn't be it, she had gone against plenty of people she considered friends... Well, whatever, it would sort itself out, either way, her excitement of facing off against Sky was far more weighty than her strange feeling of nervousness...! "...Come and get it, Sky...!" She giggled, bouncing up-and-down in her corner as she waited for her friend to come out...!