Don't Smother Your Friends; Gil "Arma-Gil-O" Vs. Skylar Jones

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Don't Smother Your Friends; Gil "Arma-Gil-O" Vs. Skylar Jones

Unread post by Arista »

Match type: Smother match.
Rule: Victory is gained by way of tap-out or knock-out via smother.

The wide-world of L.A.W was a massive, often times scary place, a place where people almost seemed to look for any excuse they could use to snap another person in half, that being said, it wasn't all that hard to make a good friend along the way...! For Gil and Sky, they had been friends for the better-part of both of their careers, but, they had never once stepped into the ring with each-other, not as team-mates, not as foes, not on a mat to train, not even a simple arm-wrestling contest...! But that was all going to change tonight...!

"...The Brawling Puppet, huh...! Well brawl this, Sky...!" Gil shot her hips out to no-one as she paced around a mostly empty locker-room, the few people who were sat waiting for their matches, or had already had their matches, were too focused on something else to pay Gil any mind...! "...Yeah, good luck getting through that, it would be like punching pillows, you'll never get through my ultimate defense...!" Gil mocked an evil laugh, but then sighed. She was nervous, uncommon for Gil, she had plenty of times where she had butterflies swimming in her stomach, but something was different this time around, but she couldn't really spot what it might be...

"...For our first contender in tonight's contest of smother-y might, we have the Smother Princess herself, The Great Armagilooooooooo...!"
With that, Gil skipped out from backstage, her music blasting, the pink-hues of light, the crowd roaring, her stomach swirling...! She smiled and in typical Gil fashion, took an ungodly amount of time actually getting to the ring, stopping for one too many selfies, and her song neared it's end by the time she actually was off the ramp...! "...Let's kick some booty...!" She screamed to the crowing before slipping under the bottom-most rope and jumping around the ring...!

That feeling still was swimming about inside her... She wasn't scared, Sky wouldn't hurt her, despite her reputation. Well, not too bad, and she wouldn't do it intentionally, anyway...! Maybe it was because she was her friend? But that couldn't be it, she had gone against plenty of people she considered friends... Well, whatever, it would sort itself out, either way, her excitement of facing off against Sky was far more weighty than her strange feeling of nervousness...! "...Come and get it, Sky...!" She giggled, bouncing up-and-down in her corner as she waited for her friend to come out...!

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Re: Don't Smother Your Friends; Gil "Arma-Gil-O" Vs. Skylar Jones

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"Aaaaand her opponent, from Perry, Iowa, weighing in at 162 pounds, the Brawling Puppet, SKYLARRRRRRRR JOOOOOOONES!!!!!!"

Skylar came down the ramp to a chorus of cheers and jeers, wearing a grin. There was a certain look in her eyes as she approached the ring, rocking her head back and forth to her music. She was excited for this match. Gil was someone she'd been friends with since she first arrived at LAW, but the two had never met in the ring, and tonight that would be rectified.
Skylar climbed onto the ring apron, gripping the top rope and jumping over into the ring. She approached Gil, and threw her arms around her friend in a tight hug. "Great to see you, Gil! Let's have a good match, a'right?" She grinned, before stepping back into her corner, pointing two finger guns at her opponent. "Hope ya know what you signed up forrrrr~!" She teased in a sing-song tone.

Last edited by Deskfan45 on Tue May 03, 2022 3:37 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Don't Smother Your Friends; Gil "Arma-Gil-O" Vs. Skylar Jones

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"...Eek...! This is so exciting...!" Gil bounced in place as she watched her friend, the Brawling Puppet come down the ramp! She shared a moment with her, bobbing her head along with her as Skylar neared the ring! She really only hoped Sky had no intentions of 'breaking her pretty face', surely she wouldn't get that wound up, she hoped...!

Sky cleared the top rope and stepped closer, Gil extended her arms out and so did Skylar as they both fell into each others arms, great minds must have thought alike...! "...I'm so happy to see you in the ring...!" Gil held tight, she knew it wouldn't be the last time she saw Sky, she hoped to have more and more time spent with her, as despite their conflicting ways-of-operating, they got along very well...! "...You got it, I'll make it as much fun you could ever have in this ring, well, close, no blood, hopefully...!" Gil giggled, stepping back!

"...Oh, I know full well what I signed up for, I hope you know who you're up against...!" She swirled in place, quickly, but not too quick, allowing Sky to a get a look at her backside! "...Keep your eyes up here though, at-least for now, I know you'll be drooling over my butt soon enough...!" She stuck her tongue out at Sky...!


With the start of the match, Gil played cautiously, she studied must of her opponents enough, and by study, she mostly just watched their matches, but she didn't really take notes or anything, and with someone like Sky, who found herself in some of L.A.W's most intense feuds and bouts, Gil could almost not really bare to watch them, so she wanted to feel things out before she struck...! "...So, Iowa, huh...?" Gil laughed nervously, circling the ring, keeping light on her feet, not wanting to make a mistake...!

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Re: Don't Smother Your Friends; Gil "Arma-Gil-O" Vs. Skylar Jones

Unread post by Deskfan45 »

Skylar circled Gil with a menacing toothy grin. She adored this girl, but that didn't mean she was gonna play nice. She'd beat Gil down like any other opponent, and hug her after.

"Yup, that's where I'm from. Fun fact, there are more pigs than people. And a lotta the people are pigs. Yeah, we gotta lotta pigs. Sky joked, before stepping towards Gil suddenly in an effort to make her flinch. If this succeeds, she laughs, before coming in for a collar and elbow tie up.

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Re: Don't Smother Your Friends; Gil "Arma-Gil-O" Vs. Skylar Jones

Unread post by Arista »

Gil chuckled, the feeling was mutual, she looked up to Sky in a strange way, she didn't approve of a-lot of the things she did, and on paper, the two seem like an very unlikely pair-of-friends, but nevertheless, the two bonded rather quickly!

A quick step forward from Sky made Gil flinch just for half a second, then a burning pink blush came over her face with a half-smile. She wasn't exactly 'afraid' of Sky, but she knew the kinds of things she could do in the ring, and she knew while there was no bad blood that should make things too nasty between the two, she also was sure that Sky was not the kind to go easy on anyone...!

Sky initiated a collar-and-elbow tie-up, just some wrestling basics that Gil was severely lacking in. "...So what's next, are you going to kiss me...?" Gil teased with a giggle, just what she needed to get into her game, as she had no intentions of giving Sky any special treatment either, except for maybe one or two custom smothers...!

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Re: Don't Smother Your Friends; Gil "Arma-Gil-O" Vs. Skylar Jones

Unread post by Deskfan45 »

Skylar locked up with Gil, trying to feel out how much strength the skinnier girl had. When Gil teased her, Sky blushed slightly, but maintained her usual grin. "Mmmm, sure~!" She smirked, before pulling Gil in for a kiss. The crowd went wild as she pressed their lips together for a good ten seconds. When Sky was done, she broke the kiss, grabbed her opponent's shoulders, and with all her strength...
If this was a success, Skylar grins, the audience in awe of her strength. She bowed to them, before approaching Gil, and kneeling on her stomach, trying to torment her downed foe!

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Re: Don't Smother Your Friends; Gil "Arma-Gil-O" Vs. Skylar Jones

Unread post by Arista »

Much to Gil, and everyone else's surprise, Sky would take Gil up on her joke of an offer, and pulled her in tight to a kiss...! Gil was shocked frozen at first, her hands hovered at Sky's sides and her eyes widened, but soon enough, she found herself not fighting back, but rather going along with it! Her hands moved down Sky's sides to her hips, Gil gave her a little tug and pulled her closer, she could really- Wait, what was happening...?!

Before Gil could break out from the kiss on her own, Sky broke it herself, and then, rather rudely, used an ungodly amount of strength and threw Gil across the ring!

"...Oof!" Gil hit the mat crudely and rolled like a dented in metal trash can before her back slammed into the bottom of the turnbuckle. She flopped onto her back, her chest heaving with heavy labored breathes...! But Gil wasn't about to catch a break, no, Sky had other plans, kneeling down onto her belly! "...G-get off ya big ding dong...!" Gil whined and weakly bucked about as a way to deter Sky...!

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