Brianna Mendez vs Kana Kasama: Best Of 3 Falls Match

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Re: Brianna Mendez vs Kana Kasama: Best Of 3 Falls Match

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Brianna had left her position and gone from posing triumphantly at the top of the ladder to descending rapidly and dangerously towards nearly defenseless woman half her size. The tanned heavyweight was poised to land on top of a topless Kana perpendicular to her. The crowd roared with concern and support for Kasama. And the heat of the moment, she answered with the only counter she could think of: raised knees.

Brianna hadn't even processed the fact that Kana raised her knees up until the point of impact. She focused on the execution of her finished. The 200 pound woman came down hard and fast from a high altitude. Despite the fact that Kana's knees dug into her frame, she crushed the girl all the same. The Frog Splash hit so hard that the recoil from the impact pushed Bri off Kana momentarily. Mendez let out an uninterested "Hmm" as she brushed her ribs and core, seemingly completely unfazed by Kana's knees. She'd roll her back onto her unconscious lightweight foe's chest and casually hook Kasama's leg to try and seal the deal, tonight with a dominant win!

"Talk trash about me again and I'll break you, runt." Bri said in a harsh tone as the referee moved in to begin a slow count. The official give a signal to the medics before starting, hoping to see Kana get the first aide she so desperate needed after the match.


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Re: Brianna Mendez vs Kana Kasama: Best Of 3 Falls Match

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Kana's plan seemed to fail as she felt the heaviest and highest splash she had ever taken in her career nearly drive the life out of her. The ring became indented underneath the two as Kana took the brunt of the force being squished like a bug between Bri and the mat. She would only be awake because of the pain she was feeling in her body but that didn't stop her defiance. The silver haired girl was now being dumb as she laid there and let out a groan as the tanned woman rolled on top of her for a simple leg hook pin.

"Ughh.... Your... Your... So Heavy... Too. Heavy..." Kana would say in slow and pained groans. Although they were slow and pained, they were defiant and stupid as Bri specifically said that if kana were to speak trash again, she would be broken. Kana didn't care about that at this point though, the match was basically over. Kana was unable to move after the devastating splash but that didn't stop her mouth from running off. "If I were your size... I would be fighting girls my own size... Not being some entertainer who squashes smaller girls." Kana would say as the ref hit the mat three times.

The bell would ring solidifying Bri's victory. That stung more than the splash as Kana laid there. Now she was really pissed. She would start hurling insults at Bri left and right trying to go after every insecurity the tanned heavyweight had. "You're nothing but a freakshow to these people... They enjoy violence. at least I'm pretty! They find me attractive and easy to watch while you... Your just a brute who feed's there desire for action and violence..." Kana would be digging herself a deep grave as she kept spouting out at the mouth to Brianna. The medics were now in the ring and surrounding both girls hoping Brianna would get up and allow them to check on Kana.
Last edited by shanecawf_2.0 on Mon Feb 26, 2018 6:00 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Brianna Mendez vs Kana Kasama: Best Of 3 Falls Match

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Just like that, Brianna would pick up the win. The referee, through a face and posture of disapproval, begrudgingly starting a count. No one in the stadium suspected that Kana might endure the splash off the ladder and remain in the match, and she didn't. While she didn't seem to move beneath Bri, she did manage to run her mouth. Despite the fact that Mendez picked up the second fall with blatant overkill and ease, and therefore earning the victory in the match overall, didn't seem to bring her much joy at all. In fact, the blonde heavyset heavyweight seemed to frown and slip into a silent rage when the count advanced from two to three.

Bri would begin to rise to her feet. Her theme song would play soon after the bell rang, celebrating her win, but she wasn't celebrating. Instead, she'd look down at the worn, defeated lightweight and flare her nostrils before looking down at her angrily. Despite being in this state, Kana made every effort to poke fun at the woman's insecurities - a far cry from what one would expect fro a cute face like her wrestler like her. Brianna didn't ask for this match. LAW's usual matches didn't restrict wrestlers to only fight in their weight class. But after succumbing to rage and emotion, Bri couldn't be bothered with such logic.

"I told you to shut up. What happens now. It's all on you." The dark skinned heavyweight said in a low, ominous tone before lifting her foot and raining down dozens of stomps all over Kana's chest and midsection! The production crew would cut her music immediately as Bri went at it, softening up Kana for well over 30 seconds! The referee would begin to admonish the heavyweight, and when she did, Bri would glare at her and step towards her, prompting the official to run and roll under the bottom rope to escape. The blonde would then then run her fingers through her hair and turn towards the ladder she had set up. In the same tone, she'd begin justifying her actions whilst folding up the ladder.

"You think I'm a violent freakshow. You think these people will cheer for you just because of your looks? You're shallow... She'd said while grabbing the collapsed ladder with both hands. Bri would lift it up high, nearly sliding it up until she had the bottom wrung of the ladder in her hands. She would bring it forwards and attempt to slam the steel fixture onto a downed Kana! If landed atop her, the ladder would rattle thunderously against her flesh and the audience would roar in exclamation and boos!

"Tell me, what's heavier? The weight of my frame pinning you for the 3 count, or THIS!"
Last edited by winner3 on Thu Mar 01, 2018 8:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Brianna Mendez vs Kana Kasama: Best Of 3 Falls Match

Unread post by shanecawf »

Kana would continue shooting off at the mouth with insults towards her dominant opponent. She would think of every mean thing to say under the sun, showing her cruel and nasty side that not many knew. "You're noting but a GWUHHH!" Kana's insults would be interrupted by a strong and cruel stomp followed by another... and another.

The stomps seemed to be never ending as the ref slowly came over to stop the overkill, unfortunately, it wasn't too hard for Brianna to get her way in this sort of situation easily scaring the ref off without words. All she had to do was take a step towards her before the ref quickly exited the ring leaving Brianna to free reign over Kana's fate.

Kana was breathless as the stomp session had knocked all the air out of her. Her body was slightly bruised making the fans look away as things only seemed to be getting worse. Kana would be unaware of Bri's plan as she stared up at the lights breathing heavily, gasping for air and wheezing. Kana would hear how Bri called her shallow and would try to lift her hands to show Bri her middle fingers but she was too weak at this point. All she could do was point her middle fingers out while not lifting her arms.

Kana would be fading in and out as she saw Bri standing above her with the latter high above the ground. Kana's eyes widened as she realized what was about to follow. "No!" Is all Kana could groan out before the latter was slammed onto her small body. The metal being cold and solid against her skin along with the force it was brought down with cause Kana to let out a loud and pained scream. She wouldn't even hear Brianna's question about weight difference as she was completely out of it. after a couple seconds of the pain, she would lose complete consciousness. Kana was now a twitching mess, laying in the ring. She had disrespected Bri to the point where she had to be dominated and with Kana's last act before the latter, It seemed she still hadn't learned her lesson.

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Re: Brianna Mendez vs Kana Kasama: Best Of 3 Falls Match

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And that was that. When the ladder slammed down atop Kana, everyone knew in the arena already assumed the worst. The poor, smaller girl was practically done for. Bri would smile and take her time slowly walking towards the antagonistic trash talker. She'd kick the ladder off of Kana to reveal the passed out, twiching mess of a wrestler that was left underneath. Brianna's handiwork was thorough. There was no doubt that Kasama would be remembering this beatdown for a long time.

"Yeah you're gonna be feeling that one for a while, I know." Mendez would say whilst nodding.

"But you're still probably not gonna remember to show me and anyone my size some respect. SO!" She would finish her statement with a delighted tone before putting her hands together and then squatting down to pick up a hurt Kana. Bri would lift the unconscious woman over one of her shoulders before making her way for the ropes. It took a little finesse, but the HIspanic Heavyweight would duck under the top rope with Bri in tow. The referee and other staff stood idly by, not wanting what happened to Kana to happen to them. Bri would begin to walk up the entrance ramp while carrying the topless, defeated wrestler, seemingly with the intention of continuing giving Kana her lesson in respect.

Winner 2 falls to 0: Brianna Mendez
:arrow_down_small:Links to stuff I wish more people would read:arrow_down_small:
General Wrestling Knowledge Primer <-- What's makes a face, a face? What does it mean to sell? And more

PPV Explanation / Explanation on Supercards <-- What does PPV stand for and why do we do them? What's the difference between a PPV Event and a Supercard

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