Tabitha vs Shego Wolf

Official Women's Wrestling matches take place here. There are multiple LAW Arenas throughout Japan, each offering different shows/rings
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Tabitha vs Shego Wolf

Unread post by LawHell »

Tabitha Vs Shego Wolf
Match type: Erotic Hentai Match.
Match Win condition: Frist to 5 forced orgasms of their opponent.
Match unique rule: No rope brakes, KO does not count as a win condition. (Unless the referee sees it as a medical emergency.)

The ring is custom built It has 4 sets of ropes but the ring itself is 1/3 smaller than the standard ring size with the floor is a tad softer material than a standard ring type thou with the law logo still.
Shego's Appearance
Appearance: As in the photo. Artwork credit to vexedzero.
Shego would soon make her way into the dressing room to take a quick shower, already she could hear the fans from the outside entering the building and talking as the venue played music with their busy stands working selling food and LAW merchandise to them as the event was definitely fired up as this was an +18 pulse match, Shego would take her time washing before coming out and drying off before she would start to put on her makeup along with a new coat of nail polish on her hands and feet, she would soon get moisturizer ensuring her skin was soft as she would listen to some music enjoying getting ready for the match to come with her new opponent Tabitha, Shego had done the research on Tabitha and see this woman was all about this match style only making Shego more ready, at this point she did not care if she won or lost because for her this match was just for fun though she was going to give this woman a run for her money.

Soon when Shego was already she would go over to the hangers grabbing her outfit soon slipping into it and sorting it out to ensure the suit sat right on her body to show off everything for her opponent and the fans, last Shego would add her gloves and foot guards before there was a knock on the door with a staff member letting her know it was time for her to make her way out, Shego would soon follow the person before getting to the ramp waiting for her song to start, when it was playing out the fans would cheer as the screens would play her winning moments as Shego would make her way down the ramp meeting fans, Shego would get into the ring soon going to her side and would wait for her opponent though she would show to them all.

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Re: Tabitha vs Shego Wolf

Unread post by ApartBadge9937 »

The lights went dark as the area went quite you could the sounds of heavy footsteps then you saw a big woman outline appear then the lights flashed back on the reveal Image

Tabitha!!!! she would walk down the ramp and let her fans enjoy the views especially the ones in the back. She made it the ring and went in the custom ring. She gave her big booty a smack and jiggle. She looked down at her soon to be broken seat.

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Re: Tabitha vs Shego Wolf

Unread post by LawHell »

Shego's jaw dropped seeing the woman walk down the rap followed by the spank on her ass causing lick her lips before making her way over to Tabitha with a grin. "Please say I get to have my hands and mouth on the impressive ass of yours." She would ask checking her out and making no effort to hide it from the bigger opponent.

Shego would wait for an answer as the fans would cheer at both of them as they would size each other up waiting for the ref and then the bell to ring, Shego felt she had a good chance but she was still smaller than her opponent. "You should meet Harper she's a tad taller I think you would enjoy her but it my turn first and I'm going make you look so good out cold under my feet woman haha"[/colour] would comment with a flirting tone towards Tabitha.

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