The Corsair and the rising star: Mandy Cannons VS. Alice Charlston

Official Women's Wrestling matches take place here. There are multiple LAW Arenas throughout Japan, each offering different shows/rings
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Re: The Corsair and the rising star: Mandy Cannons VS. Alice Charlston

Unread post by MappleMan7 »


The crowd exploded into a roar of jeers and boos as the ref took Mandy's hand and raised it high, the corsair letting out a loud and frankly maniacal laugh as she soaked in her first victory... against somebody waaaay smaller than her. The crass corsair really couldn't care though as she turned to head out of the ring- leaving the arena's medical team to scramble in and get the poor rookie to the infirmary after that nasty cut in her head... one thing was certainly clear after tonight: Mandy wasn't screwing around anymore.
Winner by Pinfall: Mandy Cannons

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